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Colorado addiction recovery center- what to look for in a rehab

I can tell you from personal experience that dealing with addiction isn’t easy, and the path to recovery isn’t a simple one either. That’s why it’s so important to find a treatment center that will understand your situation and help you get well in the most effective way possible. I know this firsthand, because I used to be an addict myself. Now, I work at Healing Pines Recovery is a Colorado addiction recovery center. As part of their therapy team and it amazes me every day how much hope there is in sobriety if you have the right support system around you.

What is the difference between Inpatient vs Outpatient treatment?

Many people are not aware of whether they are an outpatient or an inpatient. There is no right or wrong answer here, as either option can work very well depending on your needs and reasons for choosing treatment. The main difference between these two options has to do with how long you are staying at a facility. If you attend an outpatient program, you will go home every night and return each morning.

Conversely, if you choose Colorado Inpatient rehab program, you will stay at a treatment facility all day, but return home at night (to family). In short: Inpatient programs offer more 24/7 support and care than outpatient programs do. Some people need that extra support; others don’t. It’s up to you to decide which works best for your situation. And remember, both types of programs can be extremely effective.

The key is finding one that meets your specific needs. You should also know that there are many different levels of intensity within both outpatient and inpatient programs—so there’s really something out there for everyone! Remember to talk with someone who knows about Colorado Addiction Recovery Centers before making any decisions!

Do I need an extended stay at an inpatient facility?

Extended stay facilities are often utilized as a way to give substance abuse treatment patients time away from their typical environments. Studies show that extended stays at an inpatient facility can be incredibly effective when it comes to changing behaviors and creating new patterns. However, they’re not right for everyone. Inpatient programs are best suited for individuals who need support transitioning out of an addictive lifestyle. The best approach to determine whether or whether you should get therapy is to enroll yourself or someone you care about in treatment right now. It’s never too late to get help! If you or someone you love needs help with addiction and co-occurring disorders, contact us at Healing Pines Recovery today. We have a dedicated team standing by ready to provide guidance on your journey toward sobriety.

The first step towards recovery is calling our intake coordinator. Our professional staff will walk you through every step of our process so that we can begin providing care for your specific needs. Contact us now! We want to be there for your loved one when they need us most, before their addiction gets worse—so call us now. You won’t regret it! Colorado Addiction Recovery Center – What To Look for In a Rehab.

Are co-occurring disorders treated at outpatient facilities?

At many outpatient facilities, individuals who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse will be given medications that are meant to counteract their symptoms, rather than be taught ways of coping with them. Those who have both mental and substance use disorders receive few resources if they’re attending an outpatient facility. In fact, only 27 percent of outpatient facilities provide care specifically tailored toward individuals who have co-occurring disorders. If you’re interested in Colorado Alcohol rehab, make sure your chosen treatment center treats both issues at once and provides adequate resources for those who need it.

What happens when I leave detox?

When you leave detox, you’ll begin Phase 2 of your treatment journey. It’s important that you do not leave detox until your medical professionals have ensured that you are medically stable and ready to begin working on psychological and behavioral issues. Though one of our main objectives is to help you heal your body, we also want to make sure that we provide ongoing care as part of your long-term plan.

At Healing Pines Recovery, our goal is to ensure every client leaves Colorado Addiction Recovery Center with a plan for continued sobriety after they complete their treatment journey with us. That’s why we offer outpatient services for those who need extra support transitioning back into society. We will work with you to create an individualized outpatient program that addresses any specific concerns or needs you may have. This could include anything from financial assistance to finding housing, but it will always be tailored specifically to meet your needs and help keep you sober when you return home.

Our staff will even continue providing support by phone or email if needed. So don’t hesitate to reach out if something comes up outside of our regularly scheduled check-ins! We take pride in being able to facilitate a smooth transition back into society for all of our clients who choose Healing Pines Recovery as their Colorado Addiction counselors.

What happens after detox?

The goal of any substance abuse treatment program is to help you stop abusing drugs and alcohol. Most people undergoing a drug or alcohol detox can begin their program as an inpatient; however, it’s important that you follow your physician’s orders regarding when it’s safe for you to leave. A structured environment with 24/7 monitoring and support will ensure that relapse doesn’t occur. While you’re still going through withdrawal symptoms. Once your body has had time to recover from physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. Therapy can be introduced as a way of gaining insight into your behaviors, emotions, and motivations. All of which play an important role in preventing relapse.

What happens during my first day of treatment?

I would love to tell you that your first day of treatment is a bundle of joy and excitement, but that’s not always the case. It’s common for patients (and family members) to have doubts about treatment during those early days. In fact, it can take some people weeks or even months before they feel like treatment is truly working.

My job is to make sure you understand exactly how your treatments works. Why we do certain things, and why it works as well as it does? I am here for you and I want nothing more than your complete success! You will be welcomed with open arms by our caring staff and treated with respect from everyone on our team. Our doors are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days per year. You are never alone at Healing Pines Recovery Center! We offer an array of support services including individual therapy sessions, group therapy sessions, 12 Step meetings and much more. If you or someone you know needs help with drug abuse or alcoholism contact us today! Our trained staff will assess your situation so we can design an individualized plan just for you.

How do I decide which option to choose?

When seeking Colorado Inpatient treatment centers or Colorado alcohol rehabilitation. It’s important to understand how much you can expect from your experience. We can all agree that choosing any treatment facility is difficult and scary. But we believe that selecting an option with Integrity, ethics, and morals. As its foundation is worth more than just some price.

With over 20 years of experience providing Colorado Addiction recovery center services at Healing Pines Recovery. We’ve seen firsthand that without foundation principles. Even experienced providers can be influenced by monetary gain instead of supporting their clients. At Healing Pines Recovery our decisions are guided by community and lasting change. When considering your options it’s important that you take time to investigate and evaluate your decision.

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