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SEO: 9 Free Tools to Find the Right Keywords

The perfect right keywords usually strikes a balance between high monthly searches, high profitability, and low competition. Google’s autocompleting suggestions are a great way to start the keyword research, then review the content in the top results to analyze your web competitors.

Since Google AutoComplete doesn’t show you monthly search volume or SEO competition, you can use Chrome extensions like Ubersuggest, MozBar, and Keywords Everywhere to see the data. Our SEO agency uses PA (page authority), DA (domain authority), and content quality as indicators of competition.

New websites should work on their semantics through a varied keyword list and start with low competition keywords until they build domain authority. Established sites can use their search results report to find the keywords they rank for at the bottom of the 1st page, then boost them to the top 1-3 results where the most traffic is. This can be done by improving content and building internal links.

How to choose SEO keywords as part of your SEO content strategy. What are the methods and tools used by an SEO agency? Even if common sense prevails, find our method in choosing the right keywords.

1. Find a Keyword in Google AutoComplete

Go to and start typing a broad version of your keyword.

Google will usually show you long-tail phrases (3 or more words) that are less competitive and more targeted. Google can show suggestions for both the end of a sentence as well as the beginning or middle using the “fill in the blank” method. The keywords at the top usually have more searches, and the more autocomplete suggestions there are, the more likely that keyword is competitive.

By simply browsing through the autocomplete and trying different variations of the keyword, you can find out what people are searching for and get a general idea of how popular and competitive each is.

Google AutoComplete Tips

  • Choose specific (long-tail) phrases that are less competitive.
  • No need to include “best” or other non-descriptive adjectives.
  • Synonyms can be targeted on the same page as secondary keywords.
  • Most companies have several keywords for each service (we have: SEO service, SEO service, SEO Audit…)
  • Being more specific may mean targeting a specific city/location or type of service, e.g. Paris SEO agency

2. Use Ubersuggest to see monthly searches + competition

Google AutoComplete does not show you keyword data.

That’s what Ubersuggest is for. It’s a free keyword tool that shows you monthly searches, estimated SEO difficulty, and trends for a keyword. They also have a Chrome extension that lets you see data directly in Google’s search results and check each result’s domain authority (DA), estimated visits, social shares, and referring domains. All of them can be used as competition indicators. Try also: SEO Service in Lahore

3. Google the keyword and learn from the competition

The next step is to search the keyword on Google and manually browse the content of the first 3 results. Try to avoid competing with long, rich content written by authority sites.

A keyword is more competitive if:

  • The keyword is short.
  • The best results have rich and detailed content.
  • The best results have lots of social links and signals.
  • Top results have high domain and page authority.
  • You see a lot of AdWords ads with a high CPC.
  • There are a large number of results (displayed when you search for a keyword on Google).

SEOquake lets you search any keyword on Google and see its difficulty. The term SEO agency has a difficulty of 41.37%

The MozBar Chrome extension lets you search any keyword on Google and see the DA (domain authority) and PA (page authority) of each result. Higher numbers = higher competition, and you want to try and compete with websites with similar domain authority. You can increase domain authority by getting more quality links to your site, usually by creating quality content.

MozBar Tips

  • Get the DA+PA of the best results.
  • Choose a keyword for which the best results have a similar DA (domain authority).
  • Build your DA by getting more links to your site (through quality content).
  • Short phrases usually have a high DA+PA, long-tail keywords have a low DA+PA.
  • New websites (or those lacking in content) have low DA, so target specific phrases.
  • You can create PA by improving content and pointing internal links to the page.

4. Use Answer The Public to find the most searched questions

Answer The Public helps you find questions, prepositions, and comparison keywords.

Question keywords are great for FAQ-rich snippets. Instead of guessing which FAQs are most popular, use Answer The Public and look for dark green circles (darker circles = more searches).

5. Use Google Trends to see the keyword’s historical growth

Google Trends tells you if a keyword is up or down. It also has filters to help you find local and YouTube keywords. This is especially useful for determining which seasons are busiest, if your market is down, and where people are searching for those keywords.

For example, the “curfew certificate” this request exploded on January 20 then during new confinements

Knowing the queries and associated subjects will make it possible to work on the semantics around the keyword “curfew certificate”

6. Use the Search Results Report to Monitor Keyword Performance

Use the Search Results Report in Google Search Console to track your keywords.

Click on the “Queries” tab then compare a period. You can see which keywords increased/decreased in terms of clicks, ranking, CTR, and impressions. A good tip is to find queries you already rank for in the top 5 results, then improve those pages so you can rank in the top 1-3 where all the traffic is. I use the search results report more than Google Analytics.

Use the Search Results report in Search Console to see which keywords dropped in clicks.

7. Local Keywords

Since large cities have more people than small cities, there will be more searches (more local keywords) with specific types of keywords. Small towns usually only have general keywords.

8. Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords usually have 3-7+ words in the phrase. They are easier to rank for and attract targeted visitors (they are usually more profitable). Websites with low domain authority (DA) should almost always target longer-tail keywords. As you build your DA (by creating content and getting links), you can consider targeting broader keywords.

Examples of when to be more specific

  • House painter is competitive, house painter Paris 2 is better
  • Real estate agency is very competitive, real estate agency Paris 2 is less competitive.
  • A web agency is very competitive, custom WordPress web agency is more precise.
  • The recruitment firm is very competitive, commercial executive recruitment firm is better.

9. Optimize content for the targeted keyword

Once you’ve found the perfect target keyword, create a page or post for the topic, then add it to your SEO plugin. I am using the Rank Math plugin.

SEO plugins tell you where to use your keyword along with other on-page SEO tips. However, overusing your keyword can lead to spammy content, especially if you overuse the exact keyword in your content (keyword density), in subtitles and alt text. image when it does not accurately describe the image. Don’t obsess over green lights, especially since SEO plugins can only detect exact matches. SEO title, page title, and content relevance are the most important.

Where to use your target keyword

  • Title or title of the page (ideally in front)
  • H1 SEO title (ideally in front)
  • Sometimes in the body of the content
  • Permalink (usually shortened)
  • Partial matches in subtitles + alt text (optional)
  • Meta description (although Google usually uses a snippet of the content)

You know our SEO agency‘s method for finding the right keywords.

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