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Tricks to Make Custom E-Liquid Boxes More Captivating and Attractive

When making custom E-Liquid boxes for your bottles, always use high-quality materials. These boxes are the most effective strategy to avoid the most harm to the product.

If you’re selling e-liquids, you can’t afford to take any chances with the quality. Your business’s distinctive selling strategy should be custom E-liquid boxes. You must make it assure that they are capable of safeguarding the E-liquid.

Background Information

People utilized brown-colored E-liquid boxes with only a small brand symbol inscribed on them from 1995 to 2000. The days go by. However, since the year 2000, there has been a significant change in the industrial trends. Since a number of new companies have jumped up to compete in the same industry.

As the manufacturers of e-liquids, have a wide range of brands and products. Similarly, their boxes on racks are increasing day by day. With the increasing competition, they required a strategy that could separate their products from the other. That’s why most of the brands are using custom printed E-liquid boxes to meet their packaging needs


Custom Essential Oil Boxes

These boxes are now more than simply a unique method to exhibit your brand’s products; they also help your company in a number of ways. Some of the most significant benefits of utilizing boxes are mentioned in this article.

As we know, certain conditions may affect the structural integrity of these packaging, jeopardizing the quality of E-liquids. This may cause your E-liquid to lose its flavor and efficacy. Take a look at the instructions below if you want to learn how to design E-liquid boxes wholesale that are completely safe.


Never Sacrifice Quality

The safety element of your boxes depends on the material you choose. The lower-grade materials are unable to withstand the pressure. They quickly rip away, exposing your E-liquid to possibly harmful substances. 

Always Use High-Quality Materials

When making custom boxes for your bottles, always use high-quality materials. Cardboard, for example, is an excellent option in this case. 

  • These materials can withstand abrasive pressures. 
  • Moreover, it can withstand a variety of extreme environmental conditions. 
  • When pressure is applied to the boxes composed of these materials, they do not split apart.

Important Suggestions:

  1. You must verify that the thickness of these materials is suitable for the product type when selecting them. 
  2. To save a few pence, do not lower the thickness of the cardboard. 
  3. The selected material must be of sufficient thickness to avoid being harmed.


Add a Layer of Protection to the Bottom

The bottom flaps of customized E-liquid boxes are particularly useful for glass bottles. Because of gravity, the whole weight of the items within is transmitted to the downward side. 

If you don’t cover the bottom flaps, you’ll be inviting harm. When things are transported over long distances, the bottom flaps of the package are constantly bearing the weight of these bottles. 

As a result, it’s a good idea to lock these flaps; otherwise, your E-liquid might be endangered. At the bottom flaps of the box, add a single or double layer of protecting cardboard. 

This prevents them from being opened or damaged when the items are placed. Not only that, but you can keep your bottles more safely by adding custom inserts to your box’s design.


Use Double Box Packaging

Double-boxing your customized E-liquid boxes is one technique to improve robustness and limit the risk of breakage. This may not seem appealing, but it is the most effective strategy to avoid causing the most harm. 

  • To do so, you’ll need to make a second box that’s the same form and size as the first. 
  • Simply wrap the first one in the second, and it will gain more strength. 
  • In this manner, you may gain almost twice the protection and strength you had before. 


The thicker your box is, the less vulnerable it is to external threats. It would be difficult for germs, chemicals, pollutants, and other impurities to enter such a box. 

Similarly, your packaging’s capacity to handle high pressures and harsh forces would improve, lowering the risk of damage.


Select the Appropriate Dimensions

When it comes to the ultimate protection of the E-liquid, the dimensions you pick for the custom printed E-liquid boxes are quite important. Choosing the incorrect measurements might lead your E-liquid bottles to lose their original shape. 

Disadvantages of Inaccurate Measurements

For example, if you use boxes that are smaller than the bottles within, they may jump out of the box and be ruined. 

Similarly, there is a potential that the bottles within the bigger boxes may collide, causing damage. 

Only appropriate-sized custom E-liquid boxes can securely contain the product within by preventing their movement. 

As a result, measure the dimensions of the E-liquid bottles inside and create an adequately sized box based on these measurements.


Internal Protection

Internal protection is also critical. Since there are several possibilities for your bottles to get damage by internal forces. The first possibility is that they will clash, resulting in a distortion of their individuality. 

Use Filler Materials

It would be prudent to utilize the filler materials in this case to avoid this impact. They get an additional cushion from the bubble wrap and packaging peanuts. Which keeps them in their original posture and position. 

Custom-Made Inserts

Second, you can use custom-made inserts as partitions. These dividers will keep the bottles separated. These dividers will keep the bottles separated. Moreover, it enables you to use most of the inside space. 

Interior Waxing

You may also choose interior waxing in this case. As it is beneficial in terms of keeping the box solid and safeguarding the contents within them.

Use the Right Tape

The majority of companies employ sello-tape. Its primary use is for domestic applications, to tape all of the E-liquid packaging’s joints and corners. 

This tape is ineffective against potentially harmful elements, leaving your shipments vulnerable to outside threats. 

It is only useful for domestic purposes and you should not use it, particularly when shipping boxes across vast distances. 

Use Custom or Parcel Tapes

In this case, use parcel or custom tape, which is quite effective. This kind of tape adheres well to the box and does not shred easily, thereby safeguarding the contents within.


Enhance Your Packaging’s Elegance

This is the most crucial feature of a customized box. We make these boxes to encourage clients to choose your product over that of your competitors.

To allow you to customize your boxes to your tastes, our designers have supplied you with a collection of patterns, formats, optimization features, and color schemes. The more attractive box you use, the more customers you can attract. 

In this regard, you may make use of

  • Windows
  • Laminations and Coatings
  • Metallic coatings
  • Embossing
  • Debossing

And many more to provide an exceptional showcasing experience for the e-liquids.



To summarize, if Custom E-liquid Boxes are not made appropriately, they may simply break apart. Hence, you should use durable and high-end materials for these custom boxes to provide optimum security and safety. 

You must also craft these custom printed boxes in an appropriate size that matches the measurements of the inner bottle. Additionally, adding filler materials and unique inserts within these custom wholesale boxes might be beneficial.

At Fast Custom Boxes, you can get all these safety measures in your boxes at very affordable rates.

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