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Health and Fitness

Top 8 Life-Changing Advantages of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are the most popular substance to combat age-related changes. It is used to correct wrinkles, as well as to replenish facial volumes lost with age. Dermal fillers are injected into tissues to replenish volume. Age-related changes are not only wrinkles but also a sunken face. This is due to a decrease in the volume of soft tissues of the face, which inevitably occurs with age.

Fillers do not affect muscle activity and facial expressions. These injections can fill wrinkles and folds on the face and replenish tissue volume. Such injections are more effective in combating expression lines. In addition, it can be the optimal solution for smoothing wrinkles in the area of the eyebrows, corners of the eyes and forehead. These wrinkles appear not due to a decrease in the volume of soft tissues of the face but due to excessive facial expressions.

Well! In this guide, we will discuss in detail the advantages of dermal fillers. So, let’s have a look at the following.

Table of Content

  • What are Dermal Fillers?
  • Benefits of Dermal Fillers
  • Elimination of Scars
  • Possibility of Correction of Face Volume
  • Return the Young Proportions of the Face
  • Long-Term Rejuvenating Effect
  • Provide Fast Results
  • Smooth Out the Wrinkles
  • Give Volume to Lips
  • Restore Tone and Elasticity of the Face
  • Conclusion

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are biodegradable and non-biodegradable. But, Non-biodegradable gels are considered obsolete and are not used in modern cosmetology. The most popular preparations are based on hyaluronic acid. They allow you to correct wrinkles such as nasolabial folds, fill in the missing volume and strengthen the tissues, which slows down the aging process. Also, such dermal fillers help fight the signs of photoaging, dehydration of the skin, and a dull complexion.

Benefits of Dermal Fillers

The main benefit of this substance found in the skin is its incredible ability to retain moisture. This is very important because dehydrated skin appears dry, rough, flaky and unable to serve as a complete barrier against pathogens. Loss of moisture in the skin leads to aging. The skin becomes wrinkled. But, fillers cannot only remove such mimic wrinkles that appear on the forehead and eyebrows.

Elimination of Scars

The procedure becomes real salvation for those who have masked such marks with makeup for years. The introduction of fillers not only hides such defects but also promotes resorption of scars. The filler completely evens out the relief of the tissues, while the skin becomes smoother, saturated with useful components and moisture, thickens and quickly regenerates. By using this method, it will not only fill the void and the replenishment of the missing volume in the scar zone occurs. But it can also restore the natural processes of skin activation.

Possibility of Correction of Face Volume

The effect of the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid can be corrected. If there is a lack of volume, you can introduce an additional portion of fillers. And if the effect is excessive, then reduce it by introducing the enzyme hyaluronidase, which destroys hyaluronic acid. With the availability of dermal fillers, facial features may change and can make it more different. This distinguishes fillers from plastic surgeries.

Return the Young Proportions of the Face

Age-related processes occurring in the tissues lead to a decrease in their volume. Plastic surgery can only tighten the tissue but they are not able to return the tissues to their former volumes. Hyaluronic acid copes with this task successfully. It not only removes wrinkles but also returns young proportions to the face.

Long-Term Rejuvenating Effect

Modern fillers based on hyaluronic acid retain their volumetric effect for 6 months or more. The rejuvenating processes will last even longer. To prolong the action of your fillers, you need to plan your next procedure before the filler is completely removed.

Provide Fast Results

The appearance will change immediately after the introduction of the filler. Since hyaluronic acid increases the production of collagen and elastin, the anti-aging effect will increase over the next 3 months. Injection of fillers takes approximately 20 minutes, depending on the number of areas to be treated. After that, you can continue with your work. Possible slight oedema and minor haemorrhages at the injection sites. All these phenomena disappear within a few hours or one day.

Smooth Out the Wrinkles

With age, there is a natural decrease in the volume of facial tissues. The skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear on it. In this situation, botox injections will help, replenishing the lost volume of tissues and rejuvenating the face. With the help of fillers, they replenish lost tissue volumes and fill in wrinkles. The lines are smoothed, proportions are restored, and the skin improves its thickness and smoothness. The cost of dermal fillers are not much expensive as they provide more effective results.

Give Volume to Lips

Fillers make the lips look plump and more expressive while softening the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth. This makes the face look younger. In order to increase the volume of the lips and raise their corners, botox is also used. In this case, the effect arises from the fact that the circular muscle of the mouth relaxes, which is why the upper lip changes its position. Botox is often used to remove saggy corners of the lips. Fillers are intended to temporarily remove wrinkles but are also used to reshape and plump lips, which most often come with hyaluronic acid.

Restore Tone and Elasticity of the Face

Facial contouring is an alternative procedure for plastic surgery. Contouring is a technique of injecting fillers to shape the face, fill in wrinkles, and straighten folds. When using fillers based on hyaluronic acid to shape the face oval, it is possible not only to make it more attractive and youthful but also to stimulate the body to produce its own elastin and collagen, which significantly rejuvenates the skin.


The dermal fillers that your doctor injects under your skin are composed of gel-like substances – hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid. Their use is not accompanied by pronounced discomfort and does not require rehabilitation. Therefore, after the introduction of Canberra dermal fillers, you can immediately return to your usual activities.

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