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Questions To Ask Your Potential Builders

Now that you have all determined to custom-build your dream abode, it’s time to evaluate some efficient new home builders in Brisbane to have the right one on board. But considering that the number of service providers is pretty high, selecting the right one could be classified as a daunting task. Besides, performing such work for the first time could make the situation worse. 

But don’t worry. We are here to help you make it through the process. And that’s why we have put together a few relevant questions that could help you judge the builder’s competence.  

Have a look!

  • Are you licensed in the region I’m planning to build in?

Needless to say, we want our builders looking after the house to be aware of what they’re doing.

To ensure that the potential new home builders in Brisbane are trained, skilled, and experienced in the art, don’t hesitate to question them about their licensing. Is this builder a licensed professional to operate in the region you’re planning to build your home?

You want to begin the home-building operation on a good foot, which implies hiring a professional builder with a valid license.

  • Can you construct my house within my budget?

A clear line of communication is imperative for success regardless of the job you undertake. This is particularly important at the inception of the process. 

Therefore before hiring a possible home builder, confer your objectives for your house and your assigned funding with them. Both parties must be on the same page regarding what and how things should be done. So, communicate without hesitation to avoid confusion down the lane. 

  • How often can I expect updates from you during the building process?

This code cannot be exaggerated: communication is the key. This is true at the onset of the home-building process and throughout its course.

Tell your home builder from the get-go if you understand that you’re someone who would like periodic updates throughout the building process. Or, if you’re someone who favors hand-off the reins and only desires updates at the extensive checkpoints, from the get-go.

Fanning such a discussion ensures that both the parties know what the other would expect, helping things run more smoothly. 

  • How many houses do you presently have under construction?

Constructing a custom home is a significant undertaking, and you want to ensure your home builder will take it seriously. Therefore feel free to ask them about their current undertakings. This could give you an idea about how much time they could disburse on your project. 

  • Do you have any connections I can communicate with?

Before hopping into a new project, it’s invariably a suitable idea to do a little homework ahead of term. When building a new home, communicating with the home builder’s previous clients is an excellent way to learn about their work.

It would also help you have your goals set on realistic terms. 


The construction itself is an exciting process; what makes things more exciting is when it concerns your dream abode. Therefore it’s natural to have faced multiple questions. But ensuring you have them all answered by our experts at Tide Constructions before hopping into the main work.

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