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Naturals Ways to Grow Longer Eyelashes Fast

Shea butter


Vitamin A and vitamin E are contained in Shea butter, which strengthens the eyelashes by nourishing the hair follicles and improves their growth.

Application method:

Shea butter is added to the fingertips, and gently massaged onto the eyelashes. Before going to bed, do this routine everyday and clean your eyes off in the morning. Stronger and thicker, your lashes will expand.

Castor oil


Castor oil is a known stimulant for hair growth. In castor oil, the naturally occurring fatty acids help your lashes grow longer and thicker.

Application method:

With a Q-tip, gently apply castor oil to the eyelashes. Please leave it overnight, then rinse in the morning. Follow this ritual everyday and in a couple of weeks you will experience a drastic increase in the volume and length of your lashes.

You can also use careprost to grow your eyelashes longer without extension.

Green tea


Green tea is full of antioxidants and restores the growth of eyelash hair, making it long, thick and powerful.

Application method:

Using tea leaves or a tea bag and a cup of warm water to make a cup of green tea. Apply it to the lashes once the tea cools and leave it overnight. For the next 3 days, refrigerate the remainder and use the concoction, but not after that.

Lemon peel infused olive oil


As a hair growth stimulant, vitamin C and A in the lemon act. Olive oil stimulates growth and feeds the roots’ lashes.

Application method:

In the morning, soak the lemon peel (from one lemon) in olive oil. At night, before going to bed, add the mixture to your eyelashes.

Petroleum jelly


The petroleum jelly application is one of the simplest hacks to boost eyelash growth. It is an outstanding emollient and hydrating agent that helps to expand your lashes faster.

Application method:

On your eyelashes, add pure petroleum jelly every day and blend it over the eyelids too. In order to soothe your eyes and get thicker eyelashes, do this every day before going to bed.

Vitamin E


It revives weak lashes, increases the circulation of blood to hair follicles and stimulates new lashes to develop.

Application method:

Take a capsule of vitamin E, puncture the capsule and add the oil to your lashes. At any time of the day, you can do this. The lashes get the oil absorbed. To avoid lash clumping and breakage, you can also add this oil prior to applying mascara.

Careprost eye drops is very successfully eyedrops to grow your eyelashes longer and fuller.

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