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What is meant by data aggregation?

Data aggregation companies are any process whereby data is gathered and expressed in a summary form. When data is aggregate, atomic data rows typically gathere from different sources are replace with totals or summary statistics. Groups of observed aggregates are replace with summary statistics base on those observations. Aggregate data is typically found in a data warehouse, as it can provide answer to analytical questions are also dramatically reduce the time to query large sets of data. Data aggregation is often use to provide statistical analysis for groups of people and to create useful summary data for business analysis. Aggregation is often done on a large scale, through software tools know as data aggregators. Data aggregators typically include features for collecting, processing, are presenting aggregate data.

What are the capabilities of data aggregation?

Data aggregators summarize data from multiple sources. They provide capabilities for multiple aggregate measurements, such as sum, average and counting. Examples of data aggregations include the following:

  • Voter turnout by state or county. Individual voter records are not present, just the vote totals by candidate for the specific region.
  • Average age of customer by product. Each individual customer is not identify, but for each product, the average age of the customer is saved.
  • Number of customers by country. Instead of examining each customer, a count of the customers in each country is presented.

Data aggregations can also result in a similar effect to data anonymization as individual data elements with personally identifiable details are combined and replaced with a summary representing a group as a whole. An example of this is creating a summary that shows the aggregate average salary for employees by department, rather than browsing through individual employee records with salary data. Aggregate data does not need to be numeric. You can, for example, count the number of any non-numeric data element.

What are the working steps of data aggregation done by workers?

Data aggregators work by combining atomic data from multiple sources, processing the data for new insights and presenting the aggregate data in a summary view. Furthermore, data aggregators usually provide the ability to track data lineage and can trace back to the underlying atomic data that was aggregates.

Collection. First, data aggregations tools may extract data from multiple sources, storing it in large databases as atomic data. The data may be extract from internet of things source, such as the following:

  • social media communications;
  • news headlines;
  • personal data and browsing history from IoT devices; and

Call centers, podcasts, etc.

Processing. Once the data is extract, it is processes. The data aggregator will identify the atomic data that is to be aggregates. The data aggregator may apply predictive analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning algorithms to the collected data for new insights. The aggregator then applies the specified statistical functions to aggregate the data.

Presentation. Users can present the aggregated data in a summarized format that itself provides new data. The statistical results are comprehensive and high quality.

Data aggregation may be performes manually or through the use of data aggregators. However, data aggregation is often performed on a large-scale basis, which makes manual aggregation less feasible. Furthermore, manual aggregation risks the accidental omission of crucial data sources and patterns.

Is data aggregations useful?

Data aggregations can be helpful for many disciplines, such as finance and business strategy decisions, product planning, product and service pricing, operations optimization, and marketing strategy creation. Users may be data analysts, data scientists, data warehouse administrators, and subject matter experts. Aggregated data is commonly used for statistical analysis to obtain information about particular groups are base on specific demographic or behavioral variables, such as age, profession, education level or income. For business analysis purposes, data can be aggregated into summaries which help leaders make well-inform decisions. User data can be aggregated from multiple sources, such as social media communications, browsing history from IoT devices and other personal data, to give companies critical insights into consumers.

How does data aggregation helpful?

Data aggregation is use to get summari dzeata for analytics. It helps provide statistical analysis for different objectives. Aggregation platforms take care of the collection, processing, and sometimes even the presentation of data. It’s an essential part of data integration. Data aggregation helps summarize data from different, disparate and multiple sources. It increases the value of information.  The best data integration platforms can track the origin of the data and establish an audit trail. You can trace back to where the data was aggregates from. It’s important to understand that aggregate data is not limites to numbers. Data aggregation may be performes manually or through software expressly written for such purpose.

In which ways does data aggregation become useful?

Making sense of torrent data isn’t as easy as it may seem in the age of big data. This is where data aggregation can prove helpful. Data aggregation brings together data from multiple sources and summarizes all this data in a uniform manner. Companies that need to gain market intelligence rely on software tools for data aggregation. These tools can be use to perform the following actions.

Data extraction:  This involves the targeting or isolation of relevant data from the aggregated data to ensure that it meets the needs of a particular business.


Modifying or transforming the data in such a way that it corresponds to the prescribed format for data analysis.

Data visualization and analysis

A visual representation of analyzes data that can be uses for actionable business intelligence. Once this aggregates data is analyze, it can be uses to create actionable business intelligence or guide you through the decision making process. You can easily evaluate where your business needs to improve with these metrics.

Manual Data Aggregation vs. Automated Data Aggregation

Data aggregation is a necessary process for all marketers. It is the only way to know how campaigns are performing. This export/sorting/reformatting process is not unique or new – at some point or another, every marketer has experienced it. Thankfully, we now also have the option to automate data aggregation. What does that look like, exactly? It looks like the implementation of a third-party software sometimes called Middleware that can pull data automatically from your marketing tools. The automated data aggregation process works due to software that integrates with your data infrastructure. The aggregation solution extracts data from multiple sources to combine and bring it in a unified format. In terms of marketing, the platform pulls data from ad platforms, web analytics software, social media, and so on.

What are different levels of data aggregation?

There are 3 levels of data aggregation. Figure out at which level you are and how to jump to next level.

Beginner at Data Aggregation

A beginner in data aggregation isn’t really aggregating any data at all. To gain marketing insights, you look within your marketing platforms. You may log into Google Analytics and see that one page is getting particularly high traffic bounce rates. So you use that information to create more opportunities for your customers to click through that page (and stay on your site). You are making data-informed decisions, but you aren’t necessarily collecting the data to do so, which means you are missing a lot of the big picture.

Intermediate at Data Aggregation

You have a marketing dashboard. It’s in an excel or googles spreadsheet. Do you update it weekly? Monthly? Every time you update the dashboard, you can see how your marketing campaigns are performing, comparing across channels to make the data-informed decisions that you need to be making. Now, creating a marketing dashboard is challenging, the problem with this model? Creating a dashboard is time-consuming, and maintaining it to gain insights is even more so.

Master at Data Aggregation

At this level, you’ve seen how tedious marketing dashboards can be, and you are over it. How do you accelerate this process? By automating. Masters at Data Aggregations have an automated funnel set up, so they can see insights from their marketing data in real-time.

Marketing data aggregations tools like improvado is an incredibly helpful data aggregation tool for marketers, because it was designes by marketers, for marketers. The platform lets you gather all campaign data into a single dashboard in real time, combined with the ability to view that data in automated reports and well-designed custom dashboards. Improvado pipe your data from marketing platforms and send that data wherever you want it to go – into a data warehouse, a spreadsheet or straight into your visualization tool.


I am an Automotive enthusiast and an avid Motorsports follower.

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