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Health and Fitness

How to speed up metabolism after age 30?

As we get older, it seems that losing weight becomes more difficult, doesn’t it? Those little pounds you lost easily when you were a teenager now cost to leave. But how to speed up metabolism after 30?

But what is metabolism?

First, it’s worth understanding: metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that take place in our body. “Whether digestion, breathing or even the functioning of the heart – all of this needs energy to happen”, explains Aryane Emerick, a graduate student in functional clinical nutrition, from Smart Nutri (application with online consultation and chat with specialists).

Metabolism can be further divided into two phases, catabolism and anabolism. While the former encompasses the processes of breaking complex molecules into simpler ones, in order to generate energy, as in digestion; anabolism represents the reverse, it is the transformation of simple molecules into more complex ones, resulting in energy expenditure, as an example we can mention the formation of proteins from amino acids.

Finally, we have the basal metabolic rate, which means the number of calories that the body burns to make all the reactions that we explained above at rest, that is, while you sleep or watch your series on the couch.

Why does the metabolism “slow down” according to age?

Depending on our body composition (volume of lean mass x fat in the body), our basal metabolic rate may be higher or lower. “That’s because the muscles need a lot more energy for their maintenance,” says Aryane Emerick. So, the logic is simple: when more fat and less muscle mass, less energy our body spends at rest.

This may be one of the explanations for the metabolism to “slow down” according to age. After 30, there is a progressive and natural loss of muscle mass in the body (called sarcopenia). “Of course, some people also have hormonal changes or illnesses that aggravate their condition. Not to mention the poor nutritional strategy – if an individual consumes more calories in the day than he or she spends, it will be difficult to lose weight”, says the nutritionist.

How to speed up metabolism after 30?

So how to change our body composition to speed up metabolism after 30? We talked to Lucas Cortez, a physical education teacher at Smart Fit , and took a few more tips from Aryane to answer that question and show you the path of the stones. Check out!

How does training speed up metabolism after age 30?

Well, if more muscles mean more energy expenditure, can training “speed up” the metabolism? That’s right. “In addition to increasing muscle mass, you also burn extra calories and fat,” says Lucas Cortez.

Some modalities, even, are great for that. The high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of them. The session, as its name already explains, concentrates very intense exercises with moments of recovery. All of this in up to 20 minutes! HIIT not only promotes high calorie expenditure, but also encourages the body to expend calories even after hours.

The first study done in this direction, in 1996, was led by Izumi Tabata and published in the National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Japan. In it, researchers found that performing moderate intensity exercises for 60 minutes generates the same results as intense exercises for 20 minutes. seconds, followed by 10 seconds of recovery and repeating the sequence for four minutes. This strategy could increase our anaerobic capacity by up to 28% (the body’s capacity to capture, fix, transport and use oxygen), and became the basis of HIIT.

Spoiler: at the end of this article, you will find a video with HIIT training to start training today!

How does food speed up metabolism?

Just as poor diet is detrimental to metabolism (sugar and refined flour, for example, are easily digested by the body, requiring little energy), a balanced diet can ” speed up ” its functioning. “Worrying about adequate amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates [those that take a longer time to be absorbed, like sweet potatoes and brown rice], good fats and vitamins and minerals helps a lot,” says Aryane Emerick.

To further boost the effect, you can also bet on foods called thermogenic. “They have substances that require more energy to be digested (and they produce more heat, that’s why the name). You only need to be cautious if you have heart disease and hypertension, as they also speed up your heart rate.” You may even try hgh lilly humatrope 72iu for that.

Foods that speed up metabolism

Aryane indicated some items that can be included on the menu. The expert’s suggestion is that they are consumed throughout the day, in small doses, and combined with nutritious meals.

  1. Green tea

The herb combines caffeine and antioxidants that optimize caloric expenditure and fat burning. However, it is worth paying attention to the time you drink tea – if it is close to bedtime, it can disturb your sleep.

  1. Red pepper

The active capsaicin, present in the spice, increases heat production and stimulates metabolic processes.

  1. Ginger

In addition to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory (great for treating colds and flu), ginger has thermogenic action.

  1. Cinnamon

Also, thermogenic, cinnamon enhances metabolic processes. How about some slices of apple and cinnamon, heated in the microwave, to start the day?

  1. Coffee

Like green tea, coffee is full of caffeine and antioxidizes. In addition to helping with caloric burning, coffee is full of benefits for the body, such as reducing the chance of liver cancer and improving blood flow.


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