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Common name

Bastard cinnamon, Chinese cinnamon, cassia bark, canton cassia, Cassia lignea, Cassia aromatic.

Parts used

The bark of this tree is regarded as a substitute for cinnamon and it produces a volatile oil very similar to oil of cinnamon. Cassia lignea comprises cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, cinnamic acid, tannic acid, and wheat amongst other compounds.

Cassia or purging cassia is one of the most beautiful trees in India. It’s bright yellow flowers in rather big, hanging black and branches or shining dark brown,50 into 60 cm long almost cylindrical fruits.

The tree is also referred to as Indian Laburnum owing to its resemblance in color and profusion of blossoms with all the European Laburnum. The transaction name is dependent on its scientific name but the particular name fistula, meaning a shepherd’s pipe, describes the shape of its fruit.

The cassia tree is indigenous to India. It’s very decorative and ‘6 found during India up to an elevation of approximately 1500 meters. It’s more common in moist or evergreen forests.

The leaves of the tree contain anthraquinone derivatives and quite a li\tle tannin. The root bark, besides tannin, comprises phlobaphenes and oxy-anthraquinone material; the pulp contains’rhein, the significant anthraquinone derivative, a small amount of volatile oil, three-dimensional materials and a resinous substance. Nearly all areas of the tree have medicinal properties. The fruits are, however, most important and are included in the Indian Pharmaceutical Codex.


The pulp from the veggies, known as cassia pulp, is a renowned laxative and can be used in treating Constipation. It can be safely taken even by children and expectant mothers. About 50 g of the pulp is soaked in water overnight. It is then strained in the morning and taken with 25 g of sugar.

The pulp of cassia is a gentle, pleasant, and safe purgative. Approximately four g of the pulp is taken with an equivalent amount of sugar or tamarind. It’s therefore generally utilized in conjunction with other drugs, rather in conjunction with the leaves of senna, botanically called Cassia Angustifolia.

Common Cold

The origin of the tree is beneficial in the common cold. In the event of running smoke, the nose out of the burning root may be inhaled. It encourages a copious nasal discharge and provides relief.


The origin of this tree is a tonic and helpful in reducing fever. An alcoholic extract of this root-bark is used for black water softener.

Intestinal Disorders

For children suffering from flatulence, the cassia pulp can be implemented around the navel to guarantee evacuation. Mixed with linseed or coconut oil, it can be massaged on the stomach for relieving the gut movements.


The pulp of Taj is quite beneficial in ageusia or loss of sense of taste due to excessive use of opium or cocaine.

Skin Disorders

The leaves of this tree are beneficial in relieving irritation of the skin and in alleviating swellings and pains. Their juice or glue serves as a helpful dressing for ringworm and inflammation of the feet or hands caused by exposure to cold. They also relieve dropsical swellings due to excess accumulation of fluid within the body tissue. Its leaves can be substituted beneficially on components that are affected for relief from rheumatism and facial paralysis.

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