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Tamamlayıcı Sağlık Sigortası Nedir?

Complementary health insurance is regulated by the Social Security Agency to cover treatment costs that are not covered or exceed certain wage limits, even if they are covered, and people want to get quality services.

In this way, it is aimed that people with SSI can continue their treatment at more comprehensive and affordable prices than health services, and that the costs incurred will not be covered by the insurance company and reflected to people. For this reason, people who receive complementary health insurance should be treated in hospitals that have an agreement with the SSI. Complementary health insurance, also known as state-sponsored health insurance, gives people outpatient and inpatient treatment opportunities.


For detailed information about baby health insurance, see our What is baby health insurance page.

Who Can Benefit From Complementary Health Insurance? Medicare Deductible 2021?
In order to benefit from complementary health insurance, people must be SSI and be under the age of 60. But for those who want to benefit after the age of 60, the opportunity is provided. For this, they can also be used after the age of 60 if the insurance policy is started at the age of 55 or earlier and the insurance policy is continued without interruption until the age of 60.

An insurance policy can be made for newborn babies. For this, the baby must be 14 days old and must be done with his mother or father. For more information about complementary health insurance birth Insurance, visit our complementary health insurance birth insurance page.

Benefits Of Complementary Health Insurance
Complementary health insurance is a type of insurance that can be preferred because it is affordable and offers high quality health care.
People with complementary health insurance do not have to pay the costs incurred if they have serious health problems.
At the same time, an income tax deduction can be used if the person who benefits from complementary health insurance is an employer.

Where Is Complementary Health Insurance Used?
Inpatient coverage: emergency medical expenses 8889 Form 2021 of the insured and inpatient expenses are paid under the insurance, provided that they are indicated in the doctor’s report for diseases that occur from the beginning of the insurance.

Outpatient coverage: covers expenses such as examination, analysis, radiology, physical therapy and rehabilitation for diseases that occur from the beginning of the insurance. For detailed information about outpatient treatment, visit our complementary health insurance outpatient what covers page. To find out if complementary health insurance covers aesthetics, visit our complementary health insurance covers aesthetics page.


Terms Of Use Of Services Covered By The Guarantee
Doctor’s examination procedures and diagnostic procedures should be performed in the same hospital.
The private hospital that will be used must have a contract with the insurance company.
Outpatient services are valid 9 or 10 times throughout the insurance. Collateral is not provided for outpatient procedures that may occur afterward.
Doctor’s examination procedures and diagnostic procedures are evaluated as 1 procedure.

Additional health insurance for detailed information about dental treatment, visit our page does complementary health insurance cover dental treatment.

What To Consider When Taking Out Complementary Health Insurance
General health insurance must be active in order to benefit from complementary health insurance insurance.
Complementary health insurance applies only to the person who wrote the name on the policy.
A policy does not apply to health organizations that do not have an agreement.
Complementary health insurance is not covered by the policy if a diagnosis has been made before and treatment has been applied.

Check out our How to choose the right complementary health insurance page to find out how to choose the right complementary health insurance.

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