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An Overview of Dental Implants

An overview of dental implants provides a basic understanding of the entire process. First, implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and act as the tooth’s roots. Then, as the jawbone heals, the fixture fused with the implant creates a secure foundation for the artificial tooth to stay in place. Dental implants are commonly made from titanium, which is well-accepted by the human body, increasing the likelihood of successful osseointegration and minimizing corrosion risks.

Stage 1 surgery

Following a consultation, the first stage of dental implant surgery is implant placement. Once a patient receives a favorable opinion of the procedure, the surgeon will follow a treatment plan to install the implant. The area will be stitched up and cleaned to promote healing during this stage. The surgery will take about two weeks like in dental implants Plainview, NY. After that, the implant will “osseointegrate” with the jaw bone, taking three to six months.

The dentist will numb the area, then make an incision in the gums to secure the posts. Once the posts have been securely placed, the dentist will attach a healing abutment to the implant, and once the abutment is connected, the dentist will place a natural-looking artificial tooth on top of it. When the bone has healed, the patient will undergo a second procedure to attach the new teeth.

Stage 4 surgery

During this stage of implant surgery, existing teeth and remnants of teeth previously lost will be removed. The excess gum tissue will be removed, too. The jawbone will be exposed via incisions made along the ridges of the top and bottom jaws, and the jawbone will be reduced by removing part of the top and bottom arches. The remaining bone will then be smoothed and prepared for dental implants.

Depending on the number of missing teeth, you may undergo bone grafting to prepare for implant placement. A patient with enough bone can receive the implant on the same day as tooth extraction. However, a bone graft may be required if bone loss is severe or there is a significant infection. The grafts will need four months to heal. In many cases, placing an implant is easier for people who are already healthy.

Stage 5 surgery

A stage five dental implant surgery involves placing the replacement teeth after the attached stage four implants. The replacement teeth can be attached on the same day as the implants, or the dentist may wait several months for the mouth to heal. Temporary dentures or bridgework can be used to prevent gaps in your mouth. During this time, you may also be given a modified complete denture. Stage five dental implant surgery should last a maximum of two hours.

Recovery time depends on the severity of the procedure. Most patients experience mild bruising, swelling, and localized pain after the procedure. The worst day is the second day but generally declines after that. Afterward, you can return to work. You should take niacin over the counter to reduce your discomfort. You can also sleep with your head elevated on a pillow to minimize swelling and pain.

Stage 6 surgery

The first step in Stage 6 surgery for dental implants is implant placement. Most patients will feel local pressure discomfort, manageable with pain medications given before the procedure. However, most patients are completely comfortable the next day and will not need to take pain medications for the rest of the surgery. After this, patients can expect to experience no complications and have trouble-free mouths for three months. Most dental implant materials are made of commercial-grade titanium, but others have also shown promise.

After the implants are placed, the patient will undergo a period of integration, which will allow the jawbone to heal. The patient will have to wear temporary teeth during this time, but once they heal, the temporary dentures or bridgework can be replaced with permanent ones. During this time, immediate loading may be required, which will minimize the number of visits to the dentist. After the patient’s implants have been fully integrated, the dentist will attach the permanent prosthesis.

Stage 7 surgery

Patients will experience swelling and bruising after dental implant surgery for the first several days. This is a normal reaction of the body to trauma, which dental implants involve. During the initial stages of healing, this swelling is harmless. After a few days, swelling and bruising should disappear, and you can return to your routine. Your oral surgeon will likely prescribe an antibiotic and pain medication. This will reduce your pain.

A surgical specialist can place implants in one or two stages. The choice of the stage will depend on the type of tooth loss that requires restoration. For example, front teeth usually need an immediate replacement, while back teeth do not. The type of implant system chosen will also depend on the quality of the bone that surrounds the tooth. For example, some bone is more complex than others, which will make the placement of the implant more stable. But if your implants need an immediate replacement, a one-stage procedure may be the right choice for you.

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