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Before Moving to Hawaii, Here are a Few things You Should Know

Are you moving to Hawaii? Hawaii is frequently referred to as “paradise,” and for good reason. It’s understandable that so many people dream of relocating there one day given the gorgeous beaches, lush tropical jungles, and hospitable residents. But there are a few things you should be aware of before you pack your flip-flops and begin your new life in Aloha State. In this blog post, we’ll go over the advantages and disadvantages of retiring to Hawaii as well as parenting advice for this stunning but occasionally difficult location.

Hawaii: Why Move Here?

It’s one of the most gorgeous places on earth, to start. This is one of the main attractions on the island and the reason why it is so simple to contract island fever.

The natural splendor of this tropical paradise is abundant, from the black sand beaches of Maui to the turquoise waters and palm palms of Kauai. If you’re seeking a warmer environment, it’s a terrific area to retire to because of the climate’s mildness. Hawaii also offers some of the best beaches in the world and a wide variety of things to do, from surfing and hiking to exploring volcanoes and going sea turtle snorkeling.

The cost of living in Hawaii can be a drawback. You’ll need to have a decent salary or funds before making the major shift because costs for everything from food to housing are expensive.

You’ll need to conduct your study to determine which island is best for you because the cost of living might differ significantly from one island to another. Finally, even though the weather in Hawaii is typically lovely, hurricanes and tropical storms do occur occasionally, so you’ll also need to be ready for those.

Which Hawaiian Island is Right for You?

Choosing the ideal island for your desired lifestyle is the first step. Hawaii is made up of eight main islands, each of which has a distinct personality. The Hawaiian Islands are each unique, despite the misconception held by many tourists that they are all alike. There is something for everyone, from little island living to major city living, which is fantastic news for those wanting an island lifestyle.

hawaii iland
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

The Big Island

The Big Island of Hawaii is the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, and it is where Kona and Hilo are located in addition to Kilauea, one of the most famous volcanoes in the world. With everything from snow-capped mountains to black sand beaches, it’s also one of the most diversified. It is difficult to grasp just how huge this island is unless you’ve had the chance to drive around it. It has a total area of 4,028 square miles and has four additional national parks in addition to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.


A serene island, Molokai has pristine beaches and towering sea cliffs. A small, uninhabited island called Kahoolawe served as a military training facility for many years.

Which island is best for you, then? It truly depends on what kind of Hawaiian experience you’re after. The Big Island or Kauai can be your best option if you wish to be surrounded by stunning natural scenery. Oahu or Maui are better options if you’re searching for beaches and surfing of the highest caliber.


With its black sand beaches, Haleakala National Park, and the picturesque Road to Hana, Maui is a well-liked vacation spot. There are 11 distinct climate zones on Hawaii’s Big Island, which is the state’s biggest island and home to everything from tropical rainforests to snow-capped mountains.


The Hawaiian chain’s oldest and northernmost island is Kaua’i. It is well-known for its imposing cliffs, immaculate beaches, and lush tropical vegetation.


The most populous island is Oahu, which is also the location of Pearl Harbor, the internationally renowned Waikiki Beach, and the state capital Honolulu.


A few of Hawaii’s most opulent resorts may be found on Lanai, a small but stunning island that was formerly covered by an island-wide pineapple plantation and is now mostly owned by billionaire Larry Ellison.

Moving Your Car, Home Goods, and Other Stuff

moving to hawaii

It’s time to start making plans for your relocation now that you’ve chosen which Hawaiian island is best for you. Before shipping your stuff to Hawaii if you’re moving from the US mainland, there are a few things you should be aware of. You should choose a moving company that is familiar with the challenges and can help you navigate the process because moving to Hawaii is much more complicated than moving elsewhere.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to learn which things the state of Hawaii permits and forbids. Check the list before packing your goods as there are some prohibitions on objects like plants, animals, firearms, and ammunition.

Additionally, choosing a trustworthy shipping firm with expertise in shipping to Hawaii is crucial. Your possessions will arrive promptly and safely thanks to this. Lastly, ensure sure your possessions are adequately insured before they reach the Pacific Ocean.

Since moving to Hawaii is more involved than simply loading your goods into a moving van and driving away, you should also be prepared to pay significantly more. Instead, you will need to send your things by packing them inside a shipping container.

For instance, if you are unable to drive your car from California, you will need to ship it to Hawaii. Depending on which island you are going to and where you are moving to in Hawaii, this might cost up to $2,000 and take several weeks.

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