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Why Are Long Tail Keywords Important?

What are long tail keywords and why are they important? At their most basic description, long tail keywords are actually phrases that contain up to five words, sometimes more. While not quite as important as single keywords, they are beneficial in driving traffic to websites and clarifying searches for users. How do they work?

Keywords can be short, such as one word, or consist of three or more words such as found in a brief search phrase. Learning how and when to use each can help boost your content and give it more chances of being seen and rank higher in search engine results.

What exactly are long tail keywords?

Because long tail keywords contain more than a single word, they offer more specific searching options for users over single keywords, but at the same time, are typically lower in search volume. However, the specificity of long tail keywords are effective in targeting searches. For example, consider a search for chicken recipes.

Keywords can be basic, such as simply typing in ‘chicken recipes’ into a search bar, or more specific such typing in ‘organic chicken recipes’, but a long tail keyword phrase such as ‘how to make organic chicken recipes from scratch’ provides a specific concept that a user is searching for.

A broad keyword is one that incorporates a single keyword search such as mattress, dog food, or artwork, while the long tail keyword seeks to identify exactly what a potential user or buyer is looking for. While single keywords may rank higher initially, using more detailed search queries often shortens overall searches and pays off in the greater chance of specifically targeting a product, service, or information that a user is looking for.

Using long tail keywords

Just because long tail keywords may enhance specificity, it’s important to use them correctly when developing website content. You don’t want every keyword to be long tailed. The popularity and general usage of specific keywords containing one to two words such as mystery books or dog food or mattresses will result in hundreds of results. Long tail keywords effectively narrow down searches so that potential customers are able to more quickly zero in on their targets, thereby aiding visibility and potential attraction of target audiences.

Long tail keyword phrases and correct usage is effective in boosting organic search engine queries and enables your target audience to find you faster rather than having to wade through pages of search engine results. Long tail keywords are also effective in increasing your ranking for relevant searches.

Determining long tail keywords

A number of free keyword research tools are available online, offering different wording for both short and medium to long tail keyword options, search volume for those words or phrases, and so forth.

Balance is key when developing website or blog or even informational content. Remember that sprinkling a mixture of short, medium, and long tail keywords into your content can enhance your SEO strategies for optimal success. Craig Cooper SEO in Indianapolis is definitely a company to check out for seo strategy success.

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