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Health and Fitness

How to Exercise Your Jaw

Bicep curls build your bicep muscles, squats build your quad muscles, and burpees build your cardio endurance. But what exercises could you use to strengthen your jaw muscles?

The human jaw is made up of two big bones – the mandible (lower jaw) and the maxilla (upper jaw).  It also has several small muscles that help you open and close your mouth. Jaw muscles can affect the overall appearance of the face, neck, and chin.

So if you’re interested in learning how to exercise your jaw and achieve a more defined jawline, you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find a series of exercises to build jaw muscles.

Muscles in the Jaw

Just like other muscles in the body, you can use exercise to build strength in your jaw muscles. Let’s quickly review the jaw muscles and where they are located.

There are three muscles that help you close your jaw – masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid. The masseter muscle is a large muscle that extends from the cheek to below the ear. When you clench your jaw you can feel the masseter muscle flexing.

The temporalis muscles are located on either side of the head. Finally, the medial pterygoid is the small muscle behind your teeth.

There are two jaw-opening muscles – the lateral pterygoid and digastric muscles. The lateral pterygoid is a muscle located inside the skull. It is primarily used for chewing. The digastric muscle is located underneath the chin.

Why Exercise Jaw Muscles

Exercising your jaw can improve the appearance of your jawline and prevent sagging near the neck. Jaw exercises can also help reduce pain in the face, neck, and chin.

If you are having consistent jaw pain or headaches you may have a condition called TMJ. What is TMJ? It’s a disorder that can cause symptoms in the jaw and ears.

If you feel pain during these exercises, stop immediately and contact a medical professional.

How to Exercise Your Jaw

Ready for a great jaw workout? Follow these exercises to build your jaw muscles and prevent jaw and neck pain.

1. Resisted Jaw Opening

Start by placing two fingers underneath your chin. Apply a moderate amount of pressure with your fingers as you slowly open your mouth. You may have heard of resistance exercises with bands, weights, or belts but for this exercise, all you need is your own body.

Hold the open mouth position for about 5 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

2. Tongue Press

Move over bench press – the tongue press is taking over! To start this exercise relax your face, neck, and jaw. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Open and close your mouth keeping your tongue pressed upward. This exercise will increase the mobility of your jaw muscles.

3. Say Cheese!

This next exercise is pretty simple – just smile! Keeping your mouth closed, smile as big as you can. Release and repeat 5 to 10 times. It may not feel as natural as your normal smile but it will help strengthen those jaw muscles.

4. Neck Curl Up

Think of this exercise as exactly what you’re not supposed to do when you do an abdominal crunch. Lay on your back with your feet flat and your knees bent. Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and bring your chin to your chest.

During this movement, your shoulders may come off the ground a little but that’s not the point of the exercise. If you are feeling this exercise in your abs, try reducing the range of motion. If you experience any pain, stop this exercise.

5. Collarbone Slide

Have you ever seen someone impersonate a chicken – moving their head forward and backward like they’re pecking at food? Well, this jaw exercise is a lot like that! From a seated position, draw your head backward as if you’re trying to create a double chin. Then move your head forward leading with the chin.

If you look at yourself in the mirror while doing this exercise and you look silly- you’re probably doing it right! Try 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

6. Vowels (O-E-O-E)

Open your mouth wide to create an exaggerated “o”. Then move directly into an “e” sound. As you switch from o to e you will feel your jaw muscles stretching. Repeat each vowel 10 times and complete 3 sets.

7. Tongue Twister

To complete the tongue twister exercise press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth close to your front teeth. Start humming. You will feel a vibration through your mouth.

Repeat 15 times for one set. Complete 3 sets.

8. Massage

If you are experiencing jaw pain or stiffness, try gentle massage. Take your index and middle finger and massage either side of your jaw. This is especially useful for people that have pain from grinding their teeth.

9. Chin Lift

You can perform this chin lift exercise in a seated or standing position. Lift your lower lip by moving your lower jaw out. You should feel stretching in your lower jaw and chin area.

Hold the pose for about 10 to 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

10. Fish Face

You may feel goofy doing this last exercise, but it will help accentuate youthful facial traits. All you have to do is suck in your cheeks like you’re making a fish face. Then, try to smile. You’ll notice a pulling sensation around your cheeks and that’s how you know it’s working!

Add Jaw Exercises to Your Daily Routine

Wondering how to exercise your jaw on a regular basis? Try adding these exercises to an activity you already do every day such as brushing your teeth or driving to work. Pick three or four of your favorite jaw exercises and repeat them each day. Over time you may notice a difference in your jaw muscles and overall face definition.

Want to find other ways to promote a healthier lifestyle? Check out all the great health and fitness content we have on our blog!

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