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How to Rewrite Articles in Your own Words

No matter how much you love writing, there are always going to be times when you need to rewrite an article. Rewriting can be a pain for a client, your website, or another publication.

But it doesn’t have to be! With a few simple tips, you can learn how to rewrite articles quickly and easily without losing your mind. So if you’re ready to learn how to rewrite like a pro, read on!

Why rewriting articles is essential.

There are many benefits to rewriting articles in your own words. For one, it allows you to understand the material better. When you have to explain the concepts to someone else or write them out in your own words, it forces you to think about what you’re trying to say. This can help you catch any errors in your understanding and fill in any gaps.

It also helps improve your writing skills. When you have to put ideas into your own words, it forces you to be clear and concise. You can’t just regurgitate what someone else has said; you must choose your words and use them effectively. This is a valuable skill in any situation where writing is essential, whether it’s crafting an email, writing a report, or even just taking notes.

Finally, rewriting articles can help build your knowledge on a particular topic. When you come across an interesting article but don’t have time to read it right away, rewriting it can be a great way to quickly get the main points and add it to your mental library for later recall.

How to choose an article to rewrite

Choosing an article to rewrite is simple, but choosing the right paper for the job is essential. Here are a few things to keep in mind when making your selection:

– Pick an article that’s relevant to your audience. The more relevant the report, the more likely your audience will be interested in reading it.

– Choose an article that’s not too long or too short. You want something that you can efficiently rewrite without omitting any important information.

– Select an article that you’re familiar with. This will make the rewriting process much simpler and quicker.

Tips for rewriting articles

  1. Don’t start by reading the article word for word. Instead, skim over it and get a general idea of the main points.
  2. As you’re skimming, make a list of key points you want to include in your rewrite.
  3. Next, reread the article, taking more detailed notes. Highlight or underline important information that you want to use in your writing.
  4. Once you’ve finished taking notes, put the original article away and begin writing your version.
  5. Use your own words as much as possible, but if you need to use a quote from the original article, be sure to put it in quotation marks and cite the source.
  6. When you’ve finished your first draft, read it over and compare it to the original article. Ensure you’ve covered all the critical points and that your rewrite is accurate.
  7. After you’ve revised your article, have someone else read it to check for clarity and accuracy.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with your final draft, publish it on your blog or website!

How to improve your article rewriting skills

You’ll occasionally be asked to rewrite an article if you’re a freelance writer. This can be daunting, especially if you’re unsure how to approach it.

Here are a few tips to help you improve your article rewriting skills:

  • Read the original article several times. Make sure you understand it thoroughly before you start writing.
  • Take notes as you read. Write down key points and ideas you want to include in your rewrite.
  • Put the original article away and write your rewrite from scratch, using your notes as a guide.
  • Once you’ve finished your rewrite, read it aloud to make sure it flows smoothly and sounds natural.
  • Compare your rewrite to the original article. Make sure you haven’t accidentally plagiarized any content.

With practice, rewriting articles will become easier and faster. Soon, you’ll be able to do it without thinking about it!

Examples of well-written articles

No matter what your field, you likely read articles daily as part of your professional development. have you ever thought about taking those articles and rewriting them in your own words?

It’s not as difficult as it sounds and has numerous benefits. When you rewrite an article, you:

  • Make the information more understandable and easier to remember
  • Get practice summarizing and synthesizing information
  • Help solidify your knowledge of the material
  • Improve your writing skills
  • Get more comfortable expressing your thoughts and ideas in written form

If you’re unsure how to rewrite an article, here are some examples of well-written summaries and paraphrases. Use these as inspiration when you rewrite articles of your own.

Example 1: Summary

Original Article: “5 Tips for Dealing With Rejection” by Jia Jiang

Jiang opens with the story of how he overcame his fear of rejection by purposely seeking it out for 100 days. He shares the following tips for dealing with rejection:

Tip 1: Don’t take it personally. “When we are rejected, we feel like it’s a reflection of who we are as individuals,” says Jiang. “We forget that it’s not about us; it’s about the other person.”

Tip 2: Embrace the opportunity. “Rejection allows us to grow,” says Jiang. “It allows us to find new ways to achieve our goals.”

Tip 3: Be persistent. “Successful people aren’t necessarily the ones who never experience failure,” says Jiang. “They’re the ones who keep going despite repeated setbacks.”

Tip 4: Put things into perspective. “When we’re feeling rejected, we often magnify the situation and make it seem much worse than it is,” says Jiang. “Try to step back and see the big picture.”

Tip 5: Learn from your experiences. “Use each rejection as a learning opportunity,” says Jiang. “Think about what you could have done differently and use that knowledge to improve your chances of success next time.”

In conclusion, Jiang urges readers to view rejection as a positive thing—an opportunity for growth and improvement.

How to avoid plagiarism when rewriting articles

When you rewrite an article, it’s essential to change enough of the words and structure so that you don’t plagiarize the original author. Here are some tips on how to rewrite an article without plagiarizing:

  • Please read the original article several times so that you understand it completely.
  • Make a list of the main points you want to include in your rewrite.
  • Write your rewrite using your words, sentence structure, and voice.
  • Include citations when you use a direct quote from the original article.
  • Check your rewriting against the original article to ensure you haven’t accidentally copied any phrases or sentences.

The benefits of rewriting articles

There are many benefits to rewriting articles in your own words. The most obvious benefit is that it helps you to understand the original article better. When you rewrite an essay, you must slow down and think about what the author is saying. This can help you identify key points and ensure you understand them fully.

Another benefit of rewriting articles is that it can help improve your writing skills. You will naturally experiment with different ways of expressing the same ideas as you rewrite. This will help to expand your writing vocabulary and improve your overall style.

Finally, rewriting articles can also be a great way to generate new ideas for your writing. As you read and think about the original article, you may come up with additional views or perspectives you want to explore further in your work.

The best rewriting software

When you need to Rewrite Articles, there are many software programs available that can help you. Some of these software programs are free, while others must be purchased. Here is a look at some of the best rewriting software on the market today.

  1. WordAi
  2. Spin Rewriter
  3. Article Rewriter Wizard
  4. Rewriter Pro
  5. Content Professor
  6. Articoolo

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