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Civil Services As a Career: UPSC Guide for Beginners

As a member of the civil service, you have the opportunity to influence the direction of the country’s policies. According to the Constitution, India is a welfare state where the Political Executive formulates policy to achieve. Civil servants put that policy into action. At the beginning of a civil servant’s career, they make policies even while proposing minor changes. They become the virtual creators of public policy as they advance in their careers. 

As a member of the forces, you will have the opportunity to travel across the country, meet a diverse range of people, hear their issues, and think outside the box. As a result, there are numerous opportunities to fulfill your desire to help those in need while also doing your part to serve your country. You have to clear the UPSC exam to enter the civil services. 

The Indian Civil Services have long been regarded as the top career option for arts graduates. Recent years have seen a rise in the number of graduates and office workers from various fields applying to the UPSC Civil Services Exam (CSE) to join India’s prestigious civil service. The UPSC Civil Services Exam is a stepping stone to a career as an IAS, IPS, IFS, or IRS (among a host of other positions and services). With their wide range of positions, the Civil Services offer more scope and authority than any other service in India. Those in public service have a unique opportunity to pursue their professional goals while contributing to the greater good.

Career Prospectus 

The Indian Civil Services had managed to remain one of the most sought-after jobs in the country because of the prestige, job security, large income, great chance for an abroad tour, and job satisfaction it provides. The possibilities for a career in the civil service are numerous. Candidates who pass the UPSC or state civil service exams and complete their training are appointed to their first position. Depending on the branch chosen, the first posting in Central Services is usually a Diplomatic attaché/Undersecretary/Probationary IPS officer. The state civil service is known as Deputy Collector/Deputy Superintendent of the Police/Tax Commissioner, etc.

Career Opportunities as a Civil Servant


Policymakers and executors are known as IAS officers. In addition, they have the authority to sign certain agreements in the government’s authority. They are the one who makes the drafts of the policy and then submits those drafts to the government. 


All IPS officers want to be superintendents of the police, who are in charge of public safety and security, preventing crime, traffic management, etc. It’s an honor for every individual to serve as an IPS officer. These officers also serve in the CBI, CRPF, BSF, and other central police agencies. Hence Civil Services As a Career is one of the best options.


External affairs of a country are handled by IFS personnel, which encompass diplomacy, trade, and cultural ties, among other things. There is a lot of foreign policy work they are involved in. Ambassadors is the first position an IFS officer has.

UPSC Eligibility Criteria

Most services need a graduate university degree or Equivalent and a minimum age of 21 to be eligible. Bhutanese, Nepalese, and Tibetese refugees can apply for all positions except IAS and IPS.

Candidates who the UPSC has selected are assigned various jobs based on their position. Before sitting for the examination, candidates for civil service positions must have a bachelor’s degree. You don’t have to live in a big city to practise self-discipline to graduate. After that, students can either study independently or go to a coaching centre to be ready for the UPSC examination.

Process of UPSC Exam

In the first phase, the UPSC Preliminary Exam, knowledge is tested in MCQ style. In the end, it’s all about weeding out the weeds, separating the wheat from the chaff.

During the second phase of the UPSC Mains Exam, overall written expression is tested. This is made more difficult by imposing a word restriction on the exam taker. The ability to convey one’s information in a specific amount of time and in a specific number of words is just as important as the knowledge itself.

Candidates are then put through one more round of examination with a Personality Test, often known as a UPSC Interview. Here, the emphasis is on evaluating a candidate’s character traits. It’s important to gauge a candidate’s verbal and nonverbal communication skills (such as eye contact and body language) and their honesty and conviction, and this can only be done on a platform grounded in the candidate’s field of study.

The Speciality About Civil Services


Civil servants have a wide range of responsibilities, including serving as the face of the country at international forums, ensuring that law and order are maintained, participating in development work, and traveling across the country to meet people from all walks of life. You are regarded and admired for your efforts and services to society and the country. Officer jobs allow you to maintain a better work-life balance than those in the corporate sector, and you’re less likely to feel taken advantage of by your superiors. Once your country has progressed, you are seen as the country’s most important factor.

Pay Scale

Public servants’ pay has kept pace with the corporate sector since the 7th pay commission. In addition to a competitive salary, civil servants enjoy a generous package of benefits and subsidies. They also get other facilities other than salary like a car, house workers, house and many more things. Civil servants are seen as a sign of great power and esteem in society.

Job Security 

Civil servants have a strong sense of protection and stability because they cannot be fired without cause. Once hired, civil servants can expect to work until the age of 60, with the option of an additional number of years. Your efforts may not always provide the results you expect in the commercial environment, or they may be dismissed as inconsequential. Despite their best efforts, the chance of being replaced by a fresh candidate or a technological advancement is always present in the position.

Change Maker 

Civil service positions can provide you more authority to make a positive change in the country and to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you. Your work is a powerful voice for your ideas, and people pay attention to what you have to say. People look up to you because they want to see you succeed and make a difference in the world. You could see and feel the improvements you wished to make to meet the country’s needs.

In order to prepare for the UPSC exams, you need to study and work hard consistently. The best way for this is to join the best IAS Coaching Institute. The Thought Tree offers the best IAS course in India. Once you join T3, you don’t need to worry about anything. They will always be there to help, guide, mentor, and assist you throughout the preparation. If you belong to an unstable financial family, you still don’t need to worry. The Thought Tree will offer you a scholarship based on the EWS category. It is like having one solution for all the questions. You can visit their website for more details. 

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I hope this article was helpful to you in understanding Civil Services As a Career. If you have any doubts, then please comment down below.


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