Stop Stereotyping Social Technogesture: Let’s Get to Know the Real Thing
You’ve probably heard the term social technogesture before, but what does it mean?
Many people assume that social technogesture refers to social media or technology in general, but this is far from the truth.
In fact, these misconceptions are often perpetuated by people who aren’t familiar with social technogesture as well as its history and origins.
If you want to be taken seriously as an advocate for social technogesture, it’s important to dispel these myths and know the real definition of social technogesture.
The 7 Common Ones
7. Many believe that people who use social technogestures are only seeking attention.
6. Some say that this form of communication is often misinterpreted.
5. Some find social technogestures easier than traditional face-to-face communication for shy individuals and those.
Who have trouble articulating their thoughts and feelings verbally due to a physical disability or handicap.
4. There are also concerns about privacy, as it can be difficult to know if someone else has read your message without being notified first.
3. One problem with the technology is that it may isolate you from real life human contact, which can lead to loneliness and depression
. 2. Additionally, because there is no way of knowing when someone has read your message.
You may assume they haven’t read it when in reality they’ve been reading it all along (often referred to as ghost reading). 1.
They’re all insecure
Most people see the use of social technogestures as a sign of insecurity or a lack of self-confidence.
They believe that they should just suck it up and say what they mean instead. But it’s not always that simple.
In fact, social technoggestures are only driven by fear when people are faced with difficult conversations.
So there is nothing inherently insecure about them.
On the contrary, many people use them in order to maintain civility while in conflictual situations.
People also use them because they feel anxious or uncertain in person but can be their most confident selves online.
For example, if someone is shy in person but talkative on Facebook.
This might be an indication that they want to avoid certain topics in conversation.
But feel more comfortable online; as such, this would not be an example of someone who is insecure about themselves and their thoughts.
They can’t communicate
Social technogestures like emojis and GIFs are fun and easy ways to communicate.
But often get stigmatized for not being real communication.
Instead of dismissing these types of social technogestures as something without worth, let’s take the time to understand them better so we can use them effectively in all aspects of our lives.
You should stop typing words on your phone while you walk through a crowd because.
It is dangerous.
To stop a dog from barking in a room full of people, put an iPad with loud sound behind the door
They’re picky in love
They’re picky in love.
That phrase sounds negative and is a stereotype about those with social technogesture.
We may be picky, but we are not snobs.
If anything, our pickiness is selective in making sure that we have found somebody who is perfect for us and will provide what we need.
It has taken time to figure out that even though something seems like a deal breaker on paper, it might work in practice.
For example, someone might seem too similar or too different from me at first glance and I’ll end up passing over them in my search for the one person who fits me just right.
They’re bad parents
It’s a common stereotype that parents are neglectful when it comes to social media.
If a child is on the computer or phone, then that means they’re neglectful parents.
As soon as I hear this statement, my instant reaction is, Not all parents!
Parenting has never been an easy task and with new technologies.
Like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp available – some without any parental controls at all.
It can feel like you have a tiger by the tail!
Parents today face lots of challenges in keeping up with what their kids are doing online.
But not all parents use social media. And not every parent who does use social media uses it badly.
Having a Great Memory
It is said that people with a great memory can remember more, but this isn’t really true.
There is no way to know for sure if someone has a great memory just by looking at them.
The only way to find out if someone does have a great memory is if they tell you, or if they are very good at recalling things in detail.
Memory capacity is mostly based on how we store our memories and how much information we already have stored when we start learning something new.
When trying to learn a new skill or task, we may find it difficult because there is so much to remember from the beginning.
To get around this, try organizing your thoughts before starting on a task.
Break it down into small chunks so that it’s easier to digest everything one step at a time.
Breaking up long lists of items into smaller lists can help too rather than having one long list of groceries needed for an entire week e.g, bread, eggs, milk.
Break these up into shorter lists – bread each day of the week; eggs each day of the week; milk each day of the week).
They hate their jobs
1. Every time you try to leave work for the day, your boss tells you about an important task that will take an hour of your time.
2. They won’t take no for an answer, and after a while it gets frustrating having to argue with them about every little thing.
3. You start looking forward to going home just so you can get away from them.
4. Your co-workers have warned you this would happen when they saw how frequently you left at five o’clock on the dot each day…
They have no friends
One popular stereotype about social technogesture is that they have no friends.
There are two reasons for this belief. Firstly, social technogestures don’t actually interact.
With other people in person, they just type things back and forth with one another.
Secondly, there is a widespread stereotype that everyone on social media wants popularity or attention.
People often assume that because of these stereotypes, social technogestures never have friends or won’t develop meaningful relationships over time.
But what most people don’t know is that it’s possible to be an introvert and an extrovert at the same time.
It may be true that some people get really excited when they’re talking to someone new.
But not everyone does! Some social technogestures are shy but enjoy deep conversations.
Some prefer small groups instead of large crowds, or like being alone sometimes too.
You can’t be a good parent if you use social technologies
I see this argument used a lot and it’s a classic case of stereotyping social technogesture.
If you really want to know if someone is a good parent, go hang out with them for a day or spend some time at their house.
You don’t need to go on Facebook to find out if they are acting responsibly around their kids.
So why make assumptions about what people do when they’re not in front of you?
We all have our own ways of spending our time.
Let’s just be glad that we have access to different types of activities now and not worry so much about what other people do with theirs.