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Arts and Entertainment

What is the history of art? A brief discussion!

Knowing concepts about history of art helps people fond of any artistic branch enjoy the works, prevailing over the fact of seeing only the work without delving into their meaning, time, or place of creation. These people love signed prints famous artists and search for the best paintings like naturalism artwork for sale.

The greater understanding of a work of art in question means greater satisfaction experienced by those who contemplate it in-depth, analyzing its historical context and meaning.

Are you wondering what the History of Art is? Well, we explain what the background of art is in this post. This way, you know how history arises in this activity for aesthetic expression.

How is art born?

Art is born as a form of aesthetic expression for human recreation, under a perspective of reality or a feeling manifested through beautiful types supported by matter, image, or sound for its creation.

To understand the art creation, it is enough to travel to Prehistory. History tells us those human-made paintings on canvas and objects decorated with naturalism were available thousands of years ago. There may be a few questions in your mind. For example,

  • How did the art originate?

  • Where did the art originate?

  • When did the art appear?

These are those common questions for those who do not know much about these origins.

The beginning of art goes back to the first artistic manifestations of the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic (40,000 years ago), through Homo Sapiens, as a pioneer of these expressions due to their intelligence endowment.

The origin of art has various sources of expression. Examples are painting, music, and sculpture, among other disciplines, consolidating from its beginnings, through the Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic, in the Stone Age, until it was consolidated in the Age of metals.

Brief History of Art

The history of art deals with artistic evolution through time. To know what history is about, in this area, one must resort to the definition of art history as that activity or product created by human beings, to transmit ideas or emotions, under anesthetic and communicative perspective, that gives a vision of the world, through plastic, sound, linguistic or mixed resources. An example is naturalism artwork for sale.

We can find the origin of the artwork in Prehistory. However, it is difficult to date which was the first work of art since archaeological remains never cease to be found that determine new avenues of research in the scientific and artistic fields. It also attracts lovers of artwork. They love signed prints of famous artists that confirm their interest in naturalism artwork for sale.

Throughout history, the experts have represented each stage, both locally and globally, through various paintings, sculptures, and musical works. 

As the centuries passed, disciplines such as fashion, gastronomy, and graphic and visual arts were also consolidated. These art forms gave rise to new modes of expression through advertising, animation, and video games, among other means of communication.

For all these reasons, the histography of naturalism artwork for sale is conceived as a multidisciplinary science. It has begun to be studied in depth during the Renaissance period, up to the present day.

What are the career opportunities in this subject?

Teaching and research have traditionally been the main job opportunities for art historians. Currently, the growing social interest in cultural issues and heritage offers new professional expectations to art historians. These are:

Work in art galleries:

In this sense, it is a space where art lovers buy and sell artwork. However, it will depend on you if it is something more. If you wish, you can set up your art gallery. In this gallery, you must pay attention to the merchandise (the art objects) and their creators (the artists).

Also, you can guide your profession as a collaborator in a gallery where you can take care of the exhibition, curate an exhibition, advise on the purchase and sale of works, develop exhibition projects, etc.

Specialize in Editorials:

In this case, you will be able to orient yourself well in specialized publications in specific sectors of art history as well as on digital platforms. In fact, through our online training, you can learn to use digital technology and create your blog with content on art and culture.

Advisor in art history:

On this occasion, you can provide your knowledge of the history of art, being able to specialize in the following professional activities:

  • Performing arts, audiovisual arts, naturalism artwork for sale, television, and advertising
  • Collectors of works of art.
  • National Police Corps.

Start working on historical, artistic, and architectural heritage.

If you like to focus your career on activities related to architectural heritage, you need to strengthen your skills in architecture and urban planning. In addition, it is highly recommended that you acquire some basic notions of architecture and drafting with computer programs. For example, in the urban field or report preparation and opinions on historic buildings and monuments, even as an art history expert.

Appraiser in works of art:

Another profession that suits you is to become an appraiser of works of art. It consists of knowing how to value and set the price of a work of art based on several factors, such as the date of its creation, the material with which it is made, the artist’s relevance, the state of conservation, the making of naturalism artwork for sale, etc.

You can work in insurance companies, notaries, experts, law firms, or the art market. This way, you can work as an appraiser in works of art.

Within this trade, there are multiple functions that you can perform. From a music concert to a painting exhibition, passing through a film festival or a conference on museums. There is also specialized training that deals with cultural management, and it is advisable to take to have greater preparation.

Thanks to the specialized training, you can guide your professional career to the job opportunity that you are most passionate about artwork including naturalism artwork for sale!

Study of the history of art

There are various tricks to studying art history. So, you can associate with each historical stage to understand its meaning.

Obtaining information on naturalism art for sale, in all its periods, since the beginning of art, is now possible through the Internet. However, it is common to find doubts when preparing art history for selectivity and knowing how to study for an exam. In these cases, you do not any other solution than to stick to the syllabus previously taught at the institutes.

Some want to study a specific subject quickly. However, we do not recommend it because the history of naturalism artwork for sale is immensely extensive. Another reason is that it delves into each stage, work, or element to be studied. However, you can find useful methods to study all the disciplines it covers. Furthermore, you can choose which one is the most attractive to focus on if desired.

Studying Art History globally to specialize professionally is possible through a degree in art history. It offers various professional opportunities, including teaching.

In any case, many institutions offer you a master’s degree in art history, complementary and advanced in different artistic disciplines. So, you can officially evaluate your learning in public examinations if you need it and complete your artistic knowledge or resort to training actions that allow you to access a job.

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