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How you can get a higher MCAT score?

A higher MCAT score is the dream of every student who wants to be a doctor. But there are times when things go unexpectedly. Let’s cover how you can get a higher MCAT score?


If you are also among the one who is struggling with the MCAT scores and find things getting wrong even when you have studied it or knew it, here are we to help you.


Think and work on your physical & mental stamina –


Many premed students make one common mistake that is they forget MCAT is not just a premed exam for testing knowledge. But it is designed to test your mental and physical stamina.


You might be thinking how does stamina play a role in MCAT score? Well, the answer is simple, do you think it is an easy job and requires less stamina to sit in an exam for more than 7 hours and expect your brain to be active throughout the process.


After a certain point in time, you will be tired either physically or mentally. And that will be the time where your MCAT score starts to decrease.

get a higher MCAT score

Reason for lack of stamina?


If you think this same thing happens to you, don’t worry it’s not your fault completely. It is the way you studied every time, and now it has turned into a habit, a habit of focusing or concentrating for 2 or 3 hours maximum.


You might have never thought of how you would be sitting in an exam for more than seven hours. This is all the result of a lack of practice. If your stamina is good and it can get you to the end then strategies play their role.


How to get over it and improve the stamina?


Now if you are worried about it, then no need to. It isn’t harder as it sounds. All you need is a few changes in your lifestyle and study pattern, and you will be ready to overcome this during your exam.


You might have heard about a valuable insight that says MCAT is a marathon and not a sprint. So, if you want to be a top scorer of the MCAT, grasp this valuable insight and work accordingly.

get a higher MCAT score

Analyze –


When you are practicing for the MCAT exam once you complete it, sit down and analyze. Here is the technique to analyze your test very effectively.


Firstly, break down the test into hours and divide it into one-hour phase. So you will be having, seven different portions to analyze.


No thoroughly check-in which portion among these seven you got more incorrect answers.


The first hour of the exam –


If it is phase one that is the first hour of your test, then the reason could be anxiety or stress which, is very common among students.


For this, you will need to get mentally prepared before the exam time. Just sit there and make yourself comfortable for the exam before it starts.


The last few hours of the exam –


If you see your answers being incorrect in the last three to four hours, the reason could be a lack of focus. Around, 85% of the MCAT examinee sails in the same boat.


It is the time on which, you can work and jump over all those 85% of students in terms of score. 

Now when, you know the problem and the area where you need to work just, start working on it straight away.

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The best way to get the top score in MCAT practice taking tests –


If you are stuck around a specific score, and your score isn’t improving, then it means you are lacking, in resourceful practice.


Just solving one problem set after the other isn’t an effective way of getting over your weak points. 

Once you have written a test, and couldn’t achieve the desired score, do not get discouraged. Refresh your mind, sit back and analyze your test paper.


Try to figure out what part is lacking. Even the MCAT toppers revealed that analyzing their tests helped them overcome the weak points. So practice the tests regularly and analyze each time and make conclusions so you can work over them. 


Avoid the trap of comfort –


Everyone has their strong and weak points. Similarly, we have strong and weak subjects. Some of us might be doing well in biology while some of us might be brilliant with English. The trap that all of us fall prey is riding into our comfort zone.


We spend most of the time studying and practicing the topics or subjects that we are comfortable with. 

It is the point where the hard part becomes harder.


Turn the table upside down –


 Instead of putting the stronger, points on top of your schedule, figure out your weak points. Once you figure out your weak points, put them on the top of your MCAT schedule and work on them. It will boost your confidence once you are done, with the hard, topics it will help you improve your score.


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