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What are the challenges faced during Web test automation?

Test Automation Challenges

In this blog, We are going to talk about the top 10 challenge which Test engineers face during the web test automation. These challenges are the following:-

1. High Implementation Cost

Automation speeds up testing but increases the initial capital investment. However, the “payback” period can be unpredictable or very long, making it difficult to sell to management. In some cases, this may not happen.

After full test automation, the most important way to ensure ROI is to run automated test solutions that integrate with other products in the ecosystem with automation testing organization. This enables end-to-end capabilities such as robust analysis of near real-time metrics.

One of these derivable measures is the speed index. This tells the user how long it will take to load the app, for example, which page elements are populated in real time.

The ability to test these factors and aggregate performance at every stage of development helps you get better changes to market faster.

2. Ensure Adequate Test Automation Coverage

One of the most common metrics used to measure test automation success is code coverage. Evaluate how the source code is executed when running the test suite. The greater the coverage, the less likely an overlooked bug will go into production.

Because your code is permanently integrated, you may miss important tests for your specific needs. Unexpected code changes can lead to insufficient test coverage during automation.

Infrastructure is one factor that helps you get adequate coverage. If you are using test automation services your application is on multiple browsers and operating system combinations. you will need to run the test scripts in parallel to run each test against your configuration in a reasonable timeframe. The infrastructure must support a parallelization strategy.

3. Choose the Appropriate Test Method

Automation testing company requires appropriate testing tools and methods for scripting. This is one of the most difficult tasks for test automation engineers. Therefore, testers need to find a technically appropriate test automation method.

How can I reduce the time and effort required to implement and maintain test scripts and test suites? For example, do automated test suites last long? How to create useful test reports and metrics?

With the recent adoption of agile development, the application under test changes frequently during the development cycle. It would be helpful to have a test automation solution that detects these issues and automatically updates and revalidates tests without human intervention. But solving these puzzles is difficult.

4. Effective Team Communication and Collaboration

This can be a problem for Automation testing services teams as well as test automation teams. However, test automation is more complex than manual testing because it requires more communication and collaboration within the automation team. Test automation is an investment.

For the whole team to be involved in determining and defining test automation goals, like any other investment, it consumes a lot of energy, communicates, and provides a lot of evidence, historical data, and proof of concept. there is.

Additionally, setting clear goals and objectives requires coordinating the entire team.

Unlike manual testers, automated testers should be manual testers, developers, technical architects, and automated content, as well as talking with developers, business analysts, and project managers about plans, scope, and timelines. Discuss what not to do.

In addition, cost-benefit analyzes and return on investment (ROI) analyses should be submitted to management.

Without support from your leadership team, your entire test automation effort is in jeopardy. Therefore, effective communication and collaboration between these teams and other teams is a huge challenge.

Ineffective communication and collaboration can turn the test automation experience into a nightmare. Object identifiers to check for serious issues.

5. Synchronization Event

One of the most common reasons automation scripts fail is a lack of synchronization. Synchronization issues can occur when events are supposed to occur.

However, it may be delayed or not occur, and test cases may fail for unknown reasons. For example, you want to display an “Accept/Reject cookies” message when an automatic script runs immediately after launching a website so choose the best automated testing company.

However, it may be delayed or not displayed at all. This type of synchronization will cause the test script to fail.

6. Qualified Resources Required

Some argue that test automation can only be handled by manual or technical testers since many testing tools already support quick and easy recording and playback of test scripts.

It is a central myth. Test automation requires the technical skills to properly design and maintain a test automation framework, test scripts, create solutions, and troubleshoot technical issues. Additionally, automated testing services resources should be familiar with the design and implementation of the framework.

These resources also require strong programming skills and robust test automation tools to meet these professional demands.

However, although a test automation framework can quickly develop code, developers need to write the right test scripts from the perspective of the tester and the end user.

You can make better use of your resources when automating tests. But on the other hand, skilled resources are always important in test automation efforts.

7. Cross-Browser Test

Google’s web apps may react differently in different browsers, and Google’s websites work fine in Chrome, but not in Firefox. There are so many browsers on the market today that it may not be realistic to automate every test.

However, you need to make sure that the app you want to test is fully compatible with popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer.

Current generic browsers are undertested and you may need to test common browser versions and different operating systems and resolutions. As a result of cross-browser testing of this approach, it is difficult for testers to automate testing in automation app testing agency.

8. Scalability

The most difficult aspect of automated testing services is the scalability of your tests. As mentioned earlier, it’s essential to run your tests in a variety of browsers, operating systems, and resolutions.

Automation WebDriver, for example, lets you run tests sequentially, but it doesn’t provide a good way to test across multiple browsers. However, over time, the application under test may contain many features, resulting in additional test cases and multiple test cases running in succession. It could be the germ of a headache.

However, Selenium Grid is only useful for cross-browser testing on a physical computer or browser. Therefore, it is difficult for testers to automate large-scale testing.

9. Mobile Testing

Testing mobile operating systems is the next challenge in automation testing services responsive design. This is a problem because many end users consume materials on mobile devices.

Appium is a Selenium family testing framework that helps developers test content on native mobile operating systems. Appium also automates mobile web application testing services using the WebDriver protocol.

10. Managing Pop-Ups

Popups are generally not recommended as a simple alternative, but those who do may find it tedious to write tests in different tools to automatically handle popups.

Browsers can use WebDriver to manage popups, but OS-based popups are outside the scope of automation testing services, which is one of the tool’s biggest limitations.

Thus, a request to store a downloaded executable is an example of a non-browser-based popup.

Automation does not allow native OS-based dialog windows. You can avoid this limitation by using extensions. For example, It can be used with AutoIt, a tool for automating Windows-based user interfaces.


Kamal Singh is a Marketing Manager at Devstringx, one of the leading software testing company in India. His visionary leadership and flamboyant management style have yield fruitful results for the company. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with learned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.

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