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Use Freely Google keyword planner -2020 updates

Google keyword planner is the best tool for SEO Optimized keyword research. It tells about

  • keyword difficulty
  • monthly search volume
  • High, low and medium competition
  • Keyword Ideas
  • Easy and Free to use
  • Install sheet of keywords

Everything is changing over time. We also need to adapt to the changing world. Similarly, Google keyword planner change his method for keyword research. According to 2020 updates, we need a customer ID to use Google Tool. For this purpose, we need to run a campaign on AdWords MCC it is paid. But the solution to everything is available, just we need to do some effort to find that problem`s solution. Finally, I find the solution to this problem and we will again easily use keyword planner freely.

Here one by one I will tell you the solution and use of keyword planner. The first steps are similar but the last points are important for the latest updates (also for new users)

Also study the artcile: Top 5 Soft Skills to Start Earning

  1. First Step (Search Google Keyword Planner)

Search Google keyword Planner and choose the option that I will show on the screenshot. Don`t choose the other option because this tool also uses for another purpose

Google keyword plannar screen shot

2.Second Step (Go to Keyword Planner)

After searching this, click on a link and click on “Go to Key Word Planner” Like This


Google keyword planner

3.Third Step

Old Users: –

If your account is already created than you can click on any previous account. Your account will show like this show in screen shot. If don`t show like this than automatically next option, click. In future this option will show

New User:

Your account automatically created you follow the next option that I will write after this. But in future this will show


Google keyword planner

4.Fourth Step

Choose you country, you can choose any country, it is not important step. After choosing country click on “Submit”

Google keyword planner

After Submitting this will show another page “Explore Keyword Planner”


Googlle keyword planner

After clicking, click on your profile showing on upper right corner with email and after clicking on this. It will show your profile and also show an option” Create Account” click on this option


Google keyword planner


After clicking on this option, it will automatically move toward another page and you will able to see it after this one. This is the last step of the planner tool

Click on “Discover New Keyword”

Keyword research on google keyword planner

Next phase after clicking is


Keyword research

Here in the search option, you can search your keyword target your word, and enjoy this beautiful enjoy. You can also paste your competitor URL and study their keywords to rank your site

I am also using this site. I want to show you my example of research is that “Mobile Phones”

keyword research on mobile phones


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