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Kids and Teens

Coloring pages for children – learn about their benefits

Coloring pages, which for some time were associated only with kindergarten and the teacher’s complaining that you did not paint exactly , are now experiencing their heyday. They are loved by children, but also by adults who perceived them as a form of relaxation and tranquility. Find out about 5 reasons why you should give your child a coloring pages.

1. First adventures with crayons, pencils and pens

For many children, the first crayons and coloring pages are great fun, comparable to LEGO bricks or a beautiful Barbie doll. If your toddler can’t hold a pencil in his hand yet, let alone draw shapes or write, try buying him a coloring book. Show me how to “use” it. In the beginning, you will definitely have to protect your child in keeping crayons and painting. Over time, your child will be a real champion. From learning to color, you can smoothly move on to practicing writing . It will be great fun not only for the baby, but also for the parents!

2. Learning accuracy

Seemingly coloring black and white shapes is nothing particularly difficult. As it turns out, it will not be so obvious for a toddler. Get ready for the fact that in the  first works of a child, the  grass does not always have to be a shade of green, and the sun is sometimes purple. Eventually, the toddler will learn to distinguish colors and shapes and will not go beyond the line with the crayon. Save your child’s first pictures. When he grows up, you will have phenomenal memories.

3. Exercising creativity

Developing creative thinking in a child does not necessarily mean learning rhymes by heart, singing songs or beating the next level of the computer game. Instead of electronic activities, you can spend your time coloring. Start with the simplest types of coloring books. In time, choose a bit more difficult for your child. By painting trees, mountains, a castle or the Lion King, your toddler will become much more creative.

4. Acquiring new knowledge

For slightly older children, we offer educational coloring pages, which you can buy both in bookstores and on the Internet. Coloring versions of ancient Egypt or Piast Poland may be irreplaceable for learning history . Pictures of leaves, seasons or animals will broaden the knowledge of nature. Learning can be fun.

5. Awakening the passion

Coloring pages can make your toddler start drawing himself or become interested in painting with paints. Who knows if seemingly ordinary play will not instill in your child the spirit of a real artist ?

Coloring pages – how they affect the development of a child

Coloring pages Värityskuvat, sketching pictures that every child knows. We also spent many hours coloring. The only difference is that nowadays you don’t have to go to a kiosk to buy a set of coloring books. There is also no need to separate the number of images that we will color in a day. Because they can’t end too soon, right? Luckily, coloring pages are now at your fingertips and you can spend hours on them. Plus, they have a lot of advantages, you know?

coloring books

Coloring pages are unfolding

The hours a child spends covering outline pictures with color are very important. Development of imagination, learning to combine colors, fine motor training, as well as calmness and concentration. Seemingly simple, and it supports the child on many fronts. Filling pictures with color is a great pleasure for a child, especially when he can do it as he wants. We don’t have to worry if the grass is colored orange. Kids have incredible imaginations, it is worth supporting, not blaming them.

8 advantages of coloring pages

I think there would be more, but these 8 are still a nice number.

Concentration – when coloring, the child focuses on the picture, on being precise, thus training the precision of work and acquiring the ability to focus, which is not easy for a curious little child.

Eye-hand coordination – we need it almost all the time, while coloring the child exercises it very much. Holding the crayon, sharpening it, precisely filling the contours – they fall into this category.

Learning colors – although we help toddlers to learn basic colors, the act of drawing supports this skill and allows them to get to know different shades of one color.

Preparing to learn to write – coloring develops fine motor skills, teaches you to hold the crayon correctly (pay attention if your child does it correctly).

Mute – yes, coloring is muted, although children are not yet aware of it. That is why coloring pages for adults were created.

A way to prevent boredom – you can color everywhere, on the go, in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, on a picnic blanket in summer. All you need to do is take your crayons and cards with pictures printed on them.

Learning about the surrounding world – trees, cars, animals, by coloring children, they acquire knowledge about what is around. They learn how to draw. For example, we will be checking how to draw a Christmas tree by ourselves in a moment .

Increase in self-esteem – self-coloring of the picture shows the child that he is able to do something completely on his own. In addition to higher self-esteem, the motivation to paint more pictures is also increasing.

coloring books

A selection of coloring pages

Nowadays, choosing a coloring book for a child is not a problem. All you need to do is turn on the browser and click on the best coloring page,, easy right? We use this website almost all the time. Why? Because there is a large selection of coloring pages for each of my girls. For me too. I found here both coloring pages from top fairy tales that girls love. For Kali Peppa, for Florek Psi Patrol, and for Rozalka LOL Surprise. When Rozi was in kindergarten, I also printed letters and numbers for her to learn to write. Now Flo is starting to be interested and in a moment she will be trying her hand at writing. On the website you will also find a section “how to draw”, and in the context of the upcoming holidays, Christmas coloring pages. Believe me, you will find a suitable coloring book for each of your children. Mine have been painting since the morning, and thanks to that I was able to tell you everything.

Coloring pages for children can be printed or drawn by ourselves. They don’t have to be complicated coloring pages , it is enough to draw a flower for the girl and a car for the boy. Regardless of whether they are our self-made or printed coloring pages , they guarantee a lot of fun for the child, but above all, they bring many advantages.

What are the benefits of coloring?

Advantages of coloring pages for children:

  • Coloring teaches you to hold the crayon properly, but also, more importantly, how to hold and control it. The ability to control the crayon, coordinate movements and paint without going beyond the lines are important skills that a child can learn while painting with crayons. Coloring, therefore, supports the development of the child’s coordination of movements.
  • Coloring is a training of concentration and focus, especially when performing precisely one activity. Filling empty surfaces, finishing the drawing gives the child a sense of satisfaction and contentment with the work done.
  • Coloring pages Varityskuvat develop the imagination and stimulate the creativity of the child. The little ones have the freedom to choose colors and shades, and they decide for themselves what their work will look like.
  • Coloring is a training of perseverance and patience. A child who takes up the challenge of painting a picture knows that by painting successive elements, you come to the end and ultimately achieve success.
  • Coloring pages Varityskuvat can also be a great opportunity for educational games. The objects, animals, geometric figures or other presented content presented in them enrich the child’s language. In stores, you can also find coloring books that teach writing, counting or the names of colors.
  • Coloring pages Varityskuvat support the development of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are responsible for the work of the hand muscles and the flexibility of the fingers. It is important because efficient hands will bear fruit in the future, e.g. when learning to write.

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