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How to Write Content to drive traffic to your website.

Write Content to drive traffic to your website.

SEO Basics for Content Writing. In this blog post, we’re going to cover what you need to know when it comes to SEO writing for your blog and website in a way that produces real results.

You are going to learn SEO writing tips for your blog and your website that you can immediately apply and see better results. We are going to start with the fundamentals.

Build a checklist, with a list of points that you can immediately use to SEO optimize your blogs and web pages.


Please do not jump into content creation without doing your research, it’s like building a house without a blueprint, going on a treasure hunt without a map. If you create content without doing your research you might as well not create content.

Focus Keyword

Everything starts in SEO writing for your blogs or your web pages by finding the right focus keyword. Once you have a focus keyword, you should plug that into Google and get synonymous keywords from the searches related to at the bottom.

This is also known as Google autosuggest.

How do you find your Focus Keyword? 

I use a Long Tail Keyword finder tool on India #1 blogging site “”. Here’s the link. Below is a screenshot of how the tool and keyword results look like.

The 3 top paid tools are ahrefs, SEMrush and keyword finder all three are going to give you a different dashboard. But in the end the data, the metrics you need are all there. It’s up to you to kind of find a tool that you enjoy that you get comfortable using. provides a tremendous amount of data. SEMrush gives access to in-depth keyword analysis and Google SERP position analysis. Keyword Finder is equally simple and easy-to-use.

Keyword Relevancy

Now, every time you utilize a keyword research tool, what are you looking for. Priority one is relevance. If your term has nothing to do with your target audience, the products you sell, or the services you provide, it is completely useless.

Because of this, keyword volume—the number of monthly searches—does not count as much as relevancy. Consider that you market a unique pet brush that is only effective on labradoodles. Would you rather have 5 consumers looking for a Labradoodle grooming brush for sale than 10,000 individuals searching for dog brushes?

With only five words, that term won’t have a lot of volume. However, a person who uses the keyword “for sale” in their search has a disadvantage.

Keyword Difficulty

Avoid going after high-scoring keywords if your site is fresh. You want to go after the big guns, so it’s tempting, right? However, if your website is new, you should limit your keyword difficulty to 40 or lower. Why?

New websites actually have no chance of ranking for competitive keywords. Keep in mind that you want to be at the top; you don’t want to be among the top ten, top three, or top five. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it: in order to rank there, your term must have minimal competition.


Let’s say you researched, you did your homework and you have found the right focus keyword. Step five is going to be content and I hate to say it but this stuff doesn’t get any easier. In fact, it gets tremendously harder. Content is your most important ranking factor.

Let me repeat that content is your most important ranking factor. Google is people first. And that’s why content is the most important ranking factor, your content better be good.

Now that you have your keywords. You know that your focus keyword needs to be your topic.

URL Length

Your URL or Permalink must be the focus keyword alone don’t add in a bunch of other words. If you put your focus keyword as the URL you keep it that chances are you’re going to win and studies have shown that the shorter your URL, the higher your likelihood to rank for that term.

Brian Dean, the author of, has shown with research material that your url should be 50 or less letters. If it exceeds 50, so does your chance of ranking on the first page.


Citations are crucial, so be sure to use reliable sources while gathering information. Only link out to the greatest sites, keeping your anchor links for these sources to two to three words. Make sure you’re not linking to a link of a link, as this frequently occurs in the world of the internet.

To notify Google that you have done your homework, you should go directly to the source. The caliber of the content is crucial. You won’t get the top spot in Google if you publish content that is full of typos, poor quality, and mediocre and hasn’t been proofread so be careful and use proofreading tool before you publish article.

There are millions of blogs published every day in opposition to yours. why yours is superior. You must provide worthwhile, efficient, and effective content. Let’s stop disseminating poor quality stuff.

Give Your Content a Gaze

It will also tell you if there are unnecessary repeat words if any. This will improve the quality of your writing.  It will also tell you some facts about the tone of your writing. It will also concentrate on the sentence formation and it will tell you if there are any issues with the sentences’ formation. If there are any sentences those have very good meaning but they are too long then this tool will tell you about it.  It will give you some suggestions too so that you can either shorten the sentences or make two out of one. Your sentences will be more meaningful.

Avoid Dates

Avoid include dates in your topic or link as much as you can. Use the date in the second half of your header if you must have one. For instance, Drive More Traffic in 2020 with SEO Basics for Content Writing. You should save that because it’s fairly pertinent.

Just keep in mind that won’t be perennial. Consider whether adding a date is worthwhile before you do it. Because this content item will need to be updated for relevance or modern reading after a year.

Image Optimization

The optimization of your images is crucial. Remember to do this before uploading your featured image. Make sure to rename the image you’ll use to symbolize your blog with the focus keyword.

The alt tag therefore has to contain the focus keyword. It’s usually a good idea to give it a new name even before uploading it because doing so not only inserts the alt tag but also provides your image the file name of the focus keyword.

Utilize the Website jpeg compress site. Your photos are silently compressed in the background. Make sure the size of the photographs on your blog is no more than 100 KB. because larger photos take longer to load and slow down your website.

Avoid Duplication content

The phrase “Content is King in SEO Strategy for Now or Later” will undoubtedly come up when discussing blogs or websites. If we read popular websites, we frequently see references to uniqueness and quality when discussing content, while frequently discussing SEO strategy, we frequently see references to optimization, keywords, and much more. All of these concepts must be understood in order for the website we are developing to be more than just a blog traffic generator. If you content is plagiarized then google will not rank high so avoid duplicate content in your text. Check your content plagiarism using online plagiarism checker tool.

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