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Why Do Organic Baby Products Have a Greater Edge?

As a parent, you are constantly worried about whether your baby is getting the right amount of care and concern while they are growing up. You also have to make other important decisions like Is this formula milk alright or should you stick to breastfeeding? Are they getting the required amount of tummy time? Is the daycare facility chosen for my baby safe?

Then, there is another factor that comes into the picture, especially with technology and the availability of information. That is the question of organic products for the baby. While it is easy to feel overwhelmed with such a great deal of information, you must make the right choices.

Organic is the trending word

Yes, organic may be the new trending word that is on every nutrition-conscious individual’s list. However, before you decide anything, take a deep breath. It can prove to be very advantageous for your baby if you go organic for baby products. See that you do your research well and weigh the pros and cons of going in for organic. Then decide whether you want to make the switch.

All in all, this green movement is a wonderful way of making sure the first days of your baby’s life start on the right foot. Organic is not just limited to food products. So while going organic involves filling the tummy of your baby with organic foods, it also means making everything your baby uses organic. This includes your baby’s furniture, clothes, bedding, diapers, and even carpeting. Let’s understand why organic products are better for the health and well being of your baby.

What does it mean to go completely organic?

First of all, many of you might be confused as to what going organic means. From the perspective of the food industry, food that is produced and processed without pesticides, harmful chemicals and other conventional practices is termed organic. These foods are also free of hormones and additives.

How does it help when this organic concept applies to baby products?

Going for organic baby products makes sense because anything that minimizes your baby’s exposure to hazardous and nasty chemicals is a good idea. This, in turn, has health benefits for the infant. Here is why it’s better.

  • There are certain chemicals and toxins that are given out from products such as mattresses, linens, bedding, room paint, carpeting as well as pressed food furniture which can be detrimental to health.
  • The brain and nervous system of infants and toddlers are more prone to neurological toxins.
  • Using organic products ensures peace of mind that your newborn is free from these toxins and can take their first steps into the world on a healthy and safe note.
  • If a child is easily prone to and irritated by chemical exposures, the continuous and ongoing inflammation in their lungs as a result of these exposures can result in an environmental allergy.

To save yourself the trouble and your baby the inconvenience, it is better to go in for organic products.

How going organic can help your baby?

Using organic products such as an organic baby mattress, furniture or linen can help your baby in an array of ways. Parents are always looking to offer the best to their children and add to this the fact that the skin of the baby is thinner and porous when compared to adults. This makes going in for organic products even a wiser choice. The skin of the baby is fragile and less oily so they tend to absorb things more quickly. Other than this, the skin of your newborn or toddler is less resistant to bacteria as well as harmful substances present in the environment. This puts the added onus on you as a parent to be extra careful and meticulous. Organic products give you peace of mind as they are made from natural ingredients.

Other advantages of going in for organic products 

There are various other reasons why you need to seriously consider going in for organic products like:

It is free of pesticides and other chemicals: Organic products minimize pesticide use to ensure that the end product is free from chemicals. This also contributes massively in benefiting the environment as doing away with pesticides altogether eliminates pesticide runoff. This runoff usually damages habitats and it also reaches groundwater supplies harming us humans later.

It enhances the durability of the product: Other than the fact that it helps you save a great deal of your money, it enhances the lifetime of the product as well. These products are made from a sturdier and more resilient fabric. As a result, it is going to last for a longer time. For instance, take organic cotton. While conventional cotton can begin breaking down after 10 to 20 washes, organic cotton can last as long as 100 washes without breaking down. This ensures you can make use of these products more and provides you with better value for your money.

It is soft to touch: Other than the above-mentioned reasons, it stays faithful to the true economy as well as helps to support a healthier environment. Along with this, these products assure you of a comfortable and amazing feel inside out. So if cotton is a more comfortable fabric and you only add to this feeling when going organic. Organic cotton does not lose any of the softness it possesses. This makes it ideal for using it for your baby’s bedding and clothing. This ensures you are more confident that dressing your baby is even more secure and sensitive on their skin.

Diapers are an entirely different ballgame

The concern of diapers and how they affect the sensitive skin of your baby is always an issue. Diaper rash is a common result of using diapers too often. While this area can be a major cause of worry for new parents, going organic can help you save a great deal. Cloth diapers made from organic cotton offer you peace of mind. This is because it is free of chemicals that are used in traditional diapers. There are many brands that bring you organic disposable diapers. These diapers come with fewer chemicals. You can use these if you are having second thoughts about going all organic with cotton cloth diapers.

These are the reasons why going organic pays off if you are certain this is what you need to have with you for your baby. Let’s address a few other concerns that might arise.

How can you know you are purchasing organic?

If you are new to the entire organic purchasing process and are not sure how to go about with this process, here is a good way to begin. This ensures you do not get worked up.

Take a look at the colour

It can feel strange at first but having a look at colour is an important component you need to pay attention to. Colour can help you understand whether a product is actually organic. Organic dye options are not available in a wide range. There are only a few of them, so it means most of the organic clothing and other products that exist do not come in a vast array of colours. Even if they do, the colours are not going to be bright and vibrant in nature. When you are looking at organic materials, they should not come with dyes. This holds true unless those dyes are naturally derived from foods, like beetroots.

The label should say ‘certified organic’

Another way that you can determine whether the products you purchased are organic in every sense of the term is by looking at the label. When the label states that the product is certified organic, it offers you the assurance you need. This is because it means that the product stands true to the certifying organization and its standard.

Look for well known organic brands

It is important that you find products from brands that provide you with superior quality organic baby products. See that you stick to these brands to obtain your organic products. Other than this, also look at the cost. While they are slightly on the higher side, you get what you pay for. So if a price is too good to be true, you can be certain that the product is not going to be organic.

So there you go. Here is why baby products that are organically made have a greater edge and how to find the right products. Make sure that you go in for quality brands in order to ensure you can take advantage of these products in the best way possible and can avail all of the above mentioned advantages.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and carry out your shopping expeditions for your newborn in a way that you have always wanted.

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