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Should I stop swimming pool lessons because my child is crying and afraid of the water?

Your little fish probably cried on swimming pool at  the first day of school. Didn’t he go back to class the next day? Maybe he’ll drink a little cup… It’s part of learning. When you fall by bike, you get back in the saddle!

Spoiler: it is by returning to the pool every week that your child will no longer be afraid of water!”

Of course, your child may be scared the first time around, and that’s completely normal! Water is an element that can be anxiety-provoking. But that’s no reason to stop everything. Even if it is complicated at first, the important thing is to persevere and keep up the efforts. Small steps by small steps, each at their own pace! This is our motto.

Fear of water: here are 5 tips to not give up

1. Send positive waves

Your little one will wriggle for the first time in a new environment with all that includes apprehension (for you 2!) And we know that children are sponges. So if you’re stressed, so are they! However, stress is the enemy of learning. Encourage him, explain how the class will go by mentioning his super coach and all his boyfriends. Be playful during the handover with the coach and play down in case of crying. Coaches have more than one tip in their hat to calm a child.

2. Be patient, the fear of water cannot be tamed overnight

Give your child time to form a unique relationship with water, but also a relationship of trust with the coach who accompanies him. Indeed, it is sometimes necessary to wait 1 month for your little fish to cease all resistance when it comes to going to the swimming pool, and lifeguard class. But when it is launched, it’s gone! Praise him whether he’s been in the whole water or just wanted to sit on the edge to watch and soak a toe. Every step counts.

3. Give a goal to motivate him

And even if it’s not his favorite sport, let him know that learning to swim is like learning to read, write and count. It is essential to grow up and be able to enjoy the water on vacation safely. Describe the activities that he will be able to do on his own one day (under your constant and unconditional supervision of course). To further motivate him, you could sponsor a class friend and enroll them both together. And if it’s the little neighbor or the little neighbor on the opposite landing, then you will surely increase motivation!

4. Reward his efforts

“ Mom, I put my head underwater! ”Victory! After only 1 month, your little fish finally takes a shower and washes their hair without having a tearful fit? Did he put his head underwater with his favorite coach? Surely it’s time to reward him with the little gift he’s been asking for weeks. The carrot works! Properly dosed and well administered, a reward is the opportunity to take stock of the skills acquired and to realize that in life, efforts pay off.

Fear of water: why is it so important to start young?

Because it is by starting early, from 3 years old, that we avoid any blockage construction. It is also by accustoming children to this same age, and by taking them regularly to classes, that apprehension can be effectively combated. This type of test is also part of the school of life and teaches perseverance!
Alarms to prevent drowning: the example of the swimming pool and the laptop.

Pool alarms can be very effective because an alert sounds when movement is detected in the water. Drownings only take a few seconds. Pool alarms take at least 20 seconds to activate. Pool owners ignore them or turn them off. Unconsciousness can occur within 2 minutes and brain damage within 5 minutes, so time is of the essence.

On the other hand, the wrist alarms connected to the cell phone will sound when the wearer enters the water. These devices will not work unless they are worn and children (who are usually the ones who need them) are known to take them off.

Using active pedagogy with the coach in the water, our ambition is to make your child independent and safe in the water. And one day, I promise, your little fish will swim in happiness!

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And you, would you place all your confidence in these devices?

Knowing how to swim is undoubtedly the best way to prevent drowning. It is essential to make sure that everyone in your family learns to swim, and that you have done everything possible to eliminate the risk of death by drowning. But that’s still not a guarantee.

Indeed, a person who can swim may pass out in the water, drink from a cup, be too tired to reach the shore or may have a heart attack in the swimming pool.

And because unusual circumstances can quickly overwhelm everyone from toddlers to experienced adult swimmers, it’s important for everyone to always follow safety rules.

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