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How To Make A Pot Of Concrete Paver Molds With Your Own Hands

A decorative vase, installed in the open air, perfectly emphasizes the composition of an architectural ensemble of public purposes, and can also become an integral part of the landscape design of a country house, a summer cottage. Products that became widespread in the 18-19th centuries in many countries are still popular today. They can be found in parks, near city administration buildings, in cultural complexes, at the entrances to shopping centers, also in private gardens, house concrete paver molds plots.

For many owners, taking care of the appearance of their territory is in the first place. When doing landscaping, the owners are faced with such a decorative element as a concrete paver molds flowerpot. Most often, preference gives to concrete options that do not require personal care, look no worse than stone, metal structures. But are much cheaper, you can make them yourself.

Features of products and their application

The bowls simultaneously act as a decoration and serve as a container for planting various plants. Thanks to these properties, they perfectly decorate the local area, emphasize the refined taste of the owners.

Products made from these raw materials are characterized by concrete paver molds functionality. With their help, you can perform zoning of the territory, decorate private estates, equip common areas. The great demand for concrete vases is due to their features and advantages:

Building material does not deform under the influence of weather conditions, is not afraid of fire.
The solution is very plastic, pliable, takes any shape. You can make unusual structures from it, decorate them in any style.
This is the most budget-friendly option; you won’t need a lot of money to create a composition.
The raw materials are environmentally friendly. In cement forms, a wide variety of plants take root well, be it bindweed, aubretia, heliotrope, lavender or others.

Concrete vases in the park Street zoning Garden decoration Concrete vases in a country house Concrete vases are part of urban architecture Landscape design element

Shape and size

Concrete mortar is characterized by its plasticity, so the vase can be given almost any shape. The main thing is that the design should be combined with the general style of the site, for example:

– English. Products have smooth, curved contours, they have no sharp and right angles.
– Country. At first glance, the attributes are tasteless and carelessly executed.
– Moorish.
– Classic. Vases along with a sculpture and a fountain are in the center of the composition. The standard versions have a perfectly round base, crowned with a bowl on the stem.

For street buildings, the area of ​​the site is important. In a small courtyard, a large composition will look inappropriate and, conversely, small items will be invisible in a large area.

For some places, products in the form of strict geometric shapes are ideal, for others – with chopped, torn, extravagant notes. In turn, the parameters of the bowl should be proportionate and proportional to the location.

Where and how to install

Concrete bowls can be placed both in public places and in private premises. There are many options. They look great on squares and in parks, near cultural institutions and in gardens, in parking lots, inside office premises, at home, in backyards, summer cottages.

The size of the bowl is of particular importance; its weight and concrete paver molds mobility depend on it. These parameters affect its appearance and installation method. The second type is less weight, dimensions. The pot is operated all year round or seasonally.

Concrete Paver Molds
Concrete Paver Molds

Products can be placed at different levels relative to the floor, in a vertical, horizontal position. Given these characteristics, all models of flowerpots are divided into the following types:

  • Outdoor. They can be used as fencing, zoning items, decorative elements. There are no restrictions on the place of installation.
  • Boxes. On the stand, you can install pots, which serve solely for decorative purposes. A vase that is lighter than items placed on the ground. Often placed items require additional fixation.
  • Vertical and wall-mounted. A good choice in the absence of large areas.

Manufacturing methods and materials for forms

Both ready-made and hand-made models are used. With their help, basically simple in structure, standard designs in the form of geometric shapes are made. Any material at hand can be used as a sample:

  • buckets, barrels, basins;
  • carton boxes;
  • plastic, glass bottles;
  • wooden boards, old furniture, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • paint cans, rags, rubber gloves, clothing;
  • toys, shoes.

To create more complex vases, in the form of sculptures, birds, animals, fairy-tale characters, you will need the skills of a sculptor. After pouring the solution, the master, using trowels and spatulas, adjusts the dimensions.

In addition to the listed options, you can copy the finished vase using fiberglass to create the shape. You can also make interesting patterns yourself from fiberglass. However, the use of these substances will require financial investments.

Unusual ideas

Vases can decorate different areas, both public and private. There are many ideas for their creation. For clarity, consider several interesting models:

  • Imitation of hands. To do this, it is enough to fill them with a solution and dry them. Then the gloves are removed.
  • Boot. From an old shoe soaked in concrete, you can build a self-sufficient flower bed that does not need additional finishing.
  • Burdock leaves. The manufacturing process is very simple.
  • Basket. The recipe is elementary. It is enough to soak it with a cement mixture and paint it with paint. Such a flowerpot looks gentle.
  • Flower. It is made of lace fabric impregnated in a concrete composition.


Some flowerpots do not require finishing, others will not do without additional decor. Bowl decoration is a creative process. Finishing with small pebbles Unusual shape Marble-like flowerpot Flowerpot on wheels Bag-shaped flowerpots Rough bowl. A bowl painted golden is generally suitable for many styles. Broken glass, dishes, mosaics can be a good solution for decoration. Surfaces with the embossed texture of natural leaves look interesting.

What are the brands of concrete

Many people, rarely or not at all faced with construction work, can very vaguely answer this question. Moreover, for many, the brand of cement and the brand of concrete are identical concepts.

Let’s go over the terms first. Cement and water are the main components of concrete, which must bind everything into a single monolithic structure. Maintaining the correct proportion of these two components is the most important thing. Cement, interacting with water (the so-called cement hydration), sets and hardens, forming a cement stone. When hardened, concrete deforms. Due to the unevenness of the shrinkage processes, microcracks appear, which reduce the strength of the cement stone, decreases.

The role of aggregates is to create a structural framework that resists shrinkage stresses and reduces shrinkage. Aggregates significantly reduce the cost of concrete, since cement is the most expensive component of the mixture. Thus, ready-mixed concrete is a composition of four main components: cement, sand, gravel and water.


A concrete pot will be a magnificent decoration of the local area. There are many options for purchased models, even more made by hand. Concrete products have many positive qualities and do not require constant maintenance. Used in composition with other objects, to accentuate the garden interior. Concrete is a fairly easy material to work with. You can create any shapes and shapes. We are talking about a variety of cement crops.

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