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How to make sure I didn’t plagiarize

Plagiarism is the act of taking another person’s words or ideas without giving the original author full credit. Plagiarism can occur accidently, via carelessness or forgetfulness, or it can happen when someone intentionally steals another person’s work. When writing an academic paper, you build on the work of others and draw information and support from a variety of reliable sources. You must accurately cite these sources in your writing to prevent plagiarism. Plagiarism tool free online is an online plagiarism tool that help ensure your work isn’t plagiarized. let’s look into the topic “how to make sure I didn’t plagiarize”:

You can avoid plagiarism by:

  1. Keeping track of the sources you consult in your research

By keeping your notes structured and creating a list of citations as you go, you may easily prevent plagiarism. Make sure to clearly designate which ideas belong to you and which don’t in your notes. Also, make sure to properly mark any material that you have taken directly from a source with quote marks.

  1. Paraphrasing or quoting from your sources

To quote is to replicate a passage of text verbatim. You must use your own words to introduce the paraphrased content, put it in quotation marks, and accurately credit the original author.

Use quotes sparingly in general. Quotes are suitable when:

  • You use a precise definition that was provided by the original author.
  • You cannot reword the original text without distorting its meaning.
  • You’re examining how the author of the original text used language.
  • You want to keep the author’s words’ authority and style.

To paraphrase is to explain anything from a source in your own words. It is not sufficient to only change a few words from a text that has been copied and pasted. To correctly paraphrase, you should rephrase the author’s argument in your own words to demonstrate that you understand it completely.

    3. Mentioning the original author in your reference list and in an in-text citation

You must always cite the original author properly in the text or footnotes whenever you use a quote or paraphrase. Each citation has to point to a complete reference in your paper’s reference list or bibliography. By doing this, you may avoid plagiarism and make it easier for your readers to find the original source if they want to learn more. Use our free Citation Generator to create properly styled source citations. Additionally, if you’re using APA Style, you might want to use a special programme that checks your citations for problems. It can identify discrepancies between your in-text citations and reference list in addition to checking that they are formatted correctly.

    4. use a plagiarism detector before submitting

To find possible plagiarism, most colleges deploy plagiarism detectors. Checkers for plagiarism examine your material, compare it to a database of websites and publications, and then flag portions that seem to be lifted verbatim from other sources. Before submitting your paper, think about utilizing a plagiarism detector on your own work. This enables you to spot potential instances of unintentional plagiarism, including:

  • Citations that were lost or missing
  • a lack of quotation marks
  • Too much similarity between the original text and the paraphrased text
  • After that, you may quickly correct any instances of possible plagiarism.
The accuracy and security of various plagiarism checkers vary. Refer students to a website that conducts in-depth research and compares the top plagiarism detectors to aid in their decision.

   4. Prevention of plagiarize check list

  • When quoting another person verbatim, make sure to frame the passage as a quotation.


  • It has been appropriately paraphrased, presenting the topic entirely in one’s own words, while employing someone else’s thoughts.


  • Every time words, concepts, or data are taken from a source, a citation must be provided in the text.


  • Each referenced source is listed in the author’s own bibliography or reference list.


  • Strictly adhered to the relevant citation style guidelines.


  • Have not plagiarized themselves by borrowing any content from another article. Have performed a last check using a trustworthy plagiarism detector

An Overview Of Plagiarism

One of the most prevalent types of plagiarism is accidental plagiarize.
Maybe you didn’t include source citation or you paraphrased touch too precisely. 
Perhaps you are unsure if an idea is original since you can’t recall where you received it.
Even if you didn’t want to plagiarize, these all count as plagiarism. 
When in doubt, make sure your sources are cited. Prior to submission, you can also think about passing your work via plagiarism detection programme. These tools use sophisticated database software to search for similarities between your content and other materials.
A competent plagiarism detector can let you submit your work with confidence in less than 10 minutes.
When summarizing an article or other source, adhere to these two guidelines to prevent plagiarism:
-Use the author’s ideas as guide, but completely rephrase the synopsis in your own terms.
-So that your reader can quickly locate the original material, cite the source with an in-text citation and complete reference.
If the tone, formatting, or style of your material varies throughout various portions of your work, or if your professor or readers are familiar with the copied source, they will be able to tell if you have plagiarized.

Many colleges now employ plagiarism detection Software, which examines your writing against a vast database of other materials and highlights any parallels.

It can be simpler than you think to accidentally plagiarize.

To be sure you’ve included all necessary citations, think about running your work via a plagiarism detector before turning it in.

Here are a few instances of plagiarism:

  • Including a Wikipedia article’s text after it has been copied and pasted
  • using a quote from a source without citing it
  • improper paraphrase, such as sticking too closely to the original’s language
  • failing to credit the author of an idea
  • Citing your sources is the most effective technique to ensure that you don’t commit plagiarism. Cite when in doubt!

Consider using a plagiarism detection programme before submission if you’re worried about plagiarism. The plagiarism checker can help you submit your work with confidence and takes less than 10 minutes.


Whether you intended to plagiarize anything or not, using someone else’s words without giving them credit is wrong. Even a phrase or two of unintentional plagiarism might have major repercussions. Plagiarism among students frequently results in a failing mark, academic probation, or even worse. Fortunately, there are resources available. You may use an online plagiarism checker to make sure you have correctly acknowledged and referenced any non-original content in your writing. online plagiarism checker was first created for students, but it may be a helpful tool for authors in any profession who wish to produce new, unique, and plagiarism-free work.

If you utilize a free online plagiarism check to find plagiarism, you’ll receive an instant report that details if plagiarism was discovered as well as the number of writing errors in your essay. The plagiarism detector highlights individual lines and offers source references, computes an overall originality score for your paper, and provides advanced writing criticism and fixes in a number of areas.

As evidence that you made an attempt to compose the paper on your own, provide your teacher any outlines, notes, or draughts that you created for it. To demonstrate that you didn’t plagiarize in the past, give examples of your expertise or talents from prior writings.

The repercussions are largely the same whether plagiarism occurs accidentally or on purpose. 
Reprimands, failing grades, failing courses, or even worse outcomes, can follow.

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