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Health and Fitness

Should You Start Protein Shakes?

When you go to the gym regularly, the identical plastic tumblers aren’t an unusual sight. From gym buffs to people working on losing weight, you would occasionally see someone shaking one of these plastic sippy cups that most probably contains a protein shake from Optimum Nutrition.

Should you start drinking protein shakes, too? Here are some points to ponder.

Different kinds of protein shakes are used for different reasons like gaining muscle, losing weight, and recovery from injury. Although protein shakes do contain the supplemental protein that you need for whatever purpose, there are varying nutrition levels in each kind of drink.

Depending on your goal, better read up first on the contents of each variant so you can get the appropriate type that is suitable for you.

Protein Shakes can Help with Muscle Gain

Because protein shakes provide extra nutrients that you need for your body to synthesise proteins, it is only natural that you gain more muscle when you start to drink them. The amino acids in your protein powder are easily absorbed by your body, which is beneficial to muscle synthesis.

Combined with high-tension muscle exercises, you would surely notice a development in your muscles after trying a powdered protein sale product.

They can also be Taken for Weight Loss

Drinking protein shakes can also be beneficial when you are trying to lose weight. It is because consuming drinks packed with protein makes you feel full easily, thus diminishing your appetite. However, it is a misconception that protein shakes should substitute solid food when on a diet.

Your body will also experience faster metabolism when you drink protein shakes because of two reasons:

  • Diet-Induced Thermogenesis or when your body burns more calories by burning more protein than fat
  • Gluconeogenesis. When you drink protein shakes, it stimulates sugar production from the supplemental protein that you consume and burns extra calories in the process.

You should remember that losing weight is more than just increasing your protein intake. Remember that your weight loss journey should be guided by the proper diet and exercise as well.

Protein Shakes also Help with Recovery from Injury

For athletes who do extensive workouts and training, muscle soreness and injury are no foreign concepts. That is why athletes should know ways on how to quickly recover to not affect the training timeline.

Protein shakes are a useful way of aiding in muscle recovery. Because they supply your muscles with amino acids that stimulate protein synthesis, they can help restore your muscles for a shorter time. Although, together with rest and medication, protein shakes like the ones Optimum Nutrition have can help aid in muscle healing.

Drinking protein shakes can be beneficial for you and your health, and it is unquestionable why many athletes use them for varying reasons. There are also many types of powders that you can choose from that are intended for different purposes.

However, as the consumption of protein shakes do affect your body, make sure you do your research before purchasing powder. It would also be better to consult an expert first to know the correct type of powder you should drink; it may be your gym trainer, or a friend who has been drinking protein shakes for a long time.

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