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You may have heard of commercials in which automakers brag about their “responsive steering” or “responsive brakes”. What this actually means is that the car meets the needs of the driver. By shifting the steering slightly, the car rolls with it, and when you lock on the brakes, it immediately catches up.

If it’s the car that anticipates what you need, so does responsive web design.

These days, almost all new customers want a mobile version of their website. This is the essence of the hour! Even in the web design and development landscape, most app developers in Lahore find that they are unable to match endless resolutions and devices. For many different websites, creating a website version for every resolution and every new gadget is relatively impossible, or at least it seems impractical.

So, should you just suffer the consequences of losing visitors from one device, in favor of catching visitors from another? Or is there another way around?

Today, a website is not just about how it looks on the desktop, but also on different screens of devices and smartphones. And, while making a website responsive, there are a handful of doubts associated with it:

What is responsive web design?

What is responsive design and why is mobile web an important part of web design?

What is the difference between responsive and responsive web design?

How can I make my website more responsive?


According to the leading software developer in Lahore, Responsive Web Design aims to provide an unmatched user experience across a wide range of platforms, whether you are browsing the internet on your desktop, screen, mobiles and tablets. In addition, it was born with the idea of ​​providing a new experience of using multiple screens to display content, and the content should directly correspond to the screen size.

Technically, responsive web design is the methodology that advocates the assertion that design and development should respond to user behavior and their environment based on screen size, orientation, and location. platform. This practice includes a mix of grids, images, layouts, and a brilliant use of CSS media queries.

As the user is using a laptop and switching to other devices like iPad, the website should automatically support resolution, scripting capabilities, and image size. But, on the same note, you have to take into account the setting of your device.



Ethan Marcotte, a web designer, speaker and writer and the guy who started the whole concept of “Responsive Web Design”. It derives from the notion of responsive architectural design, where a room and space automatically aligns with the number and flow of people in it.

And, now by turning this discipline into web design, came out with a similar but completely new idea. So what is the need to customize a web design for each group of users, after all architects do not design the building for a specific group, size and type that cross it.

Similarly responsive architecture, web design must also adapt.

But, imbibing motion sensors and robotics to achieve is like a building. Developing responsive web design requires a more abstract way of thinking. However, some ideas are already in use:

Fluid layouts

Media inquiries


They can optionally reformat web pages and markup effortlessly.

Wait! Is responsive design about screen resolution and auto-resizable images?

No, there is a whole new way of thinking about design and few are listed below:

Flexible images

Adjust screen resolutions

Responsive images of filament groups

Custom layout structure

VS Cursor touchscreen


Committing to providing an unforgettable user experience paves the way for the longevity of any business. And whether you agree or not, your website is the online presence of your existing physical business.

When the customer walks into your shop, you probably greet them, offer them a drink and on what question. you can help him. It’s all part of developing a great experience that will keep the customer coming back.

The idea is the same, authentic and valid for the internet space. The more enjoyable and comfortable a customer’s experience on the website is, the more they need to stay there, explore, make a purchase, and even come back later.

Just think about your own online experience. Would you ever come back to a website that takes a minute or more to load, does not display properly on your device, or just fails to work in compilation with the website.

Certainly not! This is one of the main reasons you need to make your web design work well on all devices – and responsive design is the key to unlocking any challenges.

Additionally, in April 2015, Google examines whether a website is mobile-friendly or not as part of its search engine algorithms. This makes it clear that if a website is responsive, it is more likely to rank high in any given search compared to any website that is not.

So it is in your best interest to make your website responsive. And, for that, all you need is a reliable, tech-savvy oftware developer in Lahore.


Now that you have an in-depth look at responsive design and why it’s so essential for business owners with a website, here’s a full rundown on how to build a responsive website by making the necessary changes to it. your site.


A few years ago, many websites were designed based on the metric known as Pixels. But now the designers are leaning towards the fluid grid.

The grid sizes your website elements proportionally, instead of creating them for a specific size. This approach makes it easier when it comes to sizing elements for different screens, which is what the grid is for.

Whereas a responsive grid is often divided into columns, and heights and widths are scaled accurately and adequately. Nothing has a fixed width or height. Instead, the proportions depend on the size of the screen.

Even, you can set the rules of this grid by modifying the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and other codes of your website.


Now laptops come with touch screens. This makes it difficult for Lahore’s leading app development company to develop a responsive website with mouse and touchscreen in mind.

If you have a form with a drop-down menu on the desktop view, consider styling it as it looks more visible and easier to use with your fingertips, even on touch screens. Also, keep in mind that small things like buttons are hard to add on the touchscreen, so try to implement images, CTAs (Call To Action), and buttons that show up prominently on the touchscreen. the screen.

Visit Also: Web development Services in Lahore


Responsive design isn’t about mirroring your website exactly from device to device. You’re probably looking for the best user experience, and that can mean you have to leave things out when someone else is looking at your site on a small screen.

Responsive web design often condenses their menus or navigation menus into a button, which can expand by clicking. The list can be displayed in an extended version, but can be opened via a single button on a small screen.

Even you can set rules to include or eliminate certain elements by improving your website’s CSS and other code. It might take a little while, but it’s worth the wait and your consumer will appreciate it!


You might be wondering what is the biggest problem in implementing responsive web design?

“Image sizing” is considered one of the most difficult tasks in the responsive web design process. Even Lahore’s leading ecommerce developers are creating guidelines in CSS that determine how images are handled on different screens – whether created with full width in mind, or deleted or taken differently.


If you are not a designer by nature, you should align yourself with the best web development companies in Lahore to help convert your website into a responsive one. The good part is that help is available.

But, if you don’t have the design the responsive website for yourself, you can ‘cheat’ by going for a pre-designed theme or layout that will work for you. This means that all you need is updating the colors, content, and branding to match the unique but specific needs of your business.

While if you are using WordPress, there are plenty of free and paid themes available that are responsive right out of the box. The same goes for e-commerce businesses in UAE that offer themes on their website.


Are you using WordPress or any hosted eCommerce website?

If not, you might find it tedious to find a preconceived theme to use. Or you may just want a design that precisely matches your specific needs or the branding of your business. Well, you can hire top software companies in UAE to make something for you.

The best choice among the options inundated with web development companies in UAE experience in designing responsive websites. In fact, all websites created are responsive straight out of the box. This means that aligning with the right digital partner will relieve you of the responsibility of making your site mobile-friendly.

So remember, designing a website requires a lot of precision, which comes from a solid background in web design. And, keep in mind that this is not an area where you will be cutting prices.

Make room in your pocket for someone who takes responsibility for not letting you see you again in the next six months.


Responsive design is not a fading preference or a trend that will go away in the blink of an eye. Rather, it is a long term strategy that you need to invest in. The screens continue to evolve; all you need is your website to tick the boxes for every browser, regardless of devices and screen size.

By making your website with a responsive design, you no longer need to worry about website obsolescence. No matter what emerging technologies await, your site is finished. This will not only save the prudence and financial balance of your business, but also keep your customers happy.

The trusted and experienced choice among software companies in Lahore, Xicom, has shared a lot of helpful tips to make your website responsive. However, we understand that some terms are too technical to follow. And our team believes in creating and customizing solutions aimed at a better user experience. As a trusted and experienced app developer in Lahore since 2002, we strive to improve the user experience with constantly evolving technology.

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