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How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help to Correct Reading Vision Problems

Do you find it difficult to read through the words properly? Are you suffering from severe headaches after trying to read for a long time? If yes, then it might be your eyes are getting the effects due to age and you are ultimately losing your reading vision.

Your eyes start losing the muscular power over the years which makes it quite difficult to look properly at close distances. This condition is called presbyopia which happens due to age factor and results in loss of focus up close. The lens in your eyes become less flexible, and it means you will require glasses for reading clearly.

Presbyopia might take place among people who have good vision but it can even happen in people who are getting affected due to other optical conditions such as hyperopia, astigmatism and myopia. Thankfully, there are effective treatments available to correct this common problem.

Symptoms of presbyopia

There are various common symptoms that people having presbyopia might suffer from. So, if the following problems seem to be familiar, then you might have to think about your options or book a free consultation to know how you can get help.

  • Difficulty in concentrating on certain things in your close area
  • Severe headaches or eye pains when reading or doing some work
  • Holding mobile phones, books and other reading materials at arm’s length to focus on them properly
  • Fatigue when trying to focus on long periods of time
  • Depending on increased or brighter lighting

Presbyopia usually starts when you are 40 and gets more noticeable after that. By the time you turn 60, many people will lose the elasticity in their lens that allows them to focus on the objects close to them.

How reading vision can be improved

One of the common options for people who suffer from reading vision problems is to use reading glasses that have been made to help lens focus at short distances. Since reading glasses are needed only for short distances, they might be some kind of nuisance. Many people like to wear them on a chain around their necks so that they can access them easily. On the other hand, others want to carry them in the case. When you have to wear them on and take them off for the sake of reading an article, this might be quite painful and hence, laser eye surgery has gained immense popularity.

Laser eye surgery for presbyopia

Since thanks to the latest developments in surgical procedures and technology, there are other alternatives available that provides a permanent solution for reading vision problems.

Laser eye surgery has attained a great success rate for correcting the problems of reading vision. With the help of a precision laser, your surgeon will try to make necessary adjustments to your cornea and correct visual impairments that you might have. There are different laser eye treatments available such as –LASIK, LASEK and ReLEx SMILE. Based on the needs of individuals, your surgeon will evaluate if you are the suitable candidate for performing laser eye surgery and will suggest the right treatment option for you.

Another option is lens replacement surgery which is an innovative treatment which can help in correcting different visual problems, treating and preventing the development of cataracts.

How to arrange for presbyopia treatment 

If you are having some problems with reading vision or finding the reading glasses is becoming a concern, click here to book a free consultation with a your eye surgeon to discuss about all possible options for your case.


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