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Things to Ask About AV Rental Services

Hiring an AV rental service can mean more than just renting your personal computer. It can also mean the difference between a great experience and a poor one, and between a good experience and a bad one.


You would not want to hire just any rental company for your own system to go down in flames just before the event is going to begin. They should all have a solid customer base, be familiar with your equipment, and have years of experience in the AV rental field. If you do not ask the right questions, then your AV rental services could be one of the most disappointing experiences that you have ever had in your entire life.

Sort of Technology

One of the first things that you will want to ask your rental services is what sort of technology is included in the rental package. Many companies provide you with software that allows for a wide variety of functions. These are generally basic software packages, though. There may be some basic software that they do offer that you may find handy for your AV setup, but there are usually better options available if you need more advanced features. You should also ask about the type of warranty that your rental provides for you, and which software you will be receiving on top of the warranty.

Type of Setup

A second thing that you will want to ask your rental services about is what type of setup time you should expect. You will have a set amount of time to install all of the equipment that you choose. Your rental will charge you according to this time, so you will want to make sure you are prepared to have the equipment installed properly. If you are unable to get it installed in a timely manner, then you will lose money. Also, you will want to ask your rental services whether or not you will be charged extra for any parts that you will have to return after installation.

About Equipment Setup

A third important question to ask your rental services is about the equipment setup. Some rental companies charge you only for the equipment that you have installed while others will charge you for all of the equipment and all of the cables that you will need. If you plan on having a lot of equipment in place at one place, then this can help you save money. If you will only need some of the equipment to run a few different devices, then you may want to choose a rental with the equipment included.

Installation Service

The next thing you will want to ask your AV rental services is about the installation service. If the rental does not include installation, then you will need to call the company to get this service added to the rental. Many companies will provide this for free, as it is part of the equipment. If this is not included, then you will probably need to pay a small fee for this service.


Finally, the last question that you should ask about is whether or not your rental services will handle installation after the rental is completed. It is common for AV rental services to offer this service. However, this can vary greatly from company to company, so you will want to make sure that you find out ahead of time whether or not your AV rental company will handle this service or not.


By asking these three questions, you can narrow down your choices for rental services. The answers to all of these questions will help you make the right choice.


If your AV equipment requires a lot of setups, then you will want to go with a company that offers this service. Many of the rental services that you see online will not offer this option. They are more interested in getting your business in their rental machine. If you can afford to spend the extra money to do this setup, then it is definitely worth the extra cost.


The next thing you will want to look for when you rent from AV rental services is whether or not they will charge you for installation. If they do, you may want to try and find a rental service that charges an installation fee. This will ensure that the AV rental company will actually work on the equipment when you need it.


Finally, ask for references for the AV rental companies you are considering. They should be able to provide references, and these references can help you decide which companies you will feel more comfortable with. When you compare rental companies and their rental prices, you will be better equipped to make your decision.

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