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Explained: How Long Do Babies Use Newborn Diapers

Being a parent is one of the most significant responsibilities and the most critical role we play in our life. The responsibility of keeping a newborn safe, healthy and happy is on our shoulders. We need to make a million decisions, some practical, some financial, and some emotional, to make the journey of parenting the most fulfilling and best for our kids and us equally.

The decisions related to newborn diapers are also among those million decisions – which brand to go for, when to start, how to change newborn diapers, where to buy newborn diapers online, etc., needs to be answered. In this article, we will explain how long babies use newborn diapers!

There are many different types and brands of newborn diapers available in the market. However, as the newborn diapers fit and fit only up to a certain weight and age, it is better not to splurge on stocking too many pairs of newborn diapers. Although, even if you do so, with cloth diapers, you can always keep them for the next child in the family and pass the love ahead. SuperBottoms Newborn UNO equally fits a baby weighing from 2.5 KGs to 7 KGs due to its adjustable feature. According to the WHO, an Indian baby usually reaches 7 KGs weight by 6 – 7 months of age. However, it is essential to remember that weight is not the only criterion determining the time to move from newborn diapers to freesize UNO.

Before we get to how long babies use newborn diapers, let us first understand how many diapers you would need for your newborn baby.

How Many Newborn Diapers To Stock Up On

The number of newborn diapers you need to buy would depend on two things – your baby’s pooping frequency and your laundry cycle.

 After the meconium is passed, a newborn usually poops up to 3 times a day. But sometimes, they can poop after every feed as well. So, consider the count as 4 – 6 or even more diaper changes per day. If you decide to go with disposable diapers, research says that on an average, you will need around 1500 newborn diapers for the first few months. However, this number and of course the cost associated would be way less if you decide to go with cloth diapers. Invest in Newborn UNO for the utmost comfort of your baby and to save their skin from nasty rashes. You can also mix the stash with some Dry Feel Langots that can hold up to one pee. So, you could own as few as 12 newborn diapers without needing any extra stash if you wash them every alternate day. However, it is wise to keep a few extra just if you need them or if the laundry is delayed or takes time to dry etc.

Here are the other factors you will need to consider before packing the newborn diapers up for the next baby to pass on to!

Activity Level Of Your Baby

Once the baby starts to roll over, wiggle and grab things with their hands, they might begin to grab the edge of newborn diapers and open the Velcro of the diapers. In such a situation, cloth diapers with snaps that are not easy for a baby to open and keep the cloth diaper in place are a better option. Thus, even if your baby has not reached the upper limit recommended by a particular newborn diapers brand, it might be time to graduate them and move to a freesize UNO now.

A Boy Vs. A Girl

The age at which your girl would reach the 7 KG milestone vs your boy reaching the same weight would differ. Boys’ average weight is more than girls; thus, the time to move from newborn diapers to freesize diapers might be sooner for boys than girls.

Length Of Your Baby

The weight and height chart and percentile recommended by WHO is a range and not an absolute number. This is because each baby has a different body build – some babies might be on the leaner side, while others are chubbier than others. Thus, even if your baby has reached the 7 KG mark, but if they are tall and on a leaner side, the newborn diapers would still fit for a few more weeks or even months. In this case, you can delay investing in the freesize UNO for a while.

It Depends On Your Baby

Well, you might think that it is time to or not move to the next size, but the final decision depends on the boss – your baby! If, even after reaching the 7 KG mark, the newborn diapers fit well, and your baby is comfortable in them, you can continue using them a little longer. The bottom line is that let your baby’s comfort guide you.

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