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Say Goodbye to Baldness with Hair Transplant Surgery in India

In today’s world, a well-groomed man is all about how he looks and how strong the first impression is. However, hair loss is one reason that makes everything fall apart in a short span of time. According to recent statistics, around 50% of men across the world have faced hair loss at some point or the other in their lives. For some men in that range, the hair loss started when they were young, while the others faced it at a more mature age.

Why Does Hair Fall Happen?

Alopecia or hair loss is a condition that can affect both your scalp or your entire body in either a permanent or temporary way, depending on the type. Some of the most common causes of the same include hormonal changes, ageing, medical conditions, and heredity. Genetic hair loss is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia. Symptoms of hair loss are slow and steady thinning on the top of the head, full-body hair loss, patchy bald spots on the scalp, and the loosening of hair, suddenly.

To understand why hair fall happens or the intricacies of the same, we need to first go through the typical hair growth pattern:

Hair Growth Cycle

  1. Anagen: As the first step of hair growth and the longest one at that, this is the growing phase that lasts for around three to five years. During this phase, the follicles are typically pushing out the hair that continues to grow till the time you go for a hair cut or complete their lifespan and fall out. Normally, around 90% of the hairs on your head are in this phase at one time.
  2. Catagen: As the second step of hair growth, this transitional phase lasts for around ten days. Here, the follicles start shrinking, and the growth of the hair starts to slow down. The hair, then, separates from the bottom of the follicle but still manages to remain in place till it completes the lifespan. Normally, around 5% of the hairs on your head are in this phase at one time.
  3. Telogen: As the third step of hair growth, this resting phase lasts for around three months. Here, hairs stop growing, but they don’t fall out. Hair sits on your head while the new hair starts forming in the follicles that released old hair during the previous step. Normally, around 10% to 15% of the hairs on your head are in this phase at one time.

These three stages include the maturation and growth of the hair and maintain the activity of the hair follicles producing the individual phase. Once this cycle is complete, the hair steps into the Exogen phase that defines the shedding of the old hair and the growing of new.

While each stage depends on nutrition, health, and the age of the person; excessive hair loss during the Exogen phase is what you need to look out for when you are suffering from a hair loss condition. As an extension to the Telogen (resting) phase, here, the hair is finally shed from the scalp as you brush or wash it.

So, How to Treat Hair Fall and Cure Baldness?

The normal rate of hair loss while brushing or washing is around fifty, but when it exceeds this mark, it is time to worry. Normally, the Exogen phase lasts for two to five months. Now, when you cross that benchmark and you are sure that you are suffering from a medical condition, you visit a hair loss treatment doctor. The best way to cure baldness is by undergoing hair transplant surgery. The expert you consult takes you through a Trichoscopy Analysis to determine certain aspects of your hair. This computerized software-based analysis understands:

  1. The number of grafts present on the scalp
  2. The number of grafts that can be taken out
  3. The area that has to be covered during the treatment (in square centimetre)
  4. The density required to meet the desired results

Once all of this is noted down, the doctor determines which type of treatment is to be followed. There are majorly two types of hair transplant surgeries: FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) and FUT (Linear Excision Method). Today, however, professionals are adept at moulding the treatment according to the patient requirements, and this has brought to the fore several other kinds such as:

  1. Body Hair Transplant
  2. Special Area Transplant
  3. Unshaven Hair Transplant
  4. DHI
  5. Bio-FUE
  6. Combination (FUE+FUT) or (FUE+DHI)
  7. Repair Hair Transplant

What is the Hair Transplant Procedure Like?

best transplant surgeon

As a meticulous way of curing baldness permanently, hair transplant in India involves taking healthy hair follicles from the back of the head (safe donor area) of the patient and then implanting them to the balding (recipient) site. The technique used for the procedure changes according to the requirements of the patient and his condition, but the basic remains the same. Each of these procedures is performed after administering the patient with local anaesthesia to numb the pain.

In the Linear Excision Method, previously known as Follicular Unit Transplantation and Strip Surgery, a strip of healthy hair-bearing scalp is taken from the back of the head. The strip is then slivered under a microscope to come up with single follicular units, and the extracted strips are implanted to the balding area. The ends of the donor site are stitched in a Trichofiblic closure so that the hair grows around the scar.

In the Follicular Unit Excision Method, however, the process is uncomplicated in comparison. Here, a low-RPM low-torque punch excision device is used to extract individual follicles from the safe donor area. Following which, tiny incisions are made on the recipient area, and the follicles are implanted there.

In various techniques, according to requirements, the follicles, before implantation, are kept in a 12ml PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma) holding solution to make the hair stronger and thicker. This PRP treatment involves taking out the plasma from the patient’s blood using a centrifuge and using it as a growth factor cocktail. The procedure also involves the use of a derma roller and lasers.

Once the entire surgery is complete, the newly implanted hair undergoes a shock-loss phase where the follicles adjust to their new surroundings, before getting back to its regular Anagen-Catagen-Telogen phase. Since the follicles used for the surgery are extracted from the safe donor area where hair fall doesn’t hit, the results of the procedure are permanent.

ABHRS Certified Hair Surgeons

The key to getting the best results out of the treatment, however, is visiting the ideal doctor for the same. Saraswat Hospital is known as one of the most widely sought-after places for ethical and safe hair transplant surgeries. As a hospital with the highest hair transplant success rate in India, the hospital is led by two reputable doctors – Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat and Dr Preeti Saraswat – both of whom are diplomates of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS).

Hair fall and balding can be the core cause of low self-confidence in several men, let alone affecting the entire look. Getting a permanent cure of the same, thus, becomes crucial for everyone. In case you want to discuss your condition with experienced professionals, you can get in touch with the experts dialing +91-9690039999 / +91-9258386320 or sending an email to

Also Read: Why Should You Visit the Best Hair Transplant Doctor in India?

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