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A Beginners Guide to Web Hosting for New Bloggers

Have you been thinking about starting your very own blog? But unsure where you should start from? Or don’t you know which website hosting services you should go for? Often times it can get hard for potential bloggers to find the right resources for starting their very own blogging website.

Whether it is finding the right domain name or getting the right hosting services for the domain, if you don’t have a clear idea regarding your next steps, we are here to help. With extensive research, we have come up with some great tips for people who are looking forward to starting a blog but aren’t sure which hosting services they should choose.

Know Your Provider

It’s important that you understand your hosting provider before you purchase their services. There are some great hosting companies that offer free domains with their hosting services. But you should check whether these domains can later be transferred to other hosts or not.

If the host is offering great services, there’s no point in transferring to a different one, but it’s still a good practice to be aware of this.


It’s important that you understand the kind of service a host is offering. Check how well their hosting services are, look around for reviews from other users. Search the internet, find YouTube videos, reviews, etc.

Since you are going to be uploading media on your website as well, the hosting should be able to withstand the load you are putting on your site.


It’s always a good thing to have an option of upgradability. Research your hosting provider, whether you can upgrade your hosting plan in the future or not. As you will grow your site, you will need a bigger hosting space with more services. Higher bandwidth is required for more traffic, so check the same with hosting providers before making a purchase.


As with any other type of service, support is an absolute necessity. You have to check the kind of support they offer for their services. Ask them questions related to the hosting services or plans before you buy the product. You will get to know how responsive they are and how well they handle queries. After-sales services are really important.

Reasonable Price

While buying a hosting plan, make sure that you are paying a reasonable price for the hosting service you are getting in return. The price of web hosting should be over the top. There are a lot of alternatives out there if you believe someone is charging too much for the service they offer.

Promotion & Offers

While buying a hosting service, keep an eye out for promotions. There a lot of web hosts that offer multiple promotions on their services. This is the best way to save some bucks on your purchase. You might even get a free domain name if you don’t have one already. Or you can get some extra storage with a promotional offer as well, which is always a pro when it comes to your website storage.


It’s always a good idea to check the reviews of a hosting service before you purchase it. Search the internet for reviews and figure out what most of the people mention. This should help you a lot with making a decision.


Going in blind for purchasing hosting is never a good idea. Find the best web hosting services in India and check around before you final in on one. It’s always better to go prepared while making long term purchases for your interests.

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