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Why Communication is Important? Internal vs External


The exchange of suggestions and ideas between two or more people is referred to as communication. Writing, speech, movements, icons, and composed communication are all options. Communication methods are defined as “the imparting, conveyance, or sharing of suggestions, expertise, or other information. The goal of communication remains the same in either case.

Strong communication skills are beneficial in all facets of life, from work to personal life, and everything in between. All transactions in business are the outcome of communication. To allow others and oneself to absorb information more properly and rapidly, good communication skills are required.

Communication between team members is monitored in these trials by counting conversational moves, which are uninterrupted utterances by a team member with a distinct problem-solving function.

To put it another way, to share one’s views or aspirations with a group of others. Your body language, eye movement, and gestures all send messages to others around you. When you don’t look a person in the eyes while paying attention to them, you’re implying that you’re not interested.

Importance of Communication:

  • The ability to talk, listen, question, and write with clarity and brevity becomes increasingly important as your career progresses. For the majority of managers and leaders, the ability to talk, listen, question, and write with clarity is essential.
  • Great interpersonal skills can help you understand others and be understood in your personal life. Which can improve your personal relationships.
  • At least for humans, language is the means of engagement, and the neighborhood is the product.
  • For example, being able to moan effectively is an important talent, as is coping with criticism on your own.
  • As a result of improved interpersonal networks and involvement, a company’s growth and performance will improve.
  • Routine responses and exchanges aid in high-quality checking and distribution because communication is a two-way street.

What to Avoid When Communicating?

Workplace success is dependent on communication. While the consequences of poor communication with others may not be immediately evident, they have a long-term devastating effect on the workplace. The following are some indicators of poor communication:

  • Specific communication is lacking.
  • Using the wrong channel to communicate critical information
  • Communication that is passive-aggressive
  • Insufficient consideration and follow-up
  • Others are being blamed and bullied
  • Not paying attention

The layoff notices from RadioShack in 2006 are one example of poor communication. The electronics retailer notified 400 employees of their layoffs through email. Following the shift, the company received a lot of controversy, with many people startled that it used email instead of face-to-face meetings.

Radioshack’s poor communication was caused by the company’s use of the wrong medium to communicate with its employees. Employees at the company felt dehumanised and disliked it as a result.

Types of Communication:

Internal Communication

This type of communication is the interchange of information, messages, and reality related to the business. Internal communication is typically conducted using a variety of mediums, including e-mails, letters, video-conferencing, online portals, circulars, and conference calls.

The major goal of internal communication is to ensure that a company’s standard procedures and daily operations are followed. Internal communication is also a great way to communicate a company’s big-picture goals, objectives, vision, and value.

While everyone has personal goals and a rough idea of what the business represents, the actual declarations are sometimes forgotten.

There are a variety of scenarios that necessitate internal communication. Some are far more important than others, but the importance of effective information transfer should never be underestimated. In every situation, effective communication may make all the difference.

External Communication

When those members connect with an outside party, external communication occurs. Clients, customers, financiers, providers, government agencies, culture, and the general public, for example. The majority of external interaction is formal and documented.

Furthermore, it identifies the way by which businesses associate with or transmit information about external events.

Customers, dealerships, consumers, government officials or authorities, and so on are examples of these people. A customer’s reaction is also a result of external engagement. An organization spends a significant amount of effort and money to develop its image through external engagement.

Verbal Communication

In business, verbal communications take place over the phone or in person. The Message is delivered orally. Let’s return to the example of the printer cartridge. The Message is now being delivered by telephone from the Sender (the Manager) to the Receiver (an employee named Bill). The Manager’s request to Bill (“We need to acquire extra printer toner cartridges”) has already gone awry. Let’s have a look at how the same Message can effectively transit from Sender to Recipient.


Written business communications, in contrast to verbal communications, are printed messages. Memos, proposals, e-mails, letters, training manuals, and operating procedures are examples of written communications. They can be printed on paper, written by hand, or displayed on a computer screen. In most cases, vocal communication occurs in real-time. Written communication, on the other hand, can take a longer time to develop. Asynchronous written communication is common (occurring at different times). That is, unlike a real-time discussion, the Sender can compose a Message that the Receiver can view at any moment.

A vast number of people can read a written communication (such as all employees in a department or all customers). This is a “one-to-many” communication, as opposed to a one-on-one vocal chat. There are certain exceptions, such as voicemail, which is an asynchronous oral message. Conference calls and speeches are one-to-many interactions, whereas e-mails might have one or several receivers.


Any conversation relies heavily on what you say. What you don’t say, on the other hand, can be just as essential. Nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body position, and voice tone account for 55% of in-person communication. Only 7% of a Receiver’s understanding of a Message is based on the Sender’s actual words. According to one study; 38% is based on paralanguage (tone, tempo), and 55% is dependent on nonverbal clues.

Nonverbal cues, according to the study, may influence whether or not you are offered a job. Judges examining videotapes of genuine applicants were able to analyze the social abilities of potential candidates with the sound off. To determine who would be the most successful socially on the job, they looked at the rate of points. The amount of time spent chatting, and the formality of the candidates’ dress. As a result, it’s vital to consider both how we present ourselves and what we say in the workplace.

Our facial muscles express our feelings. Without saying anything, we might send a silent message. Our emotional state can be influenced by a change in facial expression. If we concentrate on feeling confident before an interview, for example, our face will reflect that confidence to the interviewer. Even if we’re stressed, adopting a smile can help to reduce stress levels in the body.


There are three types of communication: spoken, written, and nonverbal. Verbal interactions offer fast responses, are excellent for expressing emotions, and can include narrative and important talks. Written communications offer the advantage of asynchronicity, the ability to reach a large number of people. The tone is used in both verbal and written communications to transmit nonverbal meanings; body language, eye contact, facial expression, posture, touch, and space are also used to color verbal communications.

Effective communication requires the use of suitable communication in appropriate settings. This can be accomplished by paying attention to various aspects of communication.


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