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Health and Fitness

Five Things to Know Before Getting Veneers

They are thin shells made from porcelain used in treating dental problems like misshapen teeth, gappy teeth (diastema), discoloured teeth, etc. Treatment is done by attaching them to the teeth. The myths surrounding the use of veneers are so many. One of the misconceptions people have about veneers is that users don’t have to care for them after installation. Other people believe that below the veneer, there is no tooth left. These impressions are not accurate. There are pieces of information about composite veneers London that can help you understand it better.

If you are having dental concerns like any of the ones mentioned above, and perhaps you’ve thought that veneers can correct the issue. Then this post is to guide you in ensuring that the treatment option is most suitable for your specific needs.

Deciding on getting veneers is not enough; you have to be qualified for it. Yes, you heard, right. Only suitable candidates are allowed to use veneers for teeth straightening or correction. We will talk about this later.

Here are some pointers:

  1. Veneers are not a same-day completed dental procedure 

    It will be amazing if you understood the design mechanism of veneers; the process involves many steps and a long time to achieve your desired result. No dentist will place your veneers on the same day you make arrangements to get them.Like we said before, knowing if you are a suitable candidate for veneers is the first step towards receiving this treatment. Why is this important? Certain dental cases may come up that cannot be effectively handled by veneers. Even if it is, there may be other solutions at that time too that can correct the malocclusion. The best advice always remains that you consult your dentist about your teeth problem. Tell them what you want and how you want your smile to appear. It is in their experience to tell you if veneers would do the work or not. The dentist can even recommend a better solution in case veneer is not the best.

    Kindly follow the instructions of your dentist. They have been well trained and qualified for examining teeth concerns and proffering bespoke solutions. So, it can only get better with professional advice from a dentist.

  2. Want a specific smile? It will appear just the way you desire it 

    Do you know that the veneers will be designed following your preference? It is one great thing about veneers! From masquerading, reducing, to eliminating anything you are not comfortable with your teeth — veneers can do what you choose. On the part of the dentist, he has to consider several factors to arrive at a fantastic smile. Essential elements like your bite, thickness of tooth enamel, and how the pulp tissue will appear should be considered. All of these will guide your dentist’s hands to design veneers that will fit perfectly.

  3. Before your permanent veneers, you’ll have a temporary fix 

    Right after considering your dental features and case — preparations will be made to create your veneers. While that is going on, your dentist will give you temporary veneers which will be bonded to your teeth with bonding cement that’s easy to remove.You have to wear this ‘mock’ smile, and it will give you an idea of how the final smile will appear. The beauty of this stage of opting for veneers is that you can identify what you don’t like and have it changed before getting your permanent veneers. This procedure is a quick one.

  4. Though still present, the size of your teeth will reduce 

    As part of the procedure for providing a befitting veneer for your mouth, a reduction of your teeth size and shape when it is made will enable the veneers to fit correctly. You wouldn’t want something in your mouth that feels bulky and ill-fitting. But how much of this tooth reduction will be done?  This process varies from a patient to another because teeth are different. So, the deduction made on your teeth will not be the same as that of another person.Will this reduction be excess? It is very uncommon to file down the teeth to the extreme. Only the prescribed amount will be removed; there will still be teeth left. One essential thing to remember is that getting veneers is not a procedure that can be reversed upon completion of the process. Which is why consulting a professional dentist is vital to avoid mistakes from occurring, and the procedure will be smooth, but most of all, you will have the beautiful and radiant smile you desire.

  5. Slight pain may be felt during the procedure 

    Treatment with veneers is usually not painful. It is factual that you will be a little uncomfortable but not to the extent of becoming unbearable. While the process is ongoing, patients will be placed under anaesthetic, so they don’t experience any actual pain. The dentist will make sure of this happens.Your gum line may become sensitive after fitting the veneers. It is often because your teeth are adjusting to the new appliance. But after a few days, this discomfort won’t be there anymore. You will get used to the veneers in your mouth.


With this information, you can be able to deduce what veneers are and what is involved if you desire to get one for yourself. Keep in mind the procedure and result expectation, and it will guide you throughout the treatment period to get your desired smile.

Upon completion of treatment, expect a beautiful transformation to your face. You always book an appointment with us at our practice for more useful advice and possible treatment.

In addition to the skilful work expected of your dentist to make your smile work, also you are expected to take excellent care of your veneers when you receive them. All that money you have spent shouldn’t be a waste.

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