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Press machines

What are the types of press machines?

Printing machines:

Machines widely use in the sheet metal industry to display any shape as perforations on a sheet metal. Printing machines  therefore design to use mechanical force or pressure when forming or cutting metal. With the press machine, you can grind metal into any shape without removing chips. c type power pressThere are different types of categorization presses into different categories. Types by power supply:, Hand or hand press or ball press or fly press.

Performance analysis


Types according to frame construction:


Gap Frame Press

Press with inclined frame

Adjustable bed frame press

Horning Press

Straight side press


Classification by power supply:

Hand presses:

These machines are the simplest form of press, where the press is used by hand. This type of machine is used in thin sheet work where little force and pressure required. It operated manually. These presses used to perform small operations such as punching, punching, bending, etc. Types of hand presses are hand presses, ball presses, and air presses. The main parts of manual presses are frame, ram, nut and bolt, iron ball, handle, guide, punch, and die. Cast iron balls are fastened at both ends with a screw. The ram moves up and down by turning the arm by hand and performing operations. The blanket was laid on the bed and the ram was slapped.

Electric pressing machines:

These are the most well-known machines that are often used in workshops. The function is the same as with a hand press, but the only difference is that the ram is driven by force. The energy source of this type of machine is an electric motor and a motor. The ram is equipped with a punch and is used to perform work held by a die block and a cradle. The flywheel receives power from the electric motor. Which then transmit to the ram via the clutch and crank.

Classification according to frame construction:

Gap Frame Press:


As can be seen in the picture above, it has a larger opening part of the frame, which shows a wide gap between the frame and the bed. These machines are also called C-Frame. This type of machine is useful for placing large workpieces with higher beds, as shown in the figure.

Tilt frame press:


It is known as a tilted frame press due to the flexibility of the frame. As shown in the figure, the frame is tilted back at an angle. It is also know as an open tilt press because its back is open so that it can be scratched.

Adjustable bed frame press:

Because it has a knee bed support by a post-shaped frame, it also know as a column and knee press. The bed (elbow) can move vertically up and down using electric screws of any length. Compared to other constructions, this construction has a slight lack of rigidity. This show in FIG.


Horning Press:

horing to disassemble. It make of a vertical frame with the main end facing forward. The ram control and drive mechanism are located in the foreground. The frame has a corner front that serves as a desk.

Straight side press:

Pressure on the straight side

The number means pressing on the right side. This press is surrounded by two vertical fixed frames. It is located on both sides of the base and is designed to absorb considerable sheep stress. The machine can handle heavy work, but the sheet metal cannot be fed from the side due to the presence of side frames.

Pill press:

Piller analyze

The above image then pushes on the column. It is a hydraulic press with four columns at the bottom. The ram supported and accompanied by columns.


Shearing Operation Fundamental

Shearing :

A shear force is applied that will cut off part of a sheet. The cut off ‘blank’ becomes the workpiece. Shearing, also known as die cutting, is a process that cuts stock without the formation of chips or the use of burning or melting. In strict technical terms, the process of “shearing” involves the use of straight cutting bladesorm of sheet metal or plates, however, rods can also be sheared. Shearing-type operations include blanking, piercing, roll slitting, and trimming.

Shearing: Definition 

  • When you apply a high-pressure tool through a metal plate and remove part of the metal, the process is called shearing. Shear machining devices include punching machines, which make small discs, and blanking machines, which produce washers and similar objects.
  • SHEARING is a method for cutting a material piece into smaller pieces using a shear knife to force the material past an opposition shear knife in a progression from.
  • Shearing widely use to divide large, flat stock such as sheet, strip, and plate. Shearing of sheet, strip, and plate broadly classified according to the type of blade (knife or cutter) used as either straight or rotary.
  • Straight-knife shearing is used for squaring and cutting flat stock to the required shape and size. It is usually used for producing square and rectangular shapes, although triangles and other straight-sided shapes are also sheared with straight knives.


Direct tool ordinary machining is NOT the same as shear machining. With standard tool machining, a single or multiple point tool can employ to take out a piece of metal from the metal sheet and/or block. This process required repeat pounding of the metal until the required dimensions achieve. With shear machining, the tool’s cutting edge removes the metal from the plate. While this happens, maximum pressure applied. The tool, however, only touches the metal one time.

The shearing process characteristics include:

  • Its ability to make straight-line cuts on flat sheet stock
  • Metal placement between an upper and lower shear blades
  • Its trademark production of burred and slightly deformed metal edges
  • Its ability to cut relatively small lengths of material at any time since the shearing blades can mount at an angle to reduce the necessary shearing force required.

The shearing process involves cutting sheet metal, as well as plates, bars, and tubing of various cross-section, into individual pieces by subjecting it to shear stress, typically using a punch and a die, similar to the action of a paper punch. The punch and die may of any shape, such as circular or straight blades, similar to a pair of scissors.

Important variables in the shearing process are:

  • The punch force.
  • The speed of the punch
  • The edge condition of the sheet.
  • The punch and die materials.
  • The punch-die clearance.
  • Lubrication.
Both mechanical and hydraulic machines can perform shear machining. Hydraulic shears cut and score sheet metal quickly and accurately. They work well for factories that do a lot of metal fabrication. Also, hydraulic shears are best if the operation requires intense pressure. They don’t require a lot of maintenance, will operate continuously, and are fast and quiet. Hydraulic shear machines also take up less space than mechanical shear machines while applying the same amount of pressure.

Shear Mechanism :

The shear cutting or punching action results from a closing motion of two sharp, closely adjoined edges on material placed between them. The material stressed in shear to the point of fracture while going through three phases
1. Deformation:
As the cutting edges begin to close on the material, deformation occurs on both sides of the material next to the cut edge.
2. Penetration:
The cutting edges cut or penetrate the material, causing fracture lines.
3. Fracture:
The point where the upper and lower fracture lines meet. At this point the work done. But in punching, the punch must continue to move through the material to clear the slug.

Types of Shearing Machine 

1. Straight-Knife Shearing

In straight-knife shearing, the flat workpiece placed between a stationary lower knife and a movable upper knife. As the upper knife forced downward. It cuts the metal into two parts. Straight-knife shearing is the most economical method of cutting straight-sided blanks from flat sheet, strip, and plate with thickness no more than 50 mm (2 in.). The process  also widely use for cutting the sheet into blanks that will subsequently form or drawn.

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