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Artificial Grass Suits the Tennis Courts the Best – Read Why!

Tennis is a wonderful game that is played and loved across the world. But do you know what makes playing this game more awesome? It’s the perfect court. You wouldn’t get the excitement and fun of playing this game if you are left on a rough terrain or a street. That’s why you’ll see the rise of artificial turfs for this sport happening everywhere. Wondered why?

Why artificial grass is most recommended for tennis courts?

Nowadays, you will see a lot of other alternatives to natural grass to be used in tennis grounds as the perfect ground. But, the fake grass in NZ from Unreal Lawns excels in the list. Not just because they provide these grass in excellent quality and lay them perfectly on your courts, but there are some more reasons too:

Great for the player’s health and well-being

We all know the stress that’s on your legs and your body when you are playing tennis. And if the floor is rough or uneven, then automatically your entire body and health gets affected because of it. Even your performance while playing is deeply impacted because of the floor. With artificial floors, you can stay relaxed because of this soft surface, there would be no pressure on your feet or on your body. And even when you fall down, you won’t be seriously injured because of the thick layer of this grass.

Extremely levelled floor

The smooth levelling of the floor plays a very prominent role in the tennis game. It also affects your performance largely. With artificial grass, the base is extremely and perfectly levelled and there is absolutely no point of hindrance or disturbance here for you when you are playing. You can check more details about the backyard basketball court

They provide better efficiency while playing

A tennis court is bound to get wet when it rains and the games halt for some hours because of it. But when you have artificial turf in this area, the area gets dried up quickly post the rain and you can get back to the game easily.

Requires hardly any maintenance

You couldn’t imagine a tennis court staying dirty. And you will thank us after you install artificial grass or turf on this court because it hardly demands any tough maintenance or cleanliness from your side.

Lines don’t fade on it

The white lines of paint that is often made on a tennis court construction can get faded whether it’s a natural grass or a normal ground. But when it’s made on artificial turf, these lines tend to stay long and don’t get erased or faded by the constant usage of the turf.

Can bear the extreme wear for long

You can imagine the constant physical activities happening on a tennis court because of the game. Any surface can get rippled because of this pressure. But artificial turf stays sound and bears your vigour and physical activities with a great sport.

Now, don’t you think that it’s the best material and the most suited one for a tennis court? So, when you think of building one on your property or at your club, keep this turf in mind for better results.

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