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Curse Occur After Killing a Snake | Sarp Dosha



The Rahu-Ketu transit every year and a half comes with troubling questions about a single person’s astrological implications.

Snakes have always been in our environment, especially in rural life. The harm that snakes do to humans or humans to a snake is common.
Human damage is manifested by snakes such as Sarpa dosha.

Snakes refer to the land because they take home underground in cool areas where there are water veins and where there are trees. Water and trees are a natural wealth that must be taken care of. These sources are scattered with the habitat of snakes.

In the science of water vein detection, Varhamihera lists snakes that must be monitored at certain depths to find out the amount of water and the taste of the water.

When humans or harm these natural resources or use these natural resources for their own benefit, the habitat of snakes is also affected.
This is how the snake curse occurs.

Another way of looking at kaal Sarpa Dosha is that if the earth is damaged by pits for whatever reason, it harms the Adisha who holds the earth all the time.

Adhisesha is the embodiment of the force that keeps the earth steady in a constant path around the sun.

The slightest disturbance to the ground by scratching or digging is damage to the ground or pergola. This is why any digging activity must be preceded by a puja or penance on the ground. When this is not done, it also attracts sarpa dosha.

The mischief that occurs in the early births of snakes or the land is due to the curse of snakes.

This curse affects his descendants, family life, health and wealth.


Identification of Kaal Sarpa Dosha:-

  • Dealing with this topic, Prasna Marga gives some tips on how to recognize Sarpa dosha in the horoscope and how to get rid of it.
  • Snakes are classified as Utthama (superior snakes) and adhama (inferior snakes).
  • The superior snakes are the good ones and the inferior are the bad ones.
  • If Jupiter in the horoscope is the lord of Doshtansas i.e. 6, 8 or 12 and occupies one of them and if it happens to be a quadrant (1,4,7 or 10) of Rahu,
    then it must be concluded that there is a curse of super serpents.
  •  Jupiter is in the quadrant to Julica, then he concludes that there is a curse of the lower snakes.
  • Rahu occupies 6, 8 or 12 houses and connects with the Sun, then the problem is with super snakes.
  • Rahu is associated with the moon, then the problem is with lower snakes.
  • If Rahu occupies an animated sign, then the curse is due to the brutal destruction of the eggs of the snake.
  • then Rahu occupies a common sign, then the curse is due to the killing of small snakes.
  • When Rahu occupies a fixed sign, then the curse is due to the felling of trees near the habitat of snakes.
  • that time Rahu joins the Mandi or if Rahu is on the fifth, seventh or ninth day of the Mandi, then Sarpa Dosha must also be inferred.
  • If Mars occupies a quarter of Rahu, the curse is caused by destroying trees, clearing land, killing snakes, leveling their habitat, setting fire to trees close to their habitat, neglecting to replant fresh trees, or breaking the snakes’ favorite anthill.

Treatments For Kaal sarp Dosha

  • Whatever house Rahu-Kitu occupies, it is better to worship them and to do Sarpa Bali (pujas to them or offerings to them)
  • If Rahu is in the fourth house of the horoscope, then a gem called Chithra Kota should be dedicated to the serpent deity.
  • when Rahu is in the twelfth house, then “singing” must be arranged. This is a missing practice. In Paripaadal’s Sangam Tamil script, there is a description of how people used to sing and dance in snake temples. Arranging concerts in a snake temple is a way of penance.
  • or Rahu is in lagna, then milk and ‘siddhapayasa (milk and water) should be offered. If Rahu is in the seventh house, then the “singing” should be arranged. If Rahu is a fixed sign, eggs and small snakes made of gold and copper should be installed in houses of worship. Fresh trees should be planted near snake temples (or snake dwellings). It is also a good idea to grow a peepal tree in snake temples.
  • ascendant is an animated sign, then 11 images of an egg or a small snake made of gold or copper should be installed in the temples of the snakes.
  • Saturn and Julica are in the quadrant to Rahu, one must serve the serpent temple in the maintenance of the temple.
  • The Snake Temple should be kept clean and unspoiled, and people of lower mind (drunken or unclean) should be kept away. Fresh trees should be planted in the vicinity, and one should work to keep the temple well guarded and to restore regular ritual cleansing.
  • If Julika is alone in Rahu’s quarter, this also indicates a need
    To serve the Snake Temple by keeping its surroundings free from dirt and pollution and preventing spitting or urinating near the temple.


Can it be cured?

Thus, kaal sarpa dosha remedies are simple yet logical. The universal remedy for Sarpa dosha is to offer milk to an anthill or the ground where the serpent deity is installed. This symbolizes the purification of the mother earth by the pure food that lives, that is, milk.

Kaal Sarpa Dosha’s message is that man should be aware of the damage he is doing to the earth and the environment.

Every time one spits on the ground, makes the ground unclean, or digs the ground—albeit for some inevitable reason—without making an apology for doing so by thoughts associated with Pooja, one invites a snake curse.


Wherever one is born or in what faith one is born, the kaal Sarpa Dosha caused by one’s actions can only be addressed by the above methods.

A pilgrimage to Hindu temples or just giving birth in Hindu faith will pave the way for dumping the baggage accumulated in daily life to misuse the land in some way.

Only the Hindu faith paves the way for ultimate liberation through a great number of paths and the abolition of both good and evil that one has accumulated.

Bad effect of Kaal Sarp Yoga:

  • A person touched by Kaal Sarp Yog will see Pantons and Serpents in a dream.
  • A person affected by Kaal Sarp Yog must fight all his life. Kaal Sarp Yog denies the positive effects of the house, where it starts and where it ends.
  • Thus, obtaining the benefits that can be obtained completely stops.
  • A native with Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from mental health problems, obstacles to wealth, obstacles to childbearing, and ongoing marital disputes.
  • Usually the native has bad dreams and there is a danger of sudden death.
  • Various fears and experiences persist. The native does not receive full reward for his talents.
  • Usually, job success is delayed.
  • A sudden loss of money or prestige is an indicator of this yoga.
  • One who is born for no reason suffers from diseases that cannot be cured by medicine.
  • For example, if someone has a Kaal Sarp Yogi influencing the First and Seventh houses,
  • it will cause him a long-term illness and negatively affect his / her relationship with his / her spouse.

Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja performed in Trimbakeshwar, Nashik in Maharashtra

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