Diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to use and process sugar. Which is the primary source of fuel. When a person has diabetes, the pancreas fails to produce the normal amount of insulin that the body needs. The pancreas can work for a while to produce the required amounts of insulin, but as the disease progresses, the pancreas becomes damaged and unable to effectively do its job.
The onset of diabetes often causes the blood sugar levels in the bloodstream to get too high, which leads to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Most people with diabetes will experience an episode of hypoglycemia at least once in their lifetime. The most common symptom of hypoglycemia is a feeling of thirst, usually brought on by the drinker’s urge to urinate. Other symptoms that may accompany hypoglycemia include:
In some cases, hypoglycemia may lead to nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, all of which can cause discomfort and other uncomfortable conditions. Many people who experience hypoglycemia do not know that they are having it until the episode passes and the condition returns.
Symptoms of diabetes that involve the kidneys also occur. These symptoms include: a change in the color of urine, swelling or irritation of the kidney or ureter, or pain while urinating. Other symptoms of diabetes may include:
When high blood glucose levels are present, the body will often produce more insulin than it needs to. The insulin produced in the body will cause the blood sugar level to get out of control, causing the body to store fat in the body rather than using it to fuel the muscles. If you have diabetes, you can expect to feel fatigued and lacking in energy, because the muscles will not work as hard and as fast as they should. If you have diabetes, your skin can sometimes feel dry, scaly, and warm, which can make it even more uncomfortable to be around.
Some people may experience symptoms of diabetes, while still having normal blood glucose levels. For example, a lot of people with diabetes will experience dizziness when they eat or drink. This may result from a change in the way the brain perceives things or from an irregularity in the blood vessels that supply blood to and from the brain. Also, low blood glucose levels may result in the need to urinate frequently or excessively, and frequent urination can cause the urine to be dark, yellow, or even brownish in color. Some people experience nausea as well, which is due to low glucose levels in the blood.
Few symptoms of diabetes are less serious than others. Some people have a mild case of diabetes and may not experience any of these symptoms. If the diabetic symptoms that you notice are not severe, they may simply indicate that you have a higher risk for complications in the future.
People who suffer from diabetes should discuss their symptoms with their doctor to determine if there is a problem. Diabetes is a disease that can progress quickly if left alone, so it is important to seek diabetes treatment early so that the disease can be treated early and more successfully.
Symptoms of diabetes that occur in adults include: feeling fatigued, sweating, increased thirst, having to urinate more often. These symptoms may also be accompanied by some of the complications of diabetes, such as vision problems, hearing loss, or muscle weakness. Many people who have diabetes also experience vision problems. It is also possible that vision problems could occur in people who do not have diabetes but have high blood sugar levels.
The symptoms of diabetes in children are usually very similar to the symptoms of adults, but there may be other symptoms as well. The first symptoms are usually jaundice or yellowing of the skin and eyes. In children, these symptoms usually disappear after the age of five. Other symptoms of diabetes include: frequent urination, fever, swollen legs or feet, or trouble breathing. In addition, a child who has diabetes will have trouble walking or standing for prolonged periods of time or may not be able to sit up straight, either due to leg weakness or muscle weakness.
Because children also experience the complications of diabetes at a much younger age, their symptoms will also be more difficult to diagnose. The most common symptoms of diabetes in children are: weight gain, loss of appetite, or being hungry. However, some children who do not have diabetes may also develop kidney problems.
You should be aware that the earlier that you know about your symptoms of diabetes, the better prepared you will be to treat your condition. If diabetes is diagnosed in childhood, you should immediately consult with a child health care provider. The earlier you treat diabetes in children, the greater the chance that your child will remain free of complications.