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Shopify SEO Guide: How to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Store

The most significant step for any e-commerce marketing platform like Shopify or Wix is optimization. Shopify is the most famous among several e-stores, and getting more potential customers on Bing, Google, and other searching engines is only possible by excellent SEO practice. When done right, eCommerce SEO on homepage can bear fruit very quickly and efficiently.

It is crucial for encouraging potential clients to discover your Shopify e-store. And several search engine optimization (SEO) principles based upon user’s positive experiences. Buyers and visitors will visit those Shopify stores most that have the best and well-executed SEO practices. 

For the well-planned Shopify SEO practices, we have crafted an essential Shopify SEO fundamentals guide. It is also crucial to keep in mind a few distinctions and other determinants when assessing the Shopify store SEO capabilities.

Shopify Default SEO Features

Shopify offers several features that are SEO-friendly. But there are various other steps one can add to soar up in the search engine rankings.  

In our Shopify SEO essential guide, we will explore some principal steps for well-planned Shopify SEO practices.  These steps will help you to get your Shopify store on the first search engine rankings in 2021. 

These steps include finding out the ways how one can improve the Shopify user experience. Optimization of the Shopify store structure and Research for correct target keywords. Optimization of Shopify product pages and creation of backlinks. Content marketing with well-researched and relevant content and use of some best Shopify apps and tools for SEO.

Find out How One Can Improve the Shopify User Experience

The best practices to improve the user experience include high site speed, best accessibility practices, semantic navigations, and responsive design. It is significant to attain all these things to build a user-friendly Shopify store. Perform some research about mobile-friendly and fast themes. Always use optimized and smaller size images, so your Shopify site will load faster. Delete any app or plugin that is not in your use and avoid adding sliders to your site.

Another significant aspect is a responsive website design. Shopify stores appear great on devices like cell phones, desktops, and tablets. And a responsive theme enhances the user experience. It is research-proven that on responsive sites, buyers and visitors visit more keep comparatively non-responsive or poorly structured websites. 

Google is the most searched engine and has a time-on-page marker that evaluates the visitor’s time on any specific page. And if the site is responsive, users will ultimately spend more time on it. In turn, your Shopify store gained better usability results and high rankings on search engines.

Optimize Shopify Store Structure

The arrangement of content on the Shopify store matters a lot. The organized content on your page gives successful SEO optimization. When buyers or users find their required products easily on the Shopify store, they will view more pages and ultimately enhance Shopify SEO.


Research for the Best Target Keywords

Searching for the best target keyword is the SEO basics. And no e-commerce site SEO guide is impeccable without keyword search tips. Now, the question arises how one can get the best target keywords for our Shopify store? The answer is, start with a keyword planner!

Try to think like a buyer or visitor of your Shopify store, and then search for the respective products. Use keyword planner tools, and after sorting the best target keywords, list them down in your planner. In this way, you will get some best keywords and then anchor them in your Shopify content.

Optimize Product Pages of Your Shopify store

The best practice is to place everything on your Shopify store in an optimum way. Such as homepage, product collections, and best-selling product pages on the top menu. SEO product page optimization is possible for old and new Shopify pages, but the good practice is to optimize the new Shopify store.  

Create Links to Shopify Store

If you want to know about your Shopify store community, backlinks are the best way to evaluate it. In SEO, backlinks are like word of mouth.  It is an off-page SEO strategy that depends upon building your trustworthiness, reliability, and credibility. 

Shopify stores that are dealing with retail products, their owners can ask to authorize retailers to anchor respective backlinks in their stores. Another way is to collaborate with industry social media influencers for marketing.

Shopify Built-In Apps and Tools for SEO

Shopify provides some excellent tools and apps for SEO optimization. The use of these tools is the best for SEO practices and page analysis. These tools include Plugin SEO, Smart SEO, SEO image optimizer, and Yoast. These tools are best for non-technical people as well.


We have created a well-researched guide for Shopify’s best SEO practices. Imply these SEO practices to your Shopify to gain rank #1 on Google and various other search engines.

Josh Argenton

Josh Argenton is a well-known blogger who has been writing for the last several years. He has written blogs and articles on a wide range of topics including technology, health & beauty, sports, business, food, animal, entertainment, home improvements and much more. He helps brands share unique and impactful stories through the use of public relations, advertising, and online marketing.

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