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What you should know about an Overbite

Among other malocclusions that require the services of an orthodontist, an overbite is very significant. Patients may develop some health and psychological conditions following an overbite. This is why you need early treatment. How long and what type of treatment an individual receives comes down to how severe the overbite is.

Defining an overbite

This is an orthodontic condition where the upper teeth and jaw sits excessively over the bottom teeth and jaw. Overbites are considered by dentists and orthodontists as a common malocclusion affecting people. There are two forms of an overbite: vertical and horizontal.

Where the upper teeth overhang on the lower teeth, it is known as a vertical overbite. As for horizontal overbite, which is often called an overjet, the upper teeth protrudes over the lower teeth.

Another classification of an overbite is the skeletal and dental types. When the teeth are positioned in the wrong place, it is called a dental overbite. The skeletal type of overbite is caused by the jaw. Children are commonly affected by overbites.

What is responsible for an overbite?

There are people whose jaws are not properly formed at birth – this later becomes asymmetrical jaws. Again, certain people may have jaws that are too small or one that’s too large. This too, can cause overcrowded teeth or wide gaps between teeth plus overbite, respectively. Let’s not also forget that an overbite may be passed on via the genes. This implies that if one’s parents experienced an overbite, they might likely face the same issue.

Environmental factors can also trigger overbite. In fact, very severe overbites are environment-borne than genetically transferred. When children above 5 years are constantly sucking their thumbs, fingers or using a dummy, they push their front teeth and bone outwards. This makes the upper teeth and jaw stretch forward to contain the tongue while the lower teeth and bone are pushed to the back by the fingers or dummy. To help the teeth and jaw grow normally, it is important to dissuade a child at the age of five from thumb sucking.

Does overbite happen only in childhood? No. Even teenagers and adults can develop this dental condition. Future cases of overbite can be triggered by habits including chewing on fingernails, pens, and pencils, or a lost tooth that wasn’t fully treated.

Getting an overbite treated with braces

Many cases of overbite can be treated with orthodontic appliances like braces. First, the dentist will evaluate your condition where x-rays will be taken to know the type of overbite and how the teeth and jaws come together. Next, the upper and lower teeth will be covered with braces.

The metal wire will make the teeth straight and align them. At the second phase of the braces treatment, the jaw will gradually be moved to the right position with elastics. The dentist will place the elastics on the brackets in a top-down position, or from front to back. This will shift both jaw and teeth. These elastics should be removed when you need to eat, drink or brush your teeth, and worn again. You should ensure to have the elastics on at all times to maintain the pressure that moves the teeth. Frequent aches in the teeth and jaw are caused by irregular wearing of the elastics.

To bring the braces treatment to an end, you will put on a retainer to ensure the teeth doesn’t return to its previous state.

Other alternatives to braces for overbite includes ceramic, lingual braces or Invisalign. These options are inconspicuous treatments. The orthodontist should be consulted first to know the treatment that will work best since some options may not be effective.

What is the best time to start treatment?

In the case of an overbite, early treatment is highly encouraged. The risk of teeth damage is more when you grind your teeth and clench your jaw. There are some types of overbite that won’t allow for easy teeth cleaning. This will increase the chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease.

Overbite can cause frequent headaches, migraines and pain in the jaw. These problems may begin to disappear in some patients once they start wearing braces.

How much time does it take to fix overbite using braces?

It will take a very long time for braces to correct an overbite that is deep. Sometimes, the patient may have other problems aside from overbite, which may include overcrowded teeth or misaligned teeth. Consequently, treatment may not be for only one problem.

Each case of overbite is unique, however, when the overbite is very serious, a patient may wear braces for a minimum of 24 months. After the braces are removed, retainers need to be worn to maintain the new position of the teeth.

Will an overbite be corrected with just braces?

Other treatments may come in to fix a chronic skeletal overbite. Patients may even need surgery for jaw straightening. In addition to braces, tooth extraction or surgery may be required. If this is the case, the orthodontist will refer you to a dentist to remove the tooth.

Surgery is not a common option for children and young adults as their teeth and jaws are still growing. This growth can enhance the function of the braces.

In treating children early, a palate expander may be used to create more space in the jaw for cases where the jaw is too small to house crowded teeth. Braces can work better in a large size jaw, and this eliminates the idea of tooth extraction.

Issues that come with an overbite

Most times, parents of children who have an overbite do realise that their children should see an orthodontist. More frequently, kids experiencing overbite get early orthodontic care than when they have other issues because the condition affects their health and psychology.

Correcting an overbite is not a cosmetic dental procedure

Getting treated for an overbite is far from being cosmetic work. This is because the condition is capable of triggering other issues. People often experience health issues together with an overbite. While certain persons may link the two conditions, others may notice them separately after treatment or upon request by the orthodontist.

Some very common problems overbite can cause include:

  • Headaches: Since the jaw does not have a proper alignment in an overbite, people with the condition experience headaches and migraines. The muscle that joins the skull and jaw releases pressure upon the bottom jaw, which squeezes the joint and bone of the skull. Since the sinus is linked to the jaw muscles, if the jaw is not balanced, it will lead to sore throats and infect the sinus.
  • Bruxism and jaw clenching: At night, an overbite patient is likely to grind their teeth (bruxism) and press their jaw together. The result is a pain in the joint and wearing down of the teeth. Before getting treatment, the dentist will ask that you wear a retainer during sleep to keep the teeth safe in the meantime.
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder: Also known as TMJ, this is one common effect an overbite presents. We can talk, eat, smile and do a number of things with our face because there’s a joint that links the cheekbone and jaw bone on both sides of the face. This is known as the temporomandibular joint. People experience pain in the jaw, front ear pain, locked jaw, and a click sound when opening the mouth or eating when they have TMJ.
  • Pain in the neck: Since the neck and jaw have a close connection, where the jaw is misaligned, it can cause pain in the neck or shoulder. Temporary relief for neck pain can be physiotherapy, but a more permanent solution is jaw straightening.

It can cause a change in face structure

In the case of a deep overbite, the shape of a patient’s face doesn’t remain the same. Here, the chin recedes, the face appears shorter, rounder and older. However, the position of the chin can be corrected to appear normal with the help of orthodontics. When that happens, the chin is plumped, and the face has a narrow and long appearance.

It can cause speech impairment

Lisping is another problem associated with an overbite. This makes speaking difficult and unclear to understand. When the overbite is corrected, the inability to speak clearly will be fixed.

How does an overbite affect children psychologically?

Having front teeth that are protruding is a dental disorder that is noticeable. Children can be taunted when they have protruded teeth. And this can lower their self-esteem. Most parents take their children to the orthodontist for early treatment before they get teased at school.

It Can increases the risk of teeth injury

When a person has an overbite, they stand a higher chance of developing teeth injury. This is because the upper teeth are more exposed to accidents during sports, a fall or playing. When braces are used to correct an overbite, these risks are reduced, and the teeth are safe.

Get a zero-cost obligation assessment

Have you or your child got an overbite? Are you even having symptoms? Don’t wait until it is too late before seeking treatment. Feel free to schedule an appointment with us at SmileWorksDental.Co.Uk . Our orthodontists will examine the condition to see whether orthodontic treatment is what you need. Call us today.

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