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Study room home improvement ideas for your kids

Giving your children a room of their own where they can study in peace is an excellent idea if you want to sharpen their minds at home. A study room provides an environment where they can concentrate on their homework or study hard for their exams. Although some parents think that their children’s bedrooms or the living room are enough, a dedicated study room is still a better option. A study room has fewer distractions, and children can study without affecting other family members. 

For your next home improvement project, upgrade your study room and help your children focus on their studies so they can complete their work quickly and have more time to spend with the family.  

While DIY installation of custom wall murals is feasible for smaller murals, larger or more complex installations are best handled by a professional wallpaper hanger

What makes an ideal study room?


We all know how difficult it is to study in a noisy environment, so make the study room as quiet as possible. This is a challenge for those living in urban areas where you can hear traffic noises or sounds from your next-door neighbours. 


Children sometimes spend hours studying, especially just before exams or while making school projects, so a study room should be comfortable. A comfortable study room can help children concentrate better and help prevent body aches from long hours of sitting. 


A study room should have enough space for children to move freely. This doesn’t mean that you need a large study room. You can make a small study room look roomier with proper placement of furniture that makes a small space look less cramped. 

Study room desk ideas you can explore

Your children will spend most of their time on their study desks, so you must make a study desk they will love. The study desk should have enough space to house most things like computers, books, writing tools, notebooks, etc. 

An L-shaped desk is a fantastic option because your children can use one side as their main work area while using the other to house extra equipment within reach. If you have two kids at home, they can study side by side with one child occupying each side. 

If you have a small room to work in, a small table will suffice as long as it has enough space for a computer or for your child to write on or read a book. Make sure you have other storage options to hold other studying implements you cannot place on the table. 

If you don’t have a study room, you can create a study area in your kid’s bedroom. To conserve space, you can go for a pull-down study table that you can put away when not in use. 

Ergonomic options to make studying more comfortable

Sitting for hours can be tough on the body and result in aches and pains, so make the study room more ergonomic. The computer monitor should be of the right height and angle to prevent eye strain and neck pains. 

Use chairs and tables of the right size and height for your children. Height-adjustable chairs are excellent options because your children can adjust them to a comfortable level. It is also a practical choice because you can adjust the chair’s height as your children grow. 

If you have shelves in your study room, make sure that your children can easily reach them. Aside from making it easier for your children, it is also safer if they can reach what’s on the shelves without standing on a chair or using a ladder. 

Improving the study room walls and floors

Walls and floors take a fair amount of home renovation time because of their large area, so be sure to set aside enough time for them. Materials that dampen sound like carpet or vinyl are preferable for your study room floor. You can consult a building design expert to explore other floor material options. 

If you have excellent floors and don’t want to replace them, you can use a layer of rubber floor mats to dampen sound without replacing the entire floor. You can also add accent rugs around the study area to enhance aesthetics while dampening footsteps. 

Colour affects productivity, so repaint your study room with a colour that gives off positive energy. You can play with bright and warm colours like red, pink, yellow, and orange. You can also use pastel colours like lilac, baby blue, peach, or mint green. 

You can also install wallpaper in the study room if you want something different. There are a wide variety of wallpaper designs and colours to choose from, so you can find one that will fit your study room. There are also textured wallpapers if you want to add character to your study room walls. 

Add a personal touch to the study room walls by adding playful accents. It can be a mural, wood accents, accent wallpaper, or something as simple as posters or picture frames. This can be an excellent bonding opportunity with your children as you can work with them on designing their study room. Be sure to get your children’s input before deciding on a paint colour or wallpaper design since they are the ones who will use the room. 

Lighting options for a bright and cheery study room

study room

Light plays a huge role in any study room because proper lighting can help your children study comfortably. You don’t want your children squinting as they do their homework because of poor lighting. Poor lighting will slow them down and might affect their eyesight. 

Work with a drafting expert and a licensed electrician to carefully plan placing your lighting fixtures to get the most illumination for the study room. A drafting expert is also essential because you might need to redesign the ceiling if you have limited power sockets and need to add more.

You can use dimmers that allow your children to adjust the brightness of lighting fixtures to levels that they’re comfortable with. This can also help you save energy and extend the life of lighting fixtures since you’re not forcing them to work on maximum levels all the time. 

The desk placement is also crucial because you can place the desk near a window to provide natural light during the daytime. This can help you conserve energy since there’s no need to use electric lights during the day. 

Storage options to help your children get organized

Students use a lot of books and equipment, so provide your children with enough storage options to organize their things. Storage options can help keep their desks uncluttered. It can also help separate their belongings and prevent getting their things mixed up with their siblings. 

You can install hanging shelves for storage and buy some cardboard boxes for papers and other documents. Another option is to use rattan boxes as storage options if you want to add some personality to the room. 

Help your children focus by keeping the study room quiet

A quiet study room promotes productivity, so work on making it as quiet as possible. A simple and affordable home improvement hack is using thick drapes because they can help block outside noises. 

If you have a larger home improvement budget, consider replacing the study room windows with double-pane glass because they have sound-proofing properties. A double-pane window can also help insulate the room to maintain a constant temperature and help you conserve energy. 


Studying is a challenge for some children, and one of the best ways to help them is by giving them a room where it’s comfortable to study. Improve the study room to make it quiet and allow your children to concentrate on their lessons. You can also work on making the study room brighter to make it look roomier and cheerier. 

With the help of a draftsman, you can create a beautiful study room that inspires your children to study.


April T

Content partner at Superdraft, a project coordination platform enabling customers and industry professionals to plan, design, and build dream projects.

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