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Home Improvement

Tips To Make An All-Weather House!

Our homes are subject to wear and tear, especially due to exposure to extreme weather conditions. However, what if we could manage to protect our house from all climatic situations? It will make our house worth living, right? Besides, it will also raise your property’s value.

With tornadoes hitting the nations of the Midwest and blizzards freezing the homes of the Northern inhabitants, our homes need to be capable of resisting any weather. To achieve that, we need to implement clever architectural designs and use more durable and advanced materials to help our homes defend themselves against bad weather.

Here are some tips to make sure your property is able to withstand the climatic changes.

  • Make Angled Roofs If You Are in the Cold Region

Angled roofs are the best solution for people living in colder countries to let the snow slide off. Flat roofs would not only make it difficult for the inhabitants to shovel off the snow, but it will also take time to melt or refreeze, thus damaging the rooftop. Flat roofs may also make the melted water slowly leak into the walls and corners of your home.

Angled roofs having slight overhangs will prevent any excess strain that may be put on the rooftop. Additionally, you can also keep your attic cool by ventilating and insulating it well. It will reduce the creation of unwanted spots and damages to your roof.

  • Focus on the Windows

You can try storm shutters to protect your doors and windows from damage due to extreme weather. These shutters may be deployed using the hand or a motor, allowing the aluminum shacks to fasten with the bottom, thus creating a safe shell armoring your interiors from the bad weather outdoors.

Moreover, you can also try using ceramic windows as they can survive temperatures of up to 1300°F with no contractions or expansions. This is particularly useful when the firefighters would try to deliver thermal shocks to the interiors of a house on fire. Such high temperatures would definitely shatter traditional glass windows.

Another trick would be to use shatter-proof polymer layers in between the window panes to make the glass function like a windshield of a car. High-speed hurricanes may crack the glass a bit, but they won’t shatter even in such extreme winds and storms. Hire professional Western Sydney builders for such significant home design work, as it involves the lives of you and your family members.

  • Redesign Your Walls

To avoid rainwater from getting accumulated in one area of your home. Keep air barriers in between the siding panels made of fiber and cement and your home. In the case of a traditional siding, the home’s frame may be drenched in rainwater, thus ruining the internal walls. The air barrier will drain out the water and prevent strong winds from entering your room.

Concrete walls are the best to make your home wind and fire-resistant. Also, try to use steel siding to cover certain areas of the walls because all-concrete walls would prevent sunlight from entering your rooms.

  • Take Care of the Outdoor Elements

While building your home, try to keep trees as far as 20 feet away or more. Although greenery is essential for fresh air and a positive mindset, trees too close to your home would damage your building’s infrastructure.

Also, protect your lawns from wildfires by planting succulents. They can retain water for long periods, including yucca, agave, and a variety of cactus species. Also, try eliminating any dead or dry plant remains near your house to prevent lawn fires.

Final Words

Making your home resistant to all weather situations, it’s important to take care of these vital factors. However, you should always trust your remodelling work with professional Western Sydney builders like Executive Building Group, who have years of experience in this particular field.


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