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Top 10 Quickest Weight Loss Programs

Top 10 Quickest Weight Loss Programs: Did you gain weight over this past quarantine?

In the past year, we have found ourselves stuck and stagnant at home. With too much time on our hands, we’ve tried to keep occupied by finding new hobbies. Apart from that, the lockdown helped us appreciate the convenience of food delivery.

This pushed people to seek out the quickest weight loss programs as the world starts opening up. To lose pounds fast, many turned to various diet fads and trends.

In search of ways to rid yourself of some extra pounds? Here’s a guide for the latest and quickest weight loss programs and challenges.

1. Keto Diet

One of the biggest diets for weight loss that boomed a few years back is the Ketogenic Diet. This diet plan was first created for people with epilepsy. However, its popularity skyrocketed when several celebrities started recommending it.

Keto doesn’t cut out fats, meat, and dairy; in fact, it encourages it. Although, one thing that you should definitely steer clear of while on the Keto diet is carbs. Cutting out bread, pasta, sugar, and other sweets may be difficult for some.

Carbohydrates serve as fuel for the body; in excess, they become stored as fats. Keto limits the intake of carbs; doing so pushes the body to use the excess fats as fuel. There are various forms of the Keto Diet, including dirty keto, lazy keto, and keto cycling.

2. 75 Hard Program

A popular social media trend is the 75 Hard Program. It aims to create “mental toughness” and disciple in a person. Most of the fun of it comes from the challenge of joining a like-minded community.

3. Atkins Diet

At first glance, the Atkins Diet may look the same as Keto. While there are some nuances (low carb intake), the Atkins diet focuses on heavy protein intake. For a more sustainable and long-term diet plan, then the Atkins Diet might be a better choice.

Despite its first introduction in 1972, it still holds a spot in some of today’s best diets. It advises people to have a more balanced, high-protein diet while avoiding sugars. Wherein new studies show are almost always hidden in most everyday food items.

4. Fasting

Fasting is something that’s been around for centuries. In the past, it wasn’t used for weight loss but for spiritual reasons. It’s only more recently when experts linked various health benefits to it.

Depending on the length of fasting time, a person can experience different benefits. A good example is Autophagy, where the body “eats up” or uses dead or dying cells as fuel. The lack of food intake also helps regulate certain hormones.

This may lead to a better understanding of hunger and satiation cues in a person. There are multiple types of fasting. Choosing one all depends on what’s convenient and doable for you.

5. Ultrasonic Body Cavitation and Laser Lipo

If you’re looking to lose weight without any effort, then be ready to pay for it. Cosmetic procedures like Ultrasonic Body Cavitation and Laser Lipo are all the rage online. They use high-tech machines and equipment to blast the fats away.

It’s a popular choice for many influencers and the rich. Despite this, though, its effectiveness is still under scrutiny.

6. TikTok Weight Loss Dance

The TikTok app has been a constant companion to many around the world during the lockdown. This has led to multiple social challenges and trends. One of them includes the controversial weight-loss dance.

It’s an ab-dance workout popularized by TikToker Janny14906, a trainer. While some dispute its effectiveness, it’s still a fun exercise to try out. After all, we all need to get moving to lose weight.

7. Going Vegan and Plant-Based

Meat can be heavy, and the same is true for dairy. It’s hard to cut them completely out of your diet, especially at first. However, there is a ton of fat in cheese and milk, so it may be worth removing them.

High proteins found in meat help build muscle and provide energy but are easy to abuse. One of the best ways to lose weight is a vegan or plant-based diet. For a smoother transition, start by prioritizing dairy reduction first.

8. HMR Diet

A diet that’s gaining popularity for all the right reasons is the HMR Diet. Short for Health Management Resources, this diet is one of the healthiest ways. Not only does it promote a healthy lifestyle, but it also helps you ease into it.

It combines wholesome food and eating and medical weight loss with life coaches to keep you motivated. You won’t feel restricted since you don’t have to cut out foods you love. It teaches you how to create and choose a better meal replacement for your unhealthy choices.

Programs like so are more effective in the long run since it’s not a temporary solution. It encourages you to make consistent healthier choices. Without the 0-100 feeling, it’s easier to shed pounds without overthinking things.

9. HCG Diet

Another diet that stems from treatment is the HCG Diet. Similar to Keto, HCG Diet was first created for those seeking to manage fertility issues. It was later connected to weight loss after several observations.

It uses drops and oils infused with hormones to reduce appetite to induce weight loss. While it’s one of the quickest weight loss programs available, many health experts advise against it.

10. Lifestyle Change

To see change, a drastic lifestyle change is crucial. This is especially true if you live a sedentary lifestyle. Finding ways to stay active will do wonders and can include activities beyond the gym.

Don’t neglect sleep either, as proper rest also helps with recovery and burns calories. The last step is to change your eating habits and locations. Practice home-cooking, follow healthy but tasty recipes and avoid your usual fast-food joints.

The Quickest Weight Loss Programs

Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique, and the same is true of their struggle. The global situation has made it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to living healthier and attaining your ideal weight goals.

Now you know some of the quickest weight loss programs. Looking for more expert weight loss advice? Check out our other blog posts for more great tips.

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