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Secrets to gain followers on Instagram and get new clients in 2022

If we talk about brands, stores and companies, we will agree that the objective will always be to get new customers and generate more money through sales or hiring. But when taking these same brands, stores and companies to the digital world it is a little more complex to achieve this goal, even more so on Instagram; where, although it is true that there is a huge potential reach, there is much greater competition than in traditional media. Not in vain we see how when working with company accounts we are always in search of those secrets to gain followers on Instagram.

Buy Instagram Likes UK is the new currency in the world of social media. A posting table can help you streamline your social media strategy and build an online presence.

However, the success of your business account must go beyond gaining more followers on Instagram; It is not about inflating the number that appears on your profile but rather attracting new followers who are interested in your product and service offer, which would increase the conversion rate of your account and help you earn more money with your presence on line.

Below we will explain in detail some secrets to gain followers and increase the reach of your business on the platform.

1 – Get followers using hash tags?

Hash tags help you generate views on your profile and gain followers on Instagram, as long as you use the correct hash tags.

In addition to interactions, hash tags are the most effective way to get your content discovered by new users. Remember that this work as keywords and by using a specific hash tag, your post will appear among the search results for those hash tags. This is why using the correct hash tags for your account is crucial!

When choosing hash tags for your posts, you should focus on hash tags that are popular within your niche and relevant to your content and the general theme of your account.

This is key. There is no use betting on “bigger” hash tags if they will generate visibility from the wrong audience.

Also, you must take care of the number of hash tags in your publications. Instagram supports up to 30 hash tags per post, but it is best to use between 5 and 15 relevant hash tags.

Go one step further to get new customers with hash tags!

Increasing the visibility of your posts is great for your account, but taking advantage of hash tags even more is one of the secrets to gaining more effective followers.

After choosing the correct hash tags for your account, you can take a look at the posts that use those hash tags and initiate interactions to attract the attention of active users within your niche. This will allow you to generate engagement that will be much more positive for your account and, if you do it regularly, it can help you get new customers for your business.

2. Comments are more effective than likes

Comments tend to be more valuable interactions for any Instagram account, not only because they take a little more time and effort than a simple double tap; even more so if we consider Instagram initiative to hide likes.

Knowing this, you may be thinking about how to get comments for your posts or generate a response; but the truth, the most effective way to get a response, is to create content that motivates the start of a conversation. Either using calls to action as invitations to your users to comment comment or answer a question.

But in addition to this, you can also encourage yourself to comment on the posts of relevant accounts within your niche. This will spark the interest of new users and could increase the visibility of your account and its potential to attract new followers.

3. Follow other accounts

As with likes and comments, by following other accounts it will be more likely that some of these users will decide to follow you back. This can be much more effective for your business as long as you identify which users might be interested in your content or your products and services.

Likewise, before starting this practice, it is important that you work on building an attractive feed that represents the essence of your business and makes it clear what you offer to your customers.

The percentage of users who would follow you back can vary, but is usually between 10 and 30%; depending on the attractiveness of your profile and your content. That is, for every 100 users you follow, you could earn between 10 and 30 followers!

Always prioritize the quality of your content

You don’t have to be a design professional or have a huge budget to hire someone; anyone can create an attractive publication!

In general, it is recommended to publish 90% valuable content and 10% promotional content.

The content of value will be any message that is: interesting, useful or informative for your audience. The biggest advantage of this type of content is that it strengthens the bond with your followers and has much more potential to be shared, increasing the reach of your account.

Although it is true that you do not have to be a professional photographer or designer, you do have to take care of the graphic aspect of your content since Instagram is an extremely visual platform. Whether we are talking about photos, images or videos, make sure to always create the best possible content that conveys the essence of your account in an attractive way.

Some aspects that you should take into account when taking care of the design of your Instagram account:

  • Create a graphic identity.
  • Take care of the resolution of your photos, images and video.
  • When designing images with text, it should always be legible.
  • No to over saturation of colors.
  • Use attractive color palettes.
  • Seek inspiration, but don’t steal ideas from other accounts.

You can use some mobile design apps to create your content by following these recommendations.

Include relevant links

Instagram doesn’t offer us too many opportunities when it comes to including links for free. At the beginning, you can only include one link in your bio; so you should make the most of it.

The intention of this advice is to have a strategic business vision. Ideally, the link to your bio should send users to a site optimized for your business goals, which in this case is to generate sales.

Sure, it will depend largely on the product or service you offer but you can:

  • Add a link to your landing page, your product catalog, or the purchase information for the specific product you want to promote in your bio.
  • Design a related post and include a call to action.
  • Work on copywriting strategies for your caption and invite your followers to visit the link in your bio.

As you can see, it is quite simple; but it is also one of the secrets of many influential accounts within the platform.

Make things easier for your followers

More often than we would like to say, we have seen how some business accounts put aside the experience they offer to their potential customers.

Your profile must be organized and optimized so that your followers can find in it all the relevant information about your products and services. From contact buttons, featured stories to show your products or relevant information and even a physical address in some cases.

Stay up-to-date with Instagram trends

Instagram is constantly adding new features and this is one of the reasons behind its worldwide success.

Whether we’re talking about slight changes like the placement of a button or more complex features like Instagram Reels, it’s important that you stay up-to-date with these new trends and updates and incorporate them into your content strategy to gain followers on Instagram and get new customers for your business.

You can access our bundles for your Instagram, Twitter, Face book and any other online media accounts from the connection below. You can get help directly from our strategy.

All you have to do is use the app constantly to identify a new trend right from the start. Over time, including this in your marketing strategy will become an intuitive habit and you will see favorable results in each of your efforts.


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