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How Data Visualization Tools are aiding in Record Envisioning?

In this world, we’re handling a big quantity of records. For example, if we take the monthly expense of each person in an organization, it will form a huge set. We need to read every piece of data to understand the expense graph. In such cases, a graphical representation will help in the better understanding of the information. The visualization programs help us to understand the area in which we have complexity.

Visualization tools are cloud-based applications that help in representing large amounts of data in a graphical format.

Graph visualization has an important role in every field. This visualization software is used in the share market to analyze the share price. Teachers use visualization to monitor the performance evaluation of each student. Sales officers also use this tool for evaluating their sales performance. Visualization tools also help designers to visualize efficiently.

Visualization tools play a vital role in communication too. When we communicate with media, investors, clients, and agents, visualization helps you to communicate in a structured manner. The visualization of data differs from individual to individual depending on their requirements.

What is Data Visualization?

Data visualization refers to the technique of representing raw data using graphical or pictorial formats. In addition, this enables us to understand new trends in a large set of data easily. We can visualize the data in different methods according to the requirement of the client and usage. Read more about React Development Outsourcing.

What are the different types of Data Visualization Methods?

Various types of Visualization methods are available. Some of the famous Visualization methods are:

1. Bar Graph

2. Bubble Chart

3. Bullet Graph

4. Column Chart

5. Dual Axis Chart

6. Line Graph

7. Mekko Chart

8. Pie Chart

9. Scatter Plot

10. Stacked Bar Graph


1. Bar Graph 

The bar graph is one of the most famous techniques of Visualization. Bar graphs help us to compare different sets of data between different groups. The above image from Mathfun website is an example of a bar graph.

Bar graphs contain the X-axis and Y-axis for easy measurement and visual presentation. While one axis displays the categories, the other axis displays the discrete values. Above all, bar graph visualization helps us understand the relationship between the axis and compare the values in different categories.

2. Bubble Chart 

A bubble chart represents the relationship and distribution between the data. Bubble charts also contain the X-axis and Y-axis. The points are marked in circles in the bubble chart and use different colors to differentiate between them. The bubble chart helps in examining the pattern/correlation between the data.

3. Bullet Graph 

The bullet graph is similar to the bar graph and it also functions as a bar graph. A bullet graph helps in tracking the performance. The image from a clearly and simply website is a good example of a Bullet graph.

When compared to bar graphs, bullet graphs contain extra elements for visualizing. Moreover, in bullet graphs, visualization requires less space for representing the data.

4. Column Chart

A column chart is the most common method which helps in the visual representation. The difference between bar graphs and column charts is that, in the column chart, the values are mentioned on the vertical y-axis, and in the bar graph, the values are mentioned on the horizontal x-axis. In addition, this visualization software is easy to understand and is also a time-saving method.

The image from the Displayr website indicates the column chart based on brand preference. The graph visualization values are displayed in rectangular form. Similarly, the height of the rectangle refers to the value of each product.

5. Dual Axis Chart

Commonly in graphs, we use a single X-axis or Y-axis. But in the case of the dual-axis, we use both axes to demonstrate the relation between the various variables with different magnitude and measurement.

The dual-axis chart from Playfair combines multiple charts and contains multiple axes for the visual presentation of data.

6. Line Graph

The line graph is one of the most popular forms of graphs that help in Visualization. Line graph from Datavizcatalogue also contains X-axis and Y-axis.

This graph visualization is commonly used for continuous values. Visualization software is mainly used for evaluating the progress, trends, and changes that occur or have occurred during a period of time.

7. Mekko Chart

Mekko chart helps us to compare values and measures easily with the help of visual analytics. Visualization software also helps us to analyze distribution. In the graph visualization, the data are divided into different categories.

8. Pie Chart

Pie charts help to display the percentage or proposition of each category. Similarly, a pie chart can be used in different fields like office, share market, expense analysis, etc.

The pie chart from Datavizcatalogue helps us to understand the proportion of each category. From the graph visualization itself, we can understand which category contains more percentages. Above all, pie charts help in easy visualization.

9. Scatter Plot

A Scatter plot uses dots to represent different numerical values. Above all data visualization software helps in identifying the relationship between different variables.

There are different types of scatter plots from Datavizcatalogue. These include positive scatter plots, negative scatter plots, null scatter plots, linear scatter plots, exponential scatter plots, U shaped scatter plots.

10. Stacked Bar Graph

Stacked bar graph visualization uses a bar to represent different categories of data. A stacked bar graph contains a horizontal bar and each bar represents different categories. The main difference between a stacked bar graph and a normal bar graph is that in a stacked bar graph each category (bar) is divided into different divisions and each division is represented by a different color. So it will be easy for the data visualization software to make comparisons and to generate reports.

The above image from Data viz catalogue indicates the stacked bar graph. Here each bar is divided into small different categories and categories are indicated using different colors.

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How Data Visualization Tool become a Revolutionary in the world of Big Data?

Data visualization is a type of craft that helps to catch the attention of the users. Data visualization software helps analysts and statisticians to make data models with user-friendly interfaces and databases. Different types of data visualization examples are available in the market, so it is very difficult to sort out the best data visualization technique. Therefore, we consider some factors while selecting the data visualization tools. Check out the following section to know more!

What are the Factors that Affect Data Analytics?

Easy to use

When we select a tool we check whether it is user-friendly or not. Now there are many android applications and web-based application tools for the public. While selecting the data visualization techniques we have to check the functioning of documentation and presentation of data.

Multiple dataset management capabilities

The best data visualization tools can handle large data. When the amount of data increases the functionality of the data visualization technique also increases. The best visualization software must also contain different types of graphical representation formats.


In data visualization tools there are two types of categories: paid and free software. Most of the graph visualization comes with a free version with limited functions to access. For more functions, we need to take premium subscriptions. In this data visualization technique, we can select the plan according to our requirement, based on the cost we can select the visualization tools.

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