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Healthy Diets

Healthy Diets

In recent years, interest in health and nutrition has increased, and we are more aware of how important it is to follow a healthy lifestyle in the prevention of chronic diseases.

Although following healthy diets and exercising regularly has become the goal of many, there is still a large part of the population with obesity problems.

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On the other hand, for those who are considering a change in eating habits, there is so much information in communication networks about what a balanced diet is, that more than clarify, it confuses when deciding which option is the healthiest.

And if the intention is to lose weight, the dilemma increases, since there are so many trends that, added to the general desire to see quick results.

It is easy to make mistakes and fall into the temptation of following those diets to lose weight that promise, but are less recommended for not be a healthy and balanced diet and also achieve a rebound effect.

Forget the classic myths of healthy diets and incorporates different types of nutrients in each meal to be balanced and above all, always prioritizing little processed foods over precooked, sugars and industrial pastries.

In addition, whenever we talk about diets, the happy bikini operation or dissociated diets come to mind  as well as diet fads that come to light every day in the world of nutrition such as the ketogenic diet, vegan, frugivorism, climarian diet.

  1. What is a balanced diet?
  2. Nutrients to include and avoid in a healthy diet
  3. Food groups of balanced diets
  4. Dairy products
  5. Fruits and vegetables
  6. Vegetables
  7. Cereals (whole) and tubers
  8. Nuts
  9. Meat, fish and eggs
  10. Oils and fats
  11. Weekly healthy diet

What is a balanced diet?

Many people are convinced that their diet is healthy and balanced, but the truth is that we do not always eat as well as we should. And is that the current lifestyle leaves us little time to do good planning of our balanced diet, often leading to a certain eating disorder.

Within the healthy diet pattern, it is worth taking these three premises into account: ensuring the supply of fiber, controlling the quantity and quality of fat, and minimizing the contribution of simple sugars.

Nutrients to include and avoid in a healthy die

  • Ensure fiber consumption through legumes, fruit, vegetables and whole grains and nuts. Essential not only to regulate intestinal transit but also to help prevent some intestinal disorders.
  • Not only the amount of fat but also the type of fat in the diet should be controlled, prioritizing foods with healthy fats and controlling those in which saturated fats predominate.

To do this in a healthy diet you have to incorporate the necessary nutrients and …

  • Limit the consumption of fats of animal origin, avoiding meats with visible fat, cold cuts, dairy products with a high-fat content (cream, very fatty cheeses, butter, ice cream …). Select mainly lean meats (skinless turkey, skinless chicken, rabbit, lean beef, beef tenderloin, pork loin, horse, partridge, quail …), and choose dairy products with lower fat content (fresh cheese, natural yogurt and milk).
  • Consume heart-healthy fats, such as unsaturated fatty acids, present in olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds or oily fish (salmon, mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, etc.). The oil of choice is olive, the “virgin” is recommended for its greater antioxidant capacity, without abusing excessively fatty culinary preparations such as stews, stews, fried foods and batters, prioritizing cooking such as griddle, roast, oven, papillote, steam, boiled or poached.
  • Avoid bakery, pastry, and ice cream products that have saturated fat.
  • Sugar. Try to do without the consumption of simple sugar and those foods that contain it in large quantities such as sugary drink

Food groups of balanced diets

To follow a healthy diet, the following food groups must be considered:

Dairy products

This group of foods mainly provides proteins of high biological value. They are the main source of calcium and a good source of vitamins (A, D, B2 and B12). 

1-3 times a day are recommended.

Fruits and vegetables

They are one of the main sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants (with cellular protective effect), hence it is recommended to take them daily. The recommendation is to take:

  • Fruit: 3 a day . It is better to consume the whole fruit since most of the fiber is extracted from the juices. We recommend citrus (orange, mandarin, …) a day.
  • Vegetables: 2 a day (lunch and dinner). One of the servings must be raw to take advantage of all its nutrients.

They provide complex or slow-absorbing carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but also a good amount of protein. 

As for legumes we have beans, chickpeas, lentils, but also fresh legumes such as beans and peas. Not only do they have to be eaten in winter, but all year round, and can be eaten in summer as a salad. They are also included in weight control diets as they favor the feeling of satiety and intestinal transit. 

It is recommended to consume at least 2 to 4 times a week, but in the case of caloric control, better 2.

Cereals (whole) and tubers

They are a source of carbohydrates and B vitamins and provide an important source of energy. Better to take them whole because they contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals than refined ones. This group includes bread, pasta, rice and other cereals.

In general, they are for daily consumption, taking into account the different intakes, such as breakfast, snacks, or lunch. 

Pasta and rice can be consumed 2 to 3 times a week respectively, but in the case of caloric weight control, opt for 2 days a week of these carbohydrates.

Potatoes and other tubers also contribute carbohydrates to our diet, although they are usually included in less quantity and as accompaniments to vegetable dishes.


The nuts have a low content of saturated fatty acids and a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, the condition becomes one group of favorable food in cardiovascular disease prevention.

It has high fiber content and a great variety and quantity of vitamins and minerals that perform important functions in our body, such as vitamin E, folates, calcium, magnesium and potassium. 

The recommended intake of nuts is 3 to 7 times a week (serving of 20-30g of nuts)

Meat, fish and eggs

The meat, fish and eggs food provides protein of high biological value. They are a great source of bioavailable iron, B vitamins, and minerals. 

Due to the saturated fat content of the meat, it is better to choose those leaner, with lower fat content, such as chicken and turkey without skin, rabbit, lean beef, pork tenderloin, etc., and remove the visible fat before its cooked. Its consumption can be 3 to 4 servings of meat per week. Avoid the consumption of sausages.

With regard to fish, it is advisable to consume 3-4 servings of fish per week, and of these at least 1 or 2 of oily fish because it is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a heart-healthy effect.

The eggs contain complete proteins and provide nutrients such as vitamin A, D and B12 and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium. The consumption of 3-4 eggs per week is a good gastronomic alternative to meat and fish, foods with which it shares similar nutritional qualities.

Oils and fats

Although there must be fat in our diet it should be consumed in moderation, due to its high caloric intake. Vegetable-based fats are much healthier especially virgin olive oil. Avoid fried foods and stews that require a lot of oil.

Weekly healthy diet

Here we are going to help you make a balanced weekly menu with a sufficient supply of nutrients (vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats with an intake of 4-5 meals a day.

  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar), 40g of bread with oil and tomato
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Baked aubergine stuffed with couscous with mushrooms, onion and carrot. Grilled tenderloin with roasted pepper and piece of fruit
  • Snack: Piece of fruit and natural yogurt (unsweetened)
  • Dinner: Julienne vegetable soup with noodles. Grilled wild asparagus with grilled chicken with paprika
  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar), 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened cereals + 6-8 chopped hazelnuts
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Chickpeas with spinach and hard-boiled egg. Piece of fruit
  • Snack: Piece of fruit and natural yogurt (unsweetened)
  • Dinner Grilled zucchini and aubergine slices and potato omelette (boiled & poached but not fried)
  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar) and 40g of 100% whole wheat bread with turkey (minimum of 80% turkey)
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Lunch: Green beans with carrot with potato, roast turkey legs with onion and piece of fruit
  • Snack: Natural yogurt (unsweetened) + 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened corn flakes
  • Dinner: Glass of gazpacho, green beans (take advantage of those at noon) with tuna
  •  Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar) 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened cereals + 6-8 chopped hazelnuts
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Baked broccoli with prawns and garlic, white fish (ex: baked sea bass with potato) and piece of fruit
  • Snack: Natural yogurt (unsweetened) + Nuts 3-4 chopped walnuts
  • Dinner: Tomato dressed with cucumber, onion and pepper. Scrambled egg with mushrooms
  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar) Toast with avocado and tomato
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Lentils with rice and vegetables (without fatty sausage) and a piece of fruit (better a citrus)
  • Snack: Fruit and toast with fresh cheese
  • Dinner: Sautéed chicken with vegetables and a glass of Basmati rice
  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar) Toast of 100% wholemeal bread with cheese 
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Pumpkin puree with potato and curried chicken fillets. Piece of fruit
  • Snack: Natural yogurt (unsweetened) + 1-2 tablespoons of unsweetened corn flakes
  • Dinner: Vegetable stew and steamed salmon with quinoa
  • Breakfast: Coffee with semi milk (without sugar) 40g of wholemeal bread with tuna
  • Lunch: Piece of fruit
  • Food: Rice with artichoke hearts with garlic. White fish (ex: hake casserole with clams and prawns) and piece of fruit
  • Snack: Piece of fruit and natural yogurt (unsweetened)
  • Dinner: Red cabbage salad with apple and zucchini omelette


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