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How to do SEO on Shopify in 2021?

SEO can be applied to any type of website and that includes ecommerce, whatever the platform on which it is working. Until not long ago there was the idea that an online store did not need SEO but, don’t you want your ecommerce to position and have visitors that convert?


It is true that the SEO that is worked in an ecommerce can be different from that that is done with other types of pages, especially if you are working with Shopify.

Therefore,  if you are wondering how to do SEO in Shopify from DinoRANK we will tell you so that your online store can generate more sales thanks to its good positioning.

Is it possible to actively work on improving SEO positioning in Shopify?

As we told you at the beginning, it is perfectly possible to  do SEO in your Shopify store to position your ecommerce and get organic traffic to increase your sales.

In fact, Shopify has some features precisely focused on SEO so if you are using this CMS you already have certain advantages in this regard. Later we will tell you what these options are and how you should use them.

Are you an entrepreneur in the SEO world?

If you have created an online store with Shopify and you want to do SEO with it, keep reading this guide because we are going to tell you all the steps you must follow to position your ecommerce.

What is the Shopify SEO Manager?

First of all, if you have an online store in Shopify, we recommend that you install the Shopify SEO Manager app, a powerful tool focused on positioning in this CMS that will help you control the way in which search robots access and view your ecommerce .

Thanks to Shopify’s SEO Manager you will be able to carry out actions such as:

  • Connect your ecommerce with Google Search Console
  • Control crawling and indexing
  • Preview the appearance of your ecommerce in the SERPs
  • Find suggestions about keywords to target
  • Analyze your website in terms of SEO
  • Adjust the images of your online store and add the alt attribute
  • Discover broken links and pages that don’t work
  • Control the stock and indicate which products should appear at what time in Google, perfect if you have seasonal products in your catalog
  • Configure the sitemap according to your needs

This application has a cost of 20 euros per month and you can unsubscribe at any time without penalties. We recommend you access your 7-day free trial to see if it is worth it.

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How to do SEO with Shopify to improve web positioning

Before we told you that Shopify has options that you can configure to work on the SEO of your ecommerce and gain organic traffic that in turn generates a greater number of sales. You can learn how to improve SEO in Shopify with this guide  through which we want you to learn how to work the positioning of your online store.

The first thing you should do is go to the Search Engines section of your Shopify to modify two very important elements:

  • Page Title . It applies to your website but can also be configure for categories, products and blog posts. It is the title that will appear in the Google search results so it must be attractive to stand out from the rest of the links.
  • Meta description . It is the second part of the preview of your link is the SERPs and it is the section where you can explain in a couple of lines what it will find its click.

In this same section you can also modify the headings, that is, the H1, H2, H3, etc., to create coherent structures that help both Google and the user to understand the content of your ecommerce.

Of course, this assumes that you have already done a Keyword Research and that you already know what keywords you want to rank for. Do not undertake SEO actions in your ecommerce before having this clear since, otherwise, it can harm your positioning. Remember that you can use DinoRANK to work with your keywords.

Finally, make sure to send your Shopify sitemap to Google through Search Console so that your content can be crawl and index and, in this way, appear in Google search results.


Best Shopify SEO Plugins

In addition to these functions, there are a series of external plugins that you can install in your Shopify to make it easier for you to manage certain aspects relate to the positioning of your online store .

Remember that you should install only those that you really need and delete those that you have try and have not been convince since it is not advisable to have too many plugins in your CMS.

Among other things, an excess of plugins affects the loading speed and this, the user experience, which has a direct implication on the positioning of your online store 😉

Schema Plus for SEO

Thanks to this plugin you will be able to apply enrich data in the content of your website that helps Google to understand what is in an ecommerce. By entering this semantic data in the form of a schema, thefts understand your website better and, therefore, will improve your positioning.


Plug in SEO

This plugin performs an SEO audit of your Shopify so that you will quickly know what errors you are making and what you have to solve as soon as possible. If you don’t have too much experience, it will be very useful so that it will detect for you everything that needs to be improve and fix.

SEO Image Optimizer

It is a tool through which you manage all the SEO of your ecommerce automatically , thus saving you as much time as possible. It is one of the most popular Shopify plugins since, once you configure it, you can leave it working without having to worry about anything else.

Bulk Image Edit

This plugin for images allows you to completely treat each of the photos that you have in your ecommerce . It will allow you to automatically adjust the format according to Shopify standards and also change the names to be more SEO-friendly and compress the images so that they take up less space on your server.


SEO Booster

Thanks to this plugin you will be able to check if your ecommerce is seen correctly in both Google and Bing . It has several functions that will help you increase the sales of your online store through some SEO actions. It is very appropriate for beginners as it guides the user about what to do.

Yoast SEO for Shopify

It is one of the most popular plugins when it comes to positioning content; However, it is not recommend to use it in Shopify since precisely the module to improve texts that has made it so well known does not appear in this CMS. Yoast SEO does not integrate with Shopify .

We have include it in this list precisely because, being Yoast SEO so popular, many webmasters think of it to manage the SEO of their ecommerce and later discover that it is not valid, or at least not as it is for websites built in other CMS.

However, as we mentioned before, Shopify has its own options for this task in the tab call Search Engine and you can also complement it with the Plug in SEO plugin. You also have other similar options such as Smart SEO, SEO Expert Pro or SEO All In One & Auto SEO.

All of them have facilities and applications that will help you manage the positioning of your ecommerce, so we recommend that you try them to choose the one that best suits what you need.


Is it possible to apply the same SEO techniques for Shopify as for a WordPress ecommerce?

T he most basic SEO techniques are applicable to any web page regardless of the CMS in which it has been built. Therefore, many of the actions that we recommend here to improve the positioning in Shopify can also be applied to a WordPress ecommerce and vice versa.

In fact, everything relate to titles and meta descriptions, for example, is not only applicable to the products and categories of an ecommerce, be it Shopify, Prestashop, Woocommerce or any other CMS, plugin or add-on, but practically any content of a web page.

Therefore, if you have work on SEO so far in other ecommerce systems other than Shopify, you should not think that now you have to start from scratch. Of course, we recommend you explore the characteristics of Shopify to manage the positioning as well as the plugins and the SEO Manager application that we have already comment above.

Therefore, even if you have an ecommerce with Shopify, do not forget to work on SEO  if you want your online store to position and increase its organic traffic, which will also translate into an increase in the sales of your products.

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