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How to saving money in the Covid pandemic

In parallel with strengthening activities to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic, it is necessary to find solutions to save money for families today. That is to increase the initiative in dealing with the epidemic of each individual, family, and society.

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, many people instead of going to the office have chosen to work from home. However, if you are comfortable using electrical devices, at the end of the month users will receive a huge bill with a skyrocketing amount.

Experts suggest 12 ways that can help users save electricity when working from home.

  1.   Turn off electrical appliances that are not in use
One of the simplest solutions to cut electricity bills is to turn off all unused devices in the office in particular and the whole house in general.
  1. Unplug even when not using electrical equipment

Many people think that when not using the device, there will be no energy loss. However, the reality is not so, devices when plugged into an electrical outlet can still lose energy. Devices such as TVs, speakers, computers, phone chargers even when turned off. But if you still leave the power cord in the outlet, you are wasting energy. Therefore, the advice is: when not in use, unplug it if you don’t want your electricity bill to continue to increase.

  1. Cleaning equipment used for a long time

Regular cleaning of electronic devices in use in the house, especially fans and air conditioners. Regularly clean electrical equipment, especially when the equipment is located in areas with a lot of dust, the filter will quickly become dusty, reducing the ability to exchange heat and wind, wasting electricity.

  1.   Use ceiling fans instead of air conditioners and fans

Ceiling fans bring cool, comfortable air to maintain in a large space for your home and use only 10% of electricity compared to fans or air conditioners. Using these devices will also help you save energy.

  1.   Use LED or fluorescent lights

One of the ways to save electricity in your small home is to use fluorescent lighting (CFL) or LED bulbs instead of conventional lighting devices. Because both fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and LED bulbs consume energy efficiently and have a long service life in addition, they are also very safe for the environment.

  1.       Welcoming the natural wind into the house

Expanding windows to use natural light is also a way to save electricity. In the morning, when the sun is still not strong, you can open the window, pull the curtain to take advantage of the energy from the outside, both bright and airy.

At noon and afternoon, look where your house will be shaded, you can open the door in that direction to catch wind and light to limit the use of electrical appliances, helping to save electricity for your family.

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  1.  Reduce electricity usage during peak hours

Of course, due to work requirements, whether at work or at home, we are still forced to use devices such as computers and on hot days to turn on air conditioners, fans … However, depending on the nature of work, we can limit the use of electricity during peak hours of the day. At peak hours, if you use a lot of electricity at the same time, it will lead to electricity flickering, which consumes more energy.

  1.       Replace old electrical equipment

One of the ways to save electricity is to use new electrical appliances. In the house, appliances such as refrigerators, washing machines. Kettles, rice cookers, etc. are old and damaged, so they should be replaced. Because new appliances are not only prioritized when being manufactured. But also in terms of durability and good features, but also in terms of saving electricity. They are always put on top to reduce electricity costs.

  1.       Choose smart electrical devices

You can use induction lights when a family member often forgets to turn off the lights when going out. Using appropriate lighting will help reduce the power of the bulb and also help you save electricity.

  1.   Using the shower

In hot weather, people have a need to use water more, but using more water means electricity will go up. So the best way is to adjust the water flow at the faucet to a smaller size when in use. So installing a shower in the bathroom with a small water jet will help save a significant amount of clean water and electricity each month.

  1. Cut unnecessary spending

Cutting unnecessary spending is one of the priority solutions. Accordingly, consumers should make a list of necessary items before shopping, ignore non-essential goods, focus on paying for basic needs. And take care of the health of their families and themselves. Dear. Users can prioritize according to their own circumstances, needs and pockets.

  1.   Buy with 0% interest

In recent years, the form of payment with a 0% interest rate when paying by credit card has become popular and chosen by many people. Instead of paying large sums immediately, customers will pay in installments over certain periods of time with 0% interest.

Consumers can shop for savings by taking advantage of offers from credit cards

When researching an item, besides the quality factors. Buyers should consider the price compared to similar products to choose a product that suits their requirements and pocket. 

Many people have lost their source of income. Others have lost their homes. Still, others have lost their savings trying to stay home and continue to “return to normal”.

Isolation from personal relationships, whether in the office or socializing with friends, is having a detrimental effect on our society. People are longing to be connected in some way.

There is a field of e-commerce that has grown tremendously during this time of COVID-19.

This is due to the increasing availability of online course instructions. Whether it’s for classroom instruction for school-age kids or for adults trying to learn or improve a skill set that will help them in this environment, online where everyone is hanging out.

This is exactly the kind of environment that podcasting is starting to improve almost like any other option! Podcasting is becoming the fastest-growing means of communication on the planet right now!

If you have a skill set that will help someone accomplish something that will benefit them right now, you have a potential client who can pay to teach you. Processing a podcast can be a way to make some extra money.

Then you need a topic to talk about. My podcast training clients need to write three or four topics where other people are asking them for help. 

As you become more widely known and receive more and more requests for help, you may begin to charge a small fee to others who ask for your help.


Besides, consumers can take advantage of promotional programs. Grasping the habit of shopping and paying online in the context of the epidemic. Many e-commerce sites have continuously launched promotional programs such as direct discounts on each product. Selling in combos with preferential prices.

The habit of using cards for payment not only brings safety makes spending more economical and efficient during the epidemic season but also contributes to promoting the trend of cashless payment.

Read More: Here Are Money Moves to Start Saving Right Now

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